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Uncanny Counter Begins May 15th 2023

Kim Se-jeong Supremecy

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Business Proposal Episode 11 uncut

Watch "Business Proposal Episode 11 uncut" on Streamable.



Damn, I'm kinda disappointed Goblin loss but I enjoy these reactions so i'll give Uncanny Encounter a watch.


It seems like we can record goblin at any time while uncanny counter has a second season coming up in two or three months probably


Excited to watch these last 2 episodes tonight after work and the next kdrama is just lit! 🔥 Btw, just a friendly reminder, the spelling should be Uncanny COUNTER, not Encounter. Just worried that some people might not find the title while searching. Thanks guys!


Still watching this video but really appreciate the deep dive in the beginning. Y'all are amazing!

Abdul Basit Bebal

ahh i was looking forward to goblin so much


Hyung/hyungnim is how males say older brother :)


The shower jokes 😂😂 adorkable they about to get sweaty anyway lmfao they can take a shower together 💀


I love the way you recapped their sweet date! And lmao at your reactions with our sweet little innocent Hari doing some sexy action at the end😂 You guys probably forgot how much of a tease she was on the blind date in the first episode and during Taemu's imagination when he was in US 😂 And girly initiated their kisses and had some lowkey horny moments but always tried to fight it so she probably released everything in that last scene 😂


Regarding the sweat, I heard Koreans dont smell that bad, probably because of their genes? And the cold weather. Correct me if Im wrong.


Understandable. I also thought the same before 😂


Lol. You’re so right. I thought about it later. She actually was a lowkey high key freak. But he smile too innocent. See how I’m fooled 😂


Lee is right: if you’re in the mood and you take a shower, the mood is ruined and the spontaneity of the moment is lost, lol. I’m sure a lot of people think like Adorkable, saying they needed a shower, but it is that it is, haha. This was a great episode and your reactions were super funny and entertaining, as usual.


Yea. My life style was different too. Could never leave the club expecting the lady to shower first. Aaaand was sweaty together at the club. All that tension waiting to get to the crib and sometimes deeds was done on route to the house lol. Also them pheromones a bit stronger when the lady had mild sweat. I’m bout to act up in this comment let me stop. Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday. Gonna buy some things. I’m just excited.


There's kind of something to what Lee said about how the show didn't sell us a "sexed up Ha-ri", it's intentional. Korean media tends to skew on the more innocent traditional side of femininity and view women who are aggressively sexual as bad or villainous. You'll notice it the more you watch shows. We don't actually "see" sex scenes with the happy healthy couples, but if they're a nasty grimy villainous couple(The Glory, Squid Game) it's raw and visceral. They want us to be disgusted. It's to enhance the flaw in their nature. Therefore when we do see this come from a character like Ha-ri we're also enticed and shocked because it's unfathomable but also the mood is amped up completely differently. It's intimate and romantic vs explicit and raw.


Another note to Adorkable about the shower thing, it's actually a biological fact that the best time to have sex is right after a jog or working out :) the pheromones + the endorphins built up make it better~ and biologically depending on your diet and climate certain people don't have bad body odor. Genetically and biologically, they also don't wear deodorant in Korea because they don't have the same gene that presents that stink smell.

Amanda P


Podcast Fandom Premium

Yeah, they don’t smell like we do when they sweat. I’m in Korea now and was warned to not forget deodorant because the deodorant here isn’t strong at all.

Ed Hwang

The Human Genome Project is a modern scientific feat, mapping and sequencing human DNA. What we are learning is amazing. Body odor is genetic. East Asians, predominately don't have the sequence, and Koreans it's almost 100%.


Lmao. We gonna let that one go. The topic is borderline uncomfortable for her. She skips these scenes on her own time. Lol. I only explained enough cuz she was the same during “You” like in the same week of recording. Lol. So I’m having to gently let her know….this is normal lol. She’s not exposed to that information in her church world and het friends don’t talk about this stuff lol.


Gotcha~ I only meant to be educational on the body odor gene part but got carried away


let her cook boys, sexy ha-ri is the truth