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THIS EPISODE SET ME OFF! No Ko Episode 2 Reaction To Aqua The Dream KILLER! Commentary Video

Oshi No Ko Episode 2 Reaction ➡️ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/yaboyrocklee/ ➡️ TWITTER https://www.twitter.com/YaBoyRockLee_ ➡️ https://www.pinterest.com/yaboyrocklee/ ➡️ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/yaboyrocklee ➡️ Anime Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/22236... ➡️ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@yaboyrocklee ➡️ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join our discord and talk to us directly! - Rock Nation - ➡️ DISCORD - https://discord.gg/bmYzgDz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://www.yaboyrocklee.com/schedule/ I RECEIVE FAN MAIL 20791 Three Oaks Parkway Unit 349 Estero, Fl 33929



what Aqua did is super bad but we all know the dangers of idols. i mean the stalkers are a problem some even go to the lengths of seeing their idols pics and just by whats on the background theyre able to pint point their locations. so what happened to Ai can definetly happen to Ruby too

Mufid Lassissi

Im on Aqua’s side . This is life and death. All I’m saying is if some wild shit happens to ruby in that journey she shouldn’t come crying to Aqua

Valk Eir

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but in the first part of the scene when Aqua is in the director's room, after making that fake phone call, he says "it's better that it's I alone". I think he's referring to his plan to get into the entertainment industry to find and kill his father. I have a feeling that Aqua's plotting something really bad and he doesn't want the consequences to spread to Ruby as if she was an accomplice. Probably could be seen that way if Aqua and Ruby both joins the entertainment industry and Aqua does some crazy shit that could get Ruby into trouble too. I don't know. Just some wild interpretations.


1 like and 31 comments is nuts

Zack Christensen

The problem that I have with this Lee, is that no one is really disagreeing with you. Pretty much most people, even "Team Aqua" (the whole team thing is stupid) think that his tactics were problematic. But the difference is, that we're looking at the overall picture of his actions and character instead of tunnel visioning on one aspect that we don't like. I'll put my comment from youtube here: I don't think it's justification of his actions, but rather understanding of his character, or maybe that's just me. The trauma and grief caused by Ai's death, the obsession and anger with finding his father, and the desperation of trying to hold his loved ones close so he doesn't lose them, has left him emotionally and mentally broken in a sense. I don't justify his actions, but I understand why he's like this. I don't think he's a bad or evil person, but someone who's suffering and desperately trying to protect what he holds dear, even if it's incredibly twisted. Is the character a morally bad person? That's the interesting thing about morals. Morals are different for each individual based on their perception. Aqua wanting to protect his sister is a morally good thing, and that's how he sees it. His intentions are good, but his actions aren't.

Mak V

Thank you for double downing on this. Aqua’s simps are too obsessed with his character and his ultimate goals making them unable to judge his actions fairly. They are also cruel, they want this girl to work 8 hours per day to the very old age instead of becoming at least popular on social media, making her rich regardless. They also took the narrative “idol dangerous” too seriously. They even disregard AI’s death wishes who despite all that happened to her still wished for them to become idols (people idolize actors, so it is same thing).


Im 100% on aqua's side ruby is too naive about the idol life and will most likley suffer the same fate as Ai if she continues being that naive and stupid about it.

Luke Evans

To be honest when your mom dies and your sister's catch phrase is "I am going to be like mom" it is a little worrying and as such, while I do think he is going to far. I do still think that as long as Ruby wants to "be just like her mom" she shouldn't be an idol. Just a little worried she will copy her mom to well.


Zack. The video is meant for people who think it’s okay to lie and deceive your twins siblings due to your personal experience. I understand why Aqua is motivated to be like this. So I’m not focused in that point of view. I don’t think he’s a bad person either. He’s traumatized watching Ai get Shanked up and Ruby wants to do the same thing. That part is easy to understand. I said he’s traumatized and kept the video down to 11 minutes. Traumatized was meant to wrap up his mental state cuz it’s understandable why he’s that way

Kevon, The Lord of Slimes

I love discussions like this. Because in my opinion all sides have a point and all of them are valid. And everyone should be receptive enough to hear those points and try draw the line in their own personal opinion where they lay their head and values on this matter. Its just fun to be able to have this discourse and for something like this to be present by episode 2 already shows how interesting and enrapturing this series is. I myself do think he goes to far, but also can see just how broken of a person he is to have him make this choice. I think the choice he made is based on similar decisions he made as doctor, like saying if its acceptable for a patient to do this or do that. He did that exact thing when agreeing to be Ai's doctor for her childbirth he had to confirm with himself and his patient what was best for her health then give his edict. Except now he loss the part that where its also the patients choice if he's their doctor and is only focusing on the health which in this case is his sister's health and his own mental stablility that he doesn't lose another patient.

Peacefinder Simply

I’m in the middle. I’m annoyed with aqua for doing this but I get it at least. But instead of destroying her dreams, how about being a guide, it’s not like he doesn’t have the brains to help.


He can’t be a guide, she literally wouldn’t be allowed to interact with him if she wasn’t a part of strawberry prod


so according to you, anyone working an 8 hr job is just wasting their life away and in hell? i work a 8 hr shift doing sales and i dont enjoy work. but work isnt the end all of my life. its simply a means to pay the damn bills. dreams are great and all but you cant expect everyone to achieve their dreams and sometimes their dreams turn out to be less than what they expected. let me just put it like this: the only ones that continue to dream are of two kinds 1. optimistic (naive if you want to be negative) ppl or 2. rich enough that they have the resources to do so. Those of us who dont have the skill nor the resources to pursue this luxury called a dream must live in reality. theres nothing wrong with dreaming. but sleep walking is dangerous. if ur child is sleep walking, do you just let them do it until they bump into an obstacle and hurt themselves? once again, Lee's vid is about whether or not Aqua's actions are ok. Which in turn I say no, his actions are despicable BUT understandable and necessary. Ruby wasn't going to listen to reason. Personally i dont think i can do it myself. I havent experienced trauma like Aqua so i wont pretend to understand how it feels. But from an objective side, its obvious Aqua's actions are terrible but also "the means justify the end". As long as his loved ones are safe, he is willing to be as evil as it takes. I do think its a good thing he decided to stop it somewhere in the middle. Let her be an idol but keep her close to family so they can watch over her

Wolfking Theoutlaw

So out of all the pateron shows ive seen, this is the one that finally got me to comment something haha. Although we don't know, ima go from the standpoint that Aqua knows his sister is a young girl or at least died young. Cause its been what 10-15 years living with her? I think you should be able to at least get hints shes not a grown woman. And he might have been early to mid 30s. And to have Ai die at 19, which is just super super young. I can see him taking a "guardian" or that "parental" route and forcing her to at least grow up more before taking the ultimatum dive of being an Idol. And as a big brother I "respect" it. But don't get me wrong hes crazy for the fake calls. A whole other point, what if Aqua is worried that the dad might kill Ruby too if she going into the spotlight again? But then again he could've had them killed with Ai so another theory.


Sorry gotta side with aqua here he’s way more mature and understands how dangerous the idol career is and he just doesn’t want the same thing that happened to Ai happen to her


Yea i agree with you. “He’s crazy for all the fake calls”. Lol. The whole video is for that point. Everything else I read here is besides the point haha. So i agree. I’d say…if anyone from my channel got reincarnated Aqua wouldn’t be able to tell we were adults unless we said something hahaha.


The video is about whether or not its cool to lie and deceive your sibling because you don’t agree with the career path. So to he clear. Is that the part you support? I don’t mean to sound rude. Most people all agree the industry is bad for a young girl but the part that matters for the video is…what’s acceptable method to stop your sibling.

Random Guy

it not just about getting killed. There have been scandals of agencies pimping their talents to rich people, producers, etc for sponsorships. Crazy fans are just one part of the danger.

Random Guy

Knowing the things that I know about japanese idol industry in Japan, I'd rather hurt my sister's feeling than get herself hurt being an idol. In japan you will regularly hear of Japanese idols killing themselves, getting abused, getting assaulted, getting bullied. The terrifying thing is that only a very small amount of abuses actually come out to light because of all the cover ups these agencies are doing? There was even a case with NGT48 where apparently the competition with hierarchy in the group is so competitive that her co-idols leaked her personal details leading to her getting attacked by 2 men. AKB48 (and the other 48 idol groups), probably the most popular Idol group in Japan is founded by two people. One of its founders Shiba Kotaro, is a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi Goto-gumi Yakuza group. Yamaguchi-gumi is japan's largest yakuza (known for sex industry, extortion, gambling etc ). The AKB48 management never denied their connection to the yakuza. And when they're too old they get thrown out after graduating with little to no job skills. A lot of them go to pornography of cabaret or really dangerous jobs. Knowing all that I would never risk my sister even if she hates me for it. In oshi-no-ko the only silver lining is that she is now managed by her own family so now its almost impossible for her to get backstabbed by her own agency. Probably thats why Aqua let it go in the end.

Osiris Cage

I love how a yes or no question can never be answered. Do y'all agree with his methods or not? lmao I personally do not agree. He definitely crossed the line. Yes! I understand why he did it, but it still doesn't make it right. Using trauma and mental illnesses as an excuse to do heinous things, is not ok either. If anything he needs to be getting professional help instead of interfering with his sisters life


Hahaha. Brother thanks for observing the same thing. I find most people do actually agree that is method is wrong. But they dont lead with it ha. They say a whole lot of stuff I actually agree with or agree enough to not argue. But the very criticism is triggering to people and i can bet a large portion simply know the outcome of the story so feel justified in their feelings. They know they know Ruby is going to regret the decision and cant remove the future information from their brains when making an argument in the present. Without knowing the manga information it could go extremely well or extremely bad. You can tell. It’s very subtle but its like. “Oh yall know the outcome haha. But you cant say that. Thats why this episode isn’t has 50/50 as it SHOULD be. The overwhelming support i see for Aqua despite the violation of his sister’s sovereignty lets me know y’all know the end justifies the means. While I’m basing my feelings on the current circumstances information at hand. So they would come back and say..”see i told you” and I’d say. Well if i read the writer is going to confirm Aqua making the right choice in hindsight … I would have agreed to haha. But I havnt read it lol. Thats my theory. We shall see

Osiris Cage

Man I'm with you 1000% on that theory. But we could also just be built different. Cause I know if I read the Manga, I could still make an opinion about what's currently happening in the anime. Even if I know how things will turn out. We definitely will see though 😂

Kyle Kahl

look I have a younger sibling so yes I would have done the very thing aqua did weather it was behind his back or to his face. Because not only did he pick a unless job that wouldnt give him any skills after the military. He could very well get killed, (like ruby) lucky he didnt get deployed and he wised up and changed job so now he'll be better off civilian side. (My brother and I are in the miliary)

Wolfking Theoutlaw

If I’m being honest, I just wanted to pipe in haha. I know this vid is for the full team Aqua squad peeps. But hmm, you’re saying Aqua wouldn’t be able to guess unless you guys said something? Between mannerisms, jokes, social concepts and just life knowledge. Especially after 10+ years of living with this person to figure out at least their age range. But maybe I’m going to deep into reincarnations


Well, while you’re going deep into Reincarnation. Taking in consideration your memories in the body of a younger version again. You’re now being influenced again by your hormones in a way that you have not faced in decades depending on your age now. You can legit come off as a genius kid. You can make a guess but he won’t know unless I tell him. And his guess may or may not be accurate


I don't even get the argument here. Most of us including Lee got the point: Aqua did something awful to protect Ruby which was logical and effective. The showbiz industry, especially the idol industry is exploitative by nature. They groom girls as young as 12 to be the next stars, and most fail. 15 years old is not necessarily a good age to be making life-changing decisions in an adult's world. These minors are exposed and prone to exploitations by adults in positions of power and authority over their careers. Starting at 18 when they are legal adults already to make decisions for themselves doesn't work in the idol industry. The showbiz industry is lurking with predators and groomers whether it's in Japan, Hollywood, or other countries, there's no denying that. This didn't work well for Ai who got pregnant as a minor and not having any family to take care of or watch out for her surely didn't help. Aqua cared about the end, regardless of how awful the means to that end is. It's okay to get angry about it just as much as to agree to it. In fact, they're not even mutually exclusive. You can also disagree about his means while understanding the logic. If Lee didn't like Aqua's actions, that's his reaction and opinion to hold and a very valid one, regardless if I don't share the same opinion and this is just as valid. That's just how moral dilemma goes, and it conflicted philosophers of the past as much as us at present. We should let people have opinions, whether it's the same or opposing ones.


Exactly lol. You seem to understand my entire psychology. Hahah. People dont even want me having any frustrations about the process lol and they are not listening and following my entire point. They are cherry picking sentence phrases and arguing with that. And most dont watch the full video. People argue about a sound byte