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Yeah, I think you guys hit the nail on the head with the post-discussion. As far as Al's concerned, he got what he wanted. Either he does manage to get into power and uses his vampire brainwashing/charming ability to make all of the nobles behave and accept Anis, or Anis defeats him and gets the credit for stopping this uprising, and becomes next in line for the throne because he's gone. Either way, he accomplishes his goal. He hated the kingdom because of the nobles anyway, so him getting exiled just gets him away from them. I did like that we got more into Anis's perspective. From what we knew so far, she was just the goofball who abandoned the throne to do her own thing and have fun, but there was actually a hidden deep reason for it.


So something the anime left out that explains more why they weren’t willing to let the prince stay was he can’t have an heir now that he’s a vampire. There’s just no way he can inherit the throne and keep the royal line going


lol so true, i find the prince interesting, but yeah... he's dumb


This man Algard was watching 2 much code geass


25:59 it would be so funny if he also became his sister's assistant

Random Guy

I've said it in their youtube channel as well, but Prince Algard is the best play in the entire series so far. 1.) He made up with his sister 2.) He got vampire powers 3.) He's pretty much immortal now 4.) He got away from his responsibilities as crown prince 5.) He single handedly killed majority of the opposing faction against the royal family 6.) He stopped a coup by snitching 7.) He probably didnt even lose his royal status 8.) After all that shit, he only got exiled, thats just a slap in the wrist 9.) He's probably gonna be back (maybe as an adventurer or something) when they need a helper of some sort

Hana keiser

23:51 is a fucking MOOD. like i know it probably hits hard for most people but growing up expecting/wanting boobs and getting a beard from puberty made that shit HIT extra hard XD