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Wow what an early drop! Thanks Lee 😬


Great episode, the soundtrack slaps so hard. EP5 ended with Augustana and now in EP7, it ends with Keane’s music! What a slay. I agree with Lee, I feel like Amy burned the house. After Paul went to her house and said to George “I fucked your wife”? C’mon, she’s gonna think it’s an appropriate retaliation. I actually was scared Amy was going to crash into Danny and his family driving, lol. Or, maybe Danny left the rice cooker plugged in? Hmm, I hope he show proves me wrong and it’s none of those things, haha. Oh, what if it was Isaac who burned the house?! It’s not impossible cause we saw that shot of the bushes and it seemed like someone was following him… I wonder what the dirt means for Danny and Amy: is it only depression or something else? I hope I can see more of that in the upcoming episodes.


Fun fact about David Choe who plays 'Isaac' the cousin. He was a struggling artist who had just come out of prison when he was contacted by Sean Parker. Facebook had just opened their first office and they wanted murals painted on the walls.. He offered David 60k dollars or shares in FB stocks.. David wanted the money but Sean convinced him to take the shares. Years later he sold a bunch of them and he is now worth about 300 million dollars.

Osiris Cage

Damn! I didn't know Invincible can sing

Teyon Alexander

Danny’s lie - or half truth if you want to give him some rope to hang himself with - is what made Paul go to her house. That falls squarely on Danny’s lap. Now yes, she cheated, so ultimately it’s on Amy but to suggest Danny didn’t do anything wrong is just blatantly untrue. Lying - and the need to not be alone- are Danny’s biggest problems and he makes it everyone else’s problem too.

Austin S

Danny got too many opps at this point, Isaac, Amy, Edwin 😭


Bro Danny have so many skill points in lying and he just wasn't utilizing the skilltree before lmfao

Ernest Mitchell

Bro this is the greatest reaction of all time. The moment that thing happened @21:12 tears started forming in my eyes. I knew some shit was about to go down. I couldn’t see passed the tears for a good 30 secs. I haven’t laughed like that in a long ass time. Also, the episode was amazing.