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Something I never thought I'd say to another man.. I love YOU, but I need that BEEF 🥴


I honestly think joe is just as bad as love😅 Love is crazy but neither of them(except when they were kids) have valid reasons for murdering people. Joe stalks then kills people and love just kills people😂 I don’t think one is worse than the other. This show does an amazing job and making you feel like you should root for these people when in reality they’re horrible


Great end discussion.

Samke Dladla

Candace wasn't the first person he killed (at least thought he did) after his stepdad. It was her producer when he pushed him off the roof.


Love is an impulsive killer. Joe is a calculated killer. Both are terrible and they are both delusional because the mental gymnastics to justify their killings is crazy LOL


Also, y'all should get a kill counter going for these too. So far as we know, Joe's kill count is: his stepdad, Candace's manager, attempted to kill Candace, Benji, Peach, Paco's abusive stepdad, Beck, Henderson, the mafia guy that came after Will... I'm losing count lol but I think that's it? Then there's Beck's therapist Uncle Jessie who he technically didn't kill but framed for murder and is serving a life sentence. Love's kill count: babysitter, Candace, Delilah, Natalie the neighbour.

strange& sleepless

Nah joe is just as impulsive, the difference is he's able to stay levelheaded and deal with it afterwards. A lot of his kills were so stupid and thoughtless that he really really should have gotten caught for them.


I love Love and am in full support of her. It’s because the I saw the actress in Hauntinga of Hill House first.


Adorkable going off in the intro for the cheating! YAAAAAS. Same. It’s the most passionate I’ve seen Adorkable, haha. Anyways, I know it’s not the same situation but Joe’s mom getting hit by his Dad and the au pair giving drugs to Forty as well as partaking in sexual acts with him is abuse. Both of those things are abuse, but in a different manner so I don’t defend what they both did in those situations but I understand it. Both Joe and Love act impulsively though, Joe in Season 1 specifically, haha. But the show has a way for the audience to agree with Joe, but they are both one and the same, Joe and Love, that’s why he lost that spark, cause when he looks at Love is like seeing himself in a mirror, just like the therapist mentioned.


Planning a murder is worse than killing someone on a frenzy I think, haha. Because you know you will kill someone and you are planning that death beforehand, premeditatedly and that’s insane. Your mind is all right with it and you are taking your time and enjoying that process (like Joe, lol. Both things are awful, but planning a murder is a bit more psycho for me. So in that aspect, Joe is crazier than Love, but he masks it well.


Medication isn't good for anyone. If people become someone else, the pills are not going to bring that person back. Same goes for someone without a personality altering problem like depression and anxiety. You need to teach them discipline and integrity. Lessons that cannot be forgotten and are hard to learn. Not everyone can do that for people so they opt out for medication and ruin peoples lives through proxy and literal indoctrination. Telling people of the future that if they pay big pharma enough per month, they can stay sane. A literal subscription to health. Do not pretend like it's a healthy thing to artificially alter your brain chemistry. It's not.


I dunno what’s going on. Sometimes it’s unhealthy to leave your brain chemistry as it is regardless because it’s imbalanced so your stuck in a catch 22.