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Peak Morning. Eminence and Ramen for breakfast. The content is way more digestible for me now that i understand the gag on the character. I can read without being confused and now I actually like Cid individually. Seems the only validation he seeks is is own approval. Lol. He’s a role model. Anywyas. Fun read. I won’t go past the anime. I just bought 4 volumes.




Glad you’re getting into manga more

UltrA_ Ojisan

vol 6 comes out in April which is still behind the anime.

Gavin Daniels

Would you suggest getting it even after watching the anime? Been thinking about getting it but haven’t been sure. I usually prefer the mangas to be a little different from the animes so it feels like new content

Random Guy

it is a little different tho. LIke the masks, some of the dialogue, or you could just buy the story after the anime.


I'd recommend. The Manga leans into comedy more compared to the anime and LN. Honestly all 3 works all have a unique spin to them that make checking them out worthwhile.


Anime ends at chapter 26!


How awesome as a huge Slime fan (Guess the profile pic gives it away) i can recommend the slime manga so much. I know you most likely won't have time for it, but what RockLee fan would i be if i did not have unreasonable demands that you watch everything i want ;) PLEASE READ THIS CHAPTER It adds more depth to Rimuru's fight with Falmuth and it is beautiful and is NOT a spoiler: https://chapmanganato.com/manga-tz953334/chapter-70.5 This is the link to the manga: https://chapmanganato.com/manga-tz953334 Chapter 88 is where the 3 season will pick up


Manga HULK version of Cid before he goes crazy and dies on the truck is funny =)


Since they screwed up the anime I highly suggest reading tokyo ghoul. Its in my opinion very amazing


Please don't remind me Tokyo Ghoul has an anime. I've been doing amazing forgetting that shit even exists lol