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Jason Ross, yesterday you were let down.  
Forgotten, but don't worry.
It's not gonna happen again...see after yesterdays failure by the Yaboyrocklee channel, I thought to myself...how can I protect Jason?  How Can I be..better?
I thought to myself...i can follow my commitments.
And you know what Jason...I can do that..
I will do that..
For you...See Jason...I noticed you...and I...Lee will make sure I do everything possible to keep you happy.  Whatever it takes...

Sincerely, Rock D Joe

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jason ross

Don’t even sweat it lee. I love y’all reactions. That’s the reason why I keep checking to see if a new one dropped

Coping McCoperson

Timing on point, was deadass just asking in discord about this. Is Grand Blue also getting posted today then or does it start next week?


I think Joe meant Annika thinks he's amazing? Could be wrong


i think the dog ran away from peach for the same reason our pup runs away from inukai.


Joe a villain ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


The video description, hahahaha. Genius. Anyways, Joe is obsessed with Beck the way Peach is, but even worst because he killed people. Peach is literally the female Joe, lol. They both think they love Beck and that they can save her…Annika was right: Peach and Beck are both so codependent, wow. I wanted to add that Penn Badgley’s narration is absolutely amazing: he has the perfect inflection and he’s such a great actor.


12:07 When Annika said Adorkable's name she got all happy. 😁😊 "Me, she said my name". It was nice to see.


Peach would be doing the same thing if she was male, also I wouldn't doubt she would poison someone if she thought it necessary.


You won't force people to go to things they don't prefer, that is not how human beings work. Everyone will pick and choose their own preferences.


As a black guy what Annika said didn't offend me at all plus lets keep it real most of us Black guys like our women on the thick side , so of course she would likely get hit up by more black guys, that's just reality. Not the made up fantasy world that people online live in


Yeaaaa lmao. I started being most attracted to Annika of the group too. All that thickness. Maybe they wanted to keep her character redeemable and not drastically cross a line to offend black people in real life. I’m used to much worst lol.