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Ketil Beat Arnheid Worst Than A Gotham Villain…Now Talk 😡

Arnheid is beat to near death this Vinland Saga Episode 18 rant. #vinlandsaga #canute #thorfinn



I agree completely with Rocklee on this. Except the part of like Ketil up until this recent episode. I couldn’t bring myself to like him just in the fact that he is a slave master and he was basically raping arnheid. No matter what a slave is a slave and a master is a master. It doesn’t really matter that he’s not as bad as the other slave masters. At least not to me. He still owned slaves and had a non consenting relationship with his female slave like the rest of the slave owners


That is correct. unfortunately, I assumed it was happening as soon as I saw her on the farm knowing he’s a slave owner. And it was desensitized to the topic. You are certainly right.


Kinda disagree there. I don’t think you were desensitized to the topic. I think that you’re more of a person that likes to believe the good in people. Which is not a bad thing at all. I’m more of a pessimist/cynical person. Sometimes I wish I could be more optimistic concerning people


I don’t understand why so many people were focused on that part though. It’s only meant to represent what Thorfinn was saying about violence. All the fighting and war lead to that situation. It’s why I can’t be hype about Thorfinn fighting. I like seeing him trying to break the cycle.


Because it was emotionally jarring and was a climax moment for the episode. I like to see action and Thorfinn is talented at it haha. So I understand him wanting to break the cycle. I just want my “entertainment” from the media and Thorfinn not fighting is 🤷🏽‍♂️. But i respect the character and what they are doing. I came to watch Viking Warriors fight each other 😭😭😭


Nah, comments about the whole Ketil are toxic as hell. Most of the comments are people outraged just to be outraged. Not even sticking with the message or theme of this season. When Thorfinn said no one deserved to be hurt. It meant that you can’t justify any kind of violence. It’s shouldn’t be wrong that Ketil beat Arnheid but the fact he chose to beat her over talking it out.


It’s just weird I feel people are missing the boat. The same people will be excited for the fights when the war comes. They won’t have anything to say about that.


Gonna take some time for a respectful exchange haha. Your following the theme of the show. Thorfinn said xyz, so you remembered when Ketil bears Arnheid to remember Thorfinns words. It doesn’t have to be that deep to be outraged over violence against Arnheid. He beat her violently almost do death. It’s reasonable for people to get outraged about that. Thorfinn is learning what everyone already knows. Use your words first. Thats why people like me are not concerned over the idea that Ketil didn’t Use words…and just hit her because that’s respectfully a given. Thats what most conflicts are. You and I dont fight every day because we use our words hahaha. So yea. It can he wrong that Ketil beat her cuz obviously at least to you and I, he could have spoken to her. I remember Director saying the whole time “you don’t even know the full story , which is because yeah…he didnt talk to her”. I think most people know or recognize that. At least we do. Anyways. I’m real passionate. Hope you’re cool with my response. People get mad at Lee when i do this


Also even though the show has a theme or message…it’s okay to take the scenes raw and feel. I know what you mean because i often turned off my emotion for these things and do devils advocate. And followed what they wanna convey. I personally “enjoy” myself more letting my emotions work. Director just reacts with whatever he feels. I normally go with what i think. I’m abandoning my reason as of late ha


Nah I got nothing but love for you Lee. Just the comments were hell of toxic. Full of people wanting to argue why Ketil was wrong and how if you think anything but that your wrong. It’s a conversation at the end of the day. Sometimes there is no clear cut right or wrong, just dealing the cards you dealt.


Nothing but love likewise hahah. I try not to push people away these days. But i like a good debate


It’s hard sometimes to have an actual conservation. You are always trying and that’s something everyone got to work on, myself included. No reason to always fight or pick sides.


Very hard. I try and reserve debates for people i “know” or have rapport with. Thats often the key. Arguing with a stranger or user number is not personal. With you. I recognize and you seem to know my personality a bit better than the average person i read comment. Appreciate having you around


I am neutral on Ketil, but I always dislike putting our modern day views to historical life period done well what it most likely was. I watch this from 3rd perspective I can view from both perspective of Ketil/Arnheid. Life was different and views were different back then is just my policy for this.

Mahir Ducale

respect the breakdown and self awarness and I agree with you on what you said that what ketil did was scummy but if the motive was different it would've been more understandable and i think the writer did a good job of showing viewers ketil in a good light and then reminding you that he is a slave owner and any human driven to brink can lose control like that quote joker said.. ONLY SHOW THAT INVOKES SO MUCH EMOTIONS AND DISSCUSSIONS #PEAKSAGA

Mufid Lassissi

You’re comparing war to beating a pregnant woman senseless just cause she’s your slave


No I’m comparing it to the message of the arc. Where violence of any kind is wrong. It’s about thinking of other ways to solve the issue.