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small line Beck said that sums up her entire character she said to joe " ive had dozens of those" which is men shes thought were the one for her. that screams serial dater, and massive CODEPENDANCY issues. all from that one little line LOL. in the words of J Cole. Dont save her joe. she dont wanna be saved dont save her


Director's face everytime Blythe came on to the screen was priceless.

Joseph LeRoy

See what happens when you put the pussy on a pedestal lol.


Well Kyle think you have seen season 1 'nuff said =)


HAHAHAHA, the ending of the episode is top tier! One of the best endings for an episode, lol. I feel like Peach knows what Joe does or maybe has a hunch because no way a person can tie 2 and 2 together TWICE! First cock-blocking them out of nowhere and then finding out that a book from her bookshelf is missing right on the exact moment Beck is there with her? Sus. She’s actually right, lol.


The last 3 seconds is the most appaling thing this man has done so far...come on man Joseph


YBRL giving all the sauce how to handle your over excitement going to your girl first time, listen all if you know these advices :D

jason ross

This show got me questioning myself. The murder and stalking had me not really caring either way, but the way joe was just watching beck get her back blown out while he’s just simping away outside really bothered me. This guy need to leave beck for the streets and focus his twisted mind on something else for the show because watching a man cuckolding aint it


"All Might holds his form longer" YBRL COOKING our boy Joe hahahaha