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As you may know or not know on week day recordings director has another job. He brings his laptop over. Anyways there are Times AdorkableNerd and I sit around for 2-20 minutes in between recording until he’s ready. I thought of a podcast before with her but the minutes are too inconsistent. So what I thought of his doing a questionnaire that her and I. Mostly her can answer for viewers and post more short content in addition to the reactions while Director is occupied lol. He doesn’t like being left out. But I told him…we only doing this cuz you are working and AdorkableNerd here playing a mobile game and I’m looking around. So it’s my way if maximizing down time with something Easy to do.

Soooo what are some of questions or take your interest in hearing from adorkable or me or both of us. I’ll go for questions that i think have the broadest Appeal to viewers.  So for example. Who wins EXHAUSTED deku after 4 weeks of fighting no rest or healthy Bakugo 😂. Is a question that will get chosen over something like “what’s your favorite food?” Lol. The idea with content is a viewer should find it interesting even if they dont know who we are and thus gain subscribers lol…..”but but but Lee i wanna know what her favorite food is!”  Lol my objective is to grow the channel while keeping as much if you happy as possible. Lol.

I’m like a 2nd world nation under dictatorship focused on driving this economy! Lol.

Anyway comment away. I do this weekly


AdorkableNerd & Rock D Lee Short Suggestions


Smash Bran'Discootch

What is the earliest anime you ever remember watching, or conversely, what is the show that got you fully hooked on anime?

John Ng

While not wanting to waste any time whilst waiting for Director is commendable... please don't let this stress you too much to get another episodic trip to the hospital. You can use the few minutes to rest awhile rather than stress yourself. With the rant out of the way... If you were to choose one anime character to get into a long-term relationship, who would that be? And why do you choose him/her? 🙃


Has there ever been a franchise or series you’ve always wanted to get into on your own time/for reactions but never could for whatever reason?


What would be your aura type and personal nen ability?


Why is "That 70s Show" considered to be a top tier anime? Explain.


What category/type animes do you guys like and why? Which ones would you refuse to watch and why?


My suggestion is "what's your hottest/bravest food take?" something like people going "pineapple pizza is a crime", for me is i hate raw onion, i even eat my tacos with just cilantro, lime and salsa but i love caramelized/roasted onion.


I’d like to ask what’s Adorable favorite series and does she read manga?

Brian Carotenuto

Loving the video as always I like the interaction you guys always have with us so I posted the my question on YouTube but I'm also going to post it here so here goes...... who would win in a fight Ainz From overlord or Rimuru from that time I got reincarnated as a slime


If y’all had to pick 5 people from blue lock and make a team, who would you pick?

Amir Shipp

If you were isekai'd into a K-Drama, which one would it be?


What Anime have you watched that you actually regret watching. Ones you've watched an entire season of, not ones you started and quit right away because you could tell that quickly. the sort of shows that just left you feeling bad, un-entertained or just had zero payoff


Alright I gots a few Who in bleach do you believe has the most HANDS/technique? No powers or bankai just pure sword skill or fighting skill If you could pick any anime character as your teacher/sensei who would it be and why? If you could have the powers of any Black Clover character who would it be and why? If you could get the raw skill of any anime character who would it be and why? Like no powers but just their fighting abilities Who wins? All Black Clover squad captains (Excluding Wizard King, he kinda strong ngl) VS Byakuya, Renji Ikakku and Rukia Any of those questions work and I think they'd be pretty fun to answer


I mean, yall could react to some anime shorts as well. There's plenty of 3 and 12 minute long shows out there that are decently funny

Jessica Sanabria

I’d like some reactions to BTS music videos because they’re insanely good but I’m also super biased since I love them.


Aiming at YouTube shorts. I just q and A format cuz the editing is minimal like. I dont even need to do Much. Shorts also get easy views on youtube. Shorts also dont use up my notification limit of 3 videos a day. Shorts also gotta be 60 seconds or less. I take the same short and place on instagram reels which is monetized and than tiktok. Lol