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Trayvon Brown

Perfect timing, i just left the gym. Ellie's mom is the actress for Ellie in the game

Smash Bran'Discootch

Man I'm gonna have to watch this in bursts between jobs. Oh man I'm sooo stoked to see what y'all think of this.

Trayvon Brown

The ending is a big reason why people love the game so much and people have been debating the ethics of it since it first came out. The pro & anti Joel sides both have valid points even if i lean more anti but i understand why he did what he did and support the writers ending the story that way.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Facts man. Also that's an awesome way to look at things. Depending on the day, I agree or disagree with Joel's choice. But regardless of which it is, it was such a human choice. The writing to be able to fully understand a character's motivations, whether you agree with them or not, is just master level. And I applaud the writers for their bold choices so much.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh yeah, the girl who played Ellie's mom is Ashley Johnson who also voices Ellie in the game and who voices Pike in The Legend Of Vox Machina. Also Laura Bailey(Vex, Lust, Shin Chan, Kid Trunks) made a cameo as one of the nurses.

Trayvon Brown

Yep, on my first experience with the game i had a visceral negative reaction to Joel even if i thought it made sense from his perspective. But through time, arguments, and just listening to people discuss the game i've mellowed out on him. What a brilliant ending.


Ah yes I’ve been debating and talking about the ending all day with my inner circle and people on the internet. A great ending for talking and to get your show trending


I think what Marlene meant by cordyceps thinking she's infected is the actual fungus once bitten not the infected people always chasing them. Also since the fungus grows in the brain the actual chemicals they need would be inside the fungus in her brain, can't really just take a piece and call it good. At least that's my head cannon on it. I doubt we'll ever know if they actually could have made a cure or vaccine but I'm just going off of what the firefly doctors said. A chance at a future is better than no future


Also agree with yall on the lack of infected kinda bringing down the series as a whole. The lack of them kinda threw me out of the immersion that it's an infected running wild apocalyptic world


Ellie gave birth to Ellie and past on the last of us


The creator years ago said that it would have worked. The focus of the game and show is love and what it can drive a person to do. It’s why the show has little infected.


I must have missed that interview but sure love and drive for that person is nice and all but the world felt a little empty by comparison to the games. The threats being left almost completely to other survivors is pretty meh. Personally, I think the show is a good adaptation but still falls short of the game by a decent margin

Teyon Alexander

There’s a pair of nurses to pass the story on to whomever may come looking.


The show could have had more action but that’s why we have the game. I want the show to bring people to the game. It really makes no sense for people not to play it at this point because you can always find some time.

Smash Bran'Discootch

So originally, this is where the game ended, almost exactly like that. And there wasn't going to be a sequel. There were no plans to make a sequel and the entire plan was for the story to end right there. The writer said that unless there was another story in this world that needed to be told badly enough, they wouldn't make a sequel. Well, they found that story. Also when it comes to the levels of infected, I can understand where yall are coming from if you come into the show expecting that. But like, The Infected and the whole apocalypse are all just the background against which they use to tell human stories. That's why the series takes place 20 whole years after the apocalypse. Because the apocalypse isn't what matters. The stories between the human people are what matters, so that's what the show focuses on. But I totally understand your perspective, my dude and there's nothing wrong with that. Just if that's what you're looking for in The Last Of Us, you're probably gonna end up pretty disappointed.


This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about morality, "A hero would sacrifice you for the world, A villain would sacrifice the world for you." Having said that, in Joel's position I would 100% have made the selfish choice and save Ellie.


Honestly, HUGE shout out to whoever told you guys to speak your mind at the end of the show, it's a reaction channel and I wanna know your reactions towards the show! At the very least, I would like to see it as a patreon only. I also think the end discussion as a 'review' of the show was handled extremely well: you guys gave your thoughts on what you as a viewer wanted more out of the show, but at the same time you recognized the positives of the show. Ultimately people who like the show's positives will like the show even if it wasn't for you specifically.


Yea. The gentleman who suggested that is Thamor. He’s around keeps me in check. Haha. But I’m glad you were able to handle the delivery of those final thoughts


The hospital hitted different than in the game...but it's still a really well done finally

94_h (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-14 00:21:13 Also, that huge lie is gonna bite Joel in the ass next season 100%. Something like that won’t be forgotten. I know nothing about the video game, but I’m sure it will come up. Didn’t he leave 3 of the surgeons alive? Or did he killed them all? I’m sure there are 3 that were left alive… Or am I tripping? It’s very sad because he has bonded with Ellie and it’s like he has come to realize that Ellie is his “Sarah”.
2023-03-13 23:20:58 I LOVE when Lee is about to say something and he says “Nevermind, I was about to say dumb stuff” and retracts himself, lol. It’s so funny! I respect you for that. Also, that huge lie is gonna bite Joel in the ass next season 100%. Something like that won’t be forgotten. I know nothing about the video game, but I’m sure it will come up. Didn’t he leave 3 of the surgeons alive? Or did he killed them all? I’m sure there are 3 that were left alive… Or am I tripping? It’s very sad because he has bonded with Ellie and it’s like he has come to realize that Ellie is his “Sarah”.

I LOVE when Lee is about to say something and he says “Nevermind, I was about to say dumb stuff” and retracts himself, lol. It’s so funny! I respect you for that. Also, that huge lie is gonna bite Joel in the ass next season 100%. Something like that won’t be forgotten. I know nothing about the video game, but I’m sure it will come up. Didn’t he leave 3 of the surgeons alive? Or did he killed them all? I’m sure there are 3 that were left alive… Or am I tripping? It’s very sad because he has bonded with Ellie and it’s like he has come to realize that Ellie is his “Sarah”.

jason ross

Based on the show I’m questioning how badly the world is overrun with infected. We hardly see any of them and because of that I’m kinda leaning more toward joel’s side about saving ellie. I wouldn’t want to just sacrifice a child I love like a daughter if all it takes to avoid the infected is staying away from cities because other than that we barely saw any


I think the main reason that Marlene was straight with Joel and told him the truth is because she didnt expect Joel to have connected with Ellie emotionally. Up until this point, Joel is known for being a basically heartless monster who does whatever he needs to do to survive. He didnt even seem to care about Tess the same level that Tess cared about him (which Tess mentioned). She was just cargo to him... or that is how it was supposed to be. I dont think Marlene expected at all that he would go ballistic and kill people for cargo. Even through most of the journey, Joel constantly tried to keep his distance emotionally from her. So I dont really fault Marlene for telling him. Hes supposed to be a professional killer/merc delivering cargo for a price, not a worried father who would watch the world burn to save one girl. There wasnt really a reason to lie to him. That said, once she saw that he DID care a lot about her and was getting upset at the thought that Ellie was a sacrifice, she really should have offed him. Letting him live at that point is too risky. Even if they got him out and the surgery went well, you have to think that Joel, being the skilled killer he is and clearly emotionally invested in Ellie, may come back some other day and kill everyone involved, maybe their family just to make a point.


I bet if Adorkable was in Joel's shoes and Ellie was a cat it would be game blouses. Humanity is done for. Adorkable is killing every firefly to rescue that cat. Lol. 🤣

mykel armenta

The actress who played Ellie's mom is actually the voice and face of Ellie in the Last of Us video game. So good catch on her sounding and looking similar, Adorkable.


So funny that you recognized the grunting similarities because I had the same experience watching Vox Machina and recognizing that Pike grunts exactly like Ellie from the games. Ashley Johnson has a very distinguishable grunt, I guess, and I wonder if Bella Ramsey tried to mimic it, because she nailed a lot of the more memorable scenes perfectly. I totally agree about the lack of action. I get that they meant to strip out most of the action from the game and focus on the major story points, but they stripped out more from the latter half, so it feels like they rushed a bit. In the game, Jackson had a battle scene where raiders try to take the dam, but it's nice because Joel and Tommy get to fight together again. In the University, there's raiders and infected that they need to clear out from the whole building, and the scene where Joel gets hurt is way cooler than him just getting stabbed. In the Ellie flashback, Ellie actually goes to an abandoned mall to try to find first aid equipment to help Joel (instead of just finding it upstairs) and the mall there triggers her flashback with Riley. While she's at the mall she fights off a bunch of raiders by herself like a badass. I would've liked to see them add in another episode or so to bring in one of those fights, and I think it would've rebalanced the lack of action in the back half of the season, but I guess they felt like they had enough of what they did want to convey.