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Man wait till season 2 😂


I disagree on the whole your privacy is someone else's. Like I can understand minor things. But BIG Things For - Example: my Mom talks about something that she wants only me to hear, NOBODY! NOT EVEN MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER CAN LOOK THROUGH IT. ( In My Opinion ) (P.s. Big things meaning stuff that concerns BOTH of us directly.)

strange& sleepless

I half way through season 4. So far season 2 is my favourite.

dooba dooba

(Spoiler alert) I liked all the seasons. I feel like Season 4 was a little bit of "this show is doing good lets make some money" but done in a good way, there is still story to tell so might as well, even tho Season 3 would have been a perfect ending. Doesn't mean S4 is bad tho, it was fun lol


I respect that. We agree on the facts, cuz despite you saying you disagree lol….i agree with your example. It’s beyond reasonable. I dont know what was said word for word at this point. So you disagree with the presentation or we said something bad. But while i believe in transparency the reasonable significant other is not gonna snoop through your family stuff and try and access the privacy OF OTHER PEOPLE who you have a relationship with. So that makes sense. See Lee does not have privacy from my wife…my sister does, my mom does, Director does. She has to respect their privacy. Notice i left out AdorkableNerd ha. A WOMAN without family relation understands they cant text me something private in the first place. That sets up the stage for problems. So my relationship with women is basically accessible to my wife because things can look shady really fast. She arrives to our house 4x a week. I gotta keep a flow of trust with everyone or it does not work. So yeah. I generally agree with you. There are exceptions and you covered examples I agree with


Poor Beck. She was a mess but she didn’t deserve what Joe did to her. Same with Dr. Nicky; yes, he cheated and he’s trash but going to jail for something he didn’t do? Yikes. Penn Badgley’s narration is top tier, it really is. He’s great, haha.


Thank you so much for the explanation. I just needed A full picture on the point thanks.👍🏾👍🏾😁


The discussion in the beginning about privacy is weird. The technology has wired our brains to think differently. Why is not showing your significant other your phone suspicious? It’s really because technology evolved; It gave easier access to ways to cheat. Everyone learned this through personal experience or through others. Thus, there is a degree of uncertainty and insecurities deep in our minds.


All good fam. Yeah thats a complex area Privacy. Often one rule doesn’t work as we insert more variables…what if a text from mom? What if a message from the president and its national security hahaha. Lol. Nuance. But I’m glad you shared your example


Why is not showing your significant other your phone suspicious? Because you’re hiding something and we live in a real world where shady thinking happen. A bit of transparency. In most cases you do no not need to show your phone. But if I’m awkwardly in the hallway texting….it’s shady. Lol. So I’d show my phone for reassurance cuz i got caught in a sus moment. Or i get a text from Adorkable, I show my phone if needed to reassure there is nothing to worry about because we live in a real world where people betray others trust. I imagine even a good portion of people already been cheated on or knows someone close to them who has. So rather than allow a potential insecurity or doubt to fester one can reassure the partner with transparency. There is nuance like the comment above you where I explained. But yea. Thats the explanation. I don’t look through my wife’s phone because her actions don’t warrant insecurity from me. She sits and texts without tilting her phone away or anything like that. So i dont even feel a urge to want to know. I’m naturally a secretive person and i move oddly so when I notice it, i over correct and show what I’m doing. If I’m texting my best friend. She doesn’t have to read the details but see who I’m messaging. If I’m texting AdorkableNerd, she gets to read that one. Thats a woman thats close to me. If it’s my mom or sister I generally don’t need to share those details but just show that it’s mom. In my case. I was met as a flirt with a lot of lady friends even though i appear lame on camera lol. Women like me 🤷🏽‍♂️. Lol. So anyways I offer reassurance with transparency and I have no issues


Yeah I read your comment above. I wasn’t necessarily disagreeing but rather stating technology changed us as a society. Back in the early 2000s this wasn’t even really a thing. In the 1990s my big bro had a pager and that was the thing. It was much more analog and harder to prove. People also usually only operated in their particular area. The doubts were probably always there. When you think about phones today, your reach is much wider. The ease of communication is a double edge sword. It also multiplies any concerns and doubts. Not just with cheating but with any kind of relationships. I just find it interesting is all. It’s one of those thoughts you have in the shower when you reflect on life (I know I’m not the only one who does this).


I never dealt with pagers. Had a cellphone in high school and I know AdorkableNerd did too. So we pretty much started serious relationships with cell phones being a thing. You sound like my sisters sge. Early 40’s? The next part is how age, location impacts your view on this topic. My youngest Nephew has a phone since like 7 lol. My daughter isn’t allowed to have one till she is 10. I think thats a bit early. i’ll figure that out when we get there lol. I messed up already saying that and not expecting her to remember but she does and I don’t go back on my word


I’m not in my 40’s yet, that’s my siblings age. Just hit the mid 30’s, I just got three older siblings. I’m just one of five believe it or not. I agree, age does play a big part. A lot changes for people from your, teens, 20’s, 30’s, etc. Then your location and the company you keep, also changes as you age. Which changes your outlook on life and relationships.


So random for me to jump in, but this is in response to your discussion in the above comment. It may not be such a bad idea for your daughter to have a phone at 10, even if it sounds early. My mom bought me a prepaid phone around that age (4th grade), since I was starting karate with my younger brother, and she felt it was the best way for us to stay safe and call for help if needed. I would use the phone to call her after karate class ended for her to pick us up. At that age it made me feel like an adult having a phone, even though I only used it to call my mom loool. This was the early 2000's. By middle school I upgraded to a flip phone with limited texting allowed, and smartphone in highschool with full freedom with unlimited calls/texts/internet. As your daugher is a young girl in the world we live, maybe giving her a simple phone at 10, not a smartphone would allow her to contact you or know where she is if in trouble. As she proves to be responsible with the phone you can discuss getting a smartphone as she ages. I know how scary this world can be as a girl, so I just felt it would be helpful to share my experience.


thank you Jessica, thats likely the type of path I'll follow. She's a good kid with a conscience...a better person than me. lol...She's the one that tells me to stop cursing in my videos and stuff. I don't know where she gets her morals. I thank you for chiming in


I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this series. So many people think it's over the top (it is) but that's exactly why its such a fun show to watch/react to. When you sit back and think of it as something that happens in real life it's also absolutely horrifying but it's utterly fascinating watching it from this point of view. I'm eager to see your reaction to season 2 next!! still my absolute favorite season