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Sorry about missing end credits they pop up like 1/15 watches lol.  

When talking i turn down the TV and normally look for it eventually if the show has previews that pop up, i start pausing to avoid the preview, i really don't think too deeply about it in the zone. 

It just happens and when i think back bout the mistake, i see why i did that, cuz shows without previews I normally let run to the bitter end.

If you know the show has end credits, a heads-up is dope.  Anyways, I'm sorry about the End credit mistakes on Mob.  

Also no reason to spread a bad vibe in the comment section, i go ahead and just remove those when i see it.


Mikal Adkins

It's all good, Lee. Honestly I be missing a lot of end credits myself because it's hard to tell whether a show has end credits or not. One moment they make the episode a bit longer than usual which hints at there possibly being an end credit than they make ends credits that last as close to thirty seconds at best which you won't be able to tell unless you're the type of person to really pay attention to the runtime or you always check for end credits.

Destiney Marie

It’s all good. End credits aren’t story changing or anything like that😭. I understand wanting to see your reaction to them cause sometimes they are interesting but, people should not be leaving negative comments because of it.

Brian Carotenuto

All good Lee there are some anime that only do end credits on like a couple of the episodes and then there are anime that do end credits on all the episodes. It's really hard to tell and when you guys are talking for your outro conversation you're not really paying attention anyway cause you're into your conversation so don't worry about it too much man you're doing a great job.

Destiney Marie

Also I really only know to check for end credits from watching other people otherwise I would’ve skipped all of them😂.


I completely understand. I don't think folks should take it too seriously either. Usually whatever is in the end credit isnt even that important, that's why it's at the end where it can be missed. Even if it is important the point gets reiterated upon in the beginning of next ep usually. Ya'll are not gonna be lost and that is what matters. So take it easy.


End credits are mid anyways lee

Jesse Gallimore

It's cool, you didn't miss vital information to the plot. I imagine you were a little confused about how Reigan got there at the start of the next episode, but your brain can fill in the gaps. The important part is that he is there, not how he got there.


Yeah, Mob weirdly has some extreamly toxic fans. No worries tho my man. Keep up the good work! <3


There'll be literally no gaps. Episode 11 explains exactly how Reigen got there. The post credit scene is completely irrelevant.

Jesse Gallimore

Lol you're right, it's so irrelevant I forgot what even happened and got it backwards.


I know I am late cause I been dealing with work but I was just disappointed thats all. That specific end credit could have changed up your whole ending discussion because it had Reigan showing up and "acting" or "portrayed" like he was the boss of the organization and with the way adorkable was acting she was already suspicious of him so it would have been funny to see your reactions at the end of the episode and trying to draw all of these conclusions that weren't actually gonna happen. Just trying to explain my side of things. Not a big deal though.

L.C. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-10 23:10:45 Why are my quotes popping up like that? I just reread my comment and instead of normal quotation marks it says "????
2023-04-10 22:44:47 Why are my quotes popping up like that? I just reread my comment and instead of normal quotation marks it says "????

Why are my quotes popping up like that? I just reread my comment and instead of normal quotation marks it says "????


ye thats liek top 3 scenes in the show for me.