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I’m ngl… I saw Asian ppl and assumed it was a kdrama 🤷🏾‍♂️. Nobody else is gonna say it so I’ll bite the bullet lol. Imma check it out tho

Austin S

@Adorkable you know what thats fair you learned from your mistakes and telling Danny not to be like you 😭 its not worth it, but you can't be too hard on him, he retaliated when he was at his lowest, you were driving peacefully and got tilted lmfaoooo, adorkable only taking W's out here tho fr 😂


Man I think y'all wrong about the truck.Bro got his truck painted calling him a bitch and his brother is worried about the two girls.


Yeah, i don't fuck with lil bro, sorry. He is so unserious, lazy and he's not even paying rent. And i know Danny is way too rigid, but that man is struggling to make money, have a business and make his parents happy. He is depressed and no one is listening to him.

John Ng

Well… I told Lee in Discord that this is a K-Drama, so you’re not the only one 😂

Teyon Alexander

So they weren’t both at their lowest points. They were both at low points but Danny was at his lowest. He was going to try and kill himself. She was no where near that point. Regardless, both of them are a-holes who couldn’t let a moment slide and are spiraling out because of it.


I think when we say lowest just the cup is full and couldn’t handle one more frustration

Teyon Alexander

That’s fair. I don’t know how far along you three are in this but I’m excited to see how your opinions of the two main characters evolves over time.


Paul is absolutely the Victim here and the younger brother. Remembering Danny took his crypto from him and did exactly what he told danny not to do and LOST it. While Danny works he makes choices that keeps them in the whole. Painfully obviously wrong choices. Also taking access away from crypto which is a volatile market screws Paul if he needs to make a move or lose all his money. Stock and Crypto trading are legit if you know what you are doing to mitigate risk. Danny instantly called it gambling which it is…for a person who doesn’t know or understand what they are doing. Trading always requires a bit of risk but with proper discipline you win more than you lose. I’m a trader myself. I’m in an out of TSLA for it’s volatility. But if someone like Danny tries to copy me. He will LOSE. GUARANTEED. No matter how “bar” Paul is. Remember he was basically brought up by Danny from what I’ve seen so you cant expect him to be much better but he seems to be pretty intelligent and not so reckless. Me and Paul would be rich together because he’s smart and I listen hahaha. Just need the right pairing.


They're both right and wrong. Danny is struggling and trying to help the whole family, and it's obviously taking a toll on his own mental health.. but he should not have taken his crypto passwords. Paul is lazy and a little unserious about life.. but he should obviously have access to his accounts. That being said.. if you can buy a 2k chain, you can also help your brother with rent, and not just live there for free. Without going into spoilers.. that's how I feel about the situation at the moment.


They are both right and wrong: the brother, Paul, tells him to live his life and stop trusting that cousin and Danny wants him to be less lazier, be more serious and get a formal job. But Danny trusting the cousin sooo much and not listening to his brother... That will be his downfall. They are both super proud, they need to humble themselves a little.


The cousin want to appropriate his business, asking for the car as insurance for the money he borrowed, plus putting the business license in his name? I see what he’s doing, lol. And Dan’s brother trying to target the rich Asians from the OC? Genius move, but Dan doesn’t listen to anything he says and dismisses it but he doesn’t do the same with the cousin who was running illegal activities on the family business cause he’s older… It’s seniority. This show is amazing though; when Dan was saying that Amy is just a bored housewife that wants to regain control, he’s describing himself and projecting so so hard, lol. They are both so similar, it’s sad. They are both going through a lot of frustration and that beef is the inly thing they’re living for.


LOL, same Lee. When you think you're crazy on the road, there will always be someone crazier than you who would pull a gun out of nowhere, so it's best to just let things go and live our lives peacefully.


paul my fav


Personally I’d make my younger bro contribute AND let him keep his crypto. Taking the account shouldn’t have been an option in my opinion. The error in Dannys judgement over shadowed the little he was right about. People remember you faults way more than your wins ha and that was avoidable ESPECIALLY Since Danny hypothetically used it. Which undermined his own point.


44:00-46:20 That end discussion haha. Ngl you couldve been driving slow in his opinion, considering thats usually why people tailgate, and seeing you on the phone just made things worse. A slow driver and on the phone, naahhh that gonna get anyone heated lol. It's all about perspective simple as that. LOOOL girrrlll no defending you on this one, that's some petty driving haha. I love hearing driving stories, they always crazy! I've shockingly never had some super crazy stories, my wildest story was being stopped at a red light and some car just rear ended me. It didnt even just turn red, I had been stopped at the light for a while. I think they misjudged when to break cuz they werent going too fast thankfully.


I think Amy was definitely the aggressor in the situation, and to blame Danny for reacting is kind of victim blaming IMHO because she literally antagonized him and provoked him out of spite. However, he could have let it go but he took his frustration about his life out in her bathroom and that was where he didn't have to go, so he's escalating the situation and they're both now getting this weird cathartic release off of each other's anger. It's kind of a cultural thing I feel, this idea that you should just suck it up and not let it get to you and just be passive, it's what we're brought up being told by our parents to be seen and not heard...so we don't really get to be angry and if we do show anger its really not considered a valid emotion and people criticize you for expressing it even in the smallest way. /Rant

Ernest Mitchell

44:00 Bro Adorkable dug her own grave with that one. LOL