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Daniel Gonzalez

Goddamnit now I gotta experience this shit for the like the 4th time curse you Lee and YaboyRockLee channel I cant not watch your reaction but I'm not happy bout it

Daniel Gonzalez

The VAs killed it like Juggernaut did the Astrea familia (I'm sorry) seriously the way Ryuu called out Bells name and pleading with him I was starting to get worried I also love when episodes bleed the OP or ED into the show


Man it's quite brutal to see them go down one by one. This is by far one of the best danmachi episode


This is one of those episodes that I really don't want to experience more than once, heh. The moment I saw there was no OP this week, I knew it was time for pain.

Anthony Nguyen

The full version of the insert song that plays during the battle with the Juggernaut, "Not meet doubt" is out on YouTube. It's sung by Ryuu's voice actor, Saori Hayami. The music composer Tweeted asking for folks to share and repost it to support. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRIJ7PSAHkk

Donnie Williams

Yo CJ DA Champ next video for most disrespectable moments in anime history has to include that massacare in it. zi don't know if I seen a beat down that bad in years.


TFW Dummy THICC Lyra got the marionette explosion treatment


Bell x Ryuu top tier!!!

selina kyle

This ep was was brutal asf I cried watching ryuu using her luminous wind spell out desperation


The importance of when she yells his name is she changes from "Mr. Cranel" being mature and respectful and in a way still somewhat distant from him all the way to calling him "Bell" which shows she is fully attached and emotionally connected with Bell and feels close enough to him to call him that. At least that is what I take it as.

John Ng

Even though we all know that this was going to come, it doesn’t makes it easier to sit through. By now I don’t believe anyone will say Ryuu has not rise to the best girl position. Best scene with Ryuu should be in next episode 😉


Her whole personality up to this point was being serious and distant. She was exposing herself with everything she had and dropped the entirety of who she was at that point in order to get through to bell and have him wake up. I think that is also why her face got red when bell said he was awake and trying to lure the monster over because she let her whole act of who she was drop and opened up for bell and he heard all of it when she was crying for him saying his actual name


Nice background episode for the elf girl. YBRL at some point "This is episode is not fun" :D. Btw everyone should already learn YBRL see a guy die in whatever gruesome death and being the nicest Bell type character, he will just laugh. YBRL see a girl character die don't care what she has done, he will mourn for the feet :D


Check edited message too :D. I typed first when you were still reviewing the episode and at the end you talked about your reacting to deaths.

Daniel Borrego

so im guessing you think danmachi is somehow better then goblin slayer or attack on titan lol.


the juggernaut is no different now then it was then, yes they managed to weaken it but that was years ago and monsters regenerate

Daniel Borrego

he commented on another video about how attack on titan and goblin slayer were trash


Where did I say goblin slayer was trash? I think demon slayer is mediocre at best but that is just obvious. The anime is the best part because of its adaptation. I also troll as well. But it is true that I think attack on titan fell off a lot after the timeskip. Up until the timeskip it was amazing of course. In terms of enjoyment I like danmachi much more. It isn't amazing with its writing but me describing Ryuu and what she went through in the episode doesn't mean I think it somehow is better than AOT. I don't compare them in the first place. You bringing that up here is random af.


The realization that Astrea was the Goddess of Justice, I feel like there will be a similar reaction when you find out Syr's true identity. NOBODY SPOIL IT YET. But if they don't reveal it this season in the next two episodes, I dunno when they are ever going to.


Dumb question but there’s only 1 juggernaut right?


i think so, the first one eventually died because ryu went back to look for it and only found the ashes, plus the first one was green, the newer one is all black

? ? ?

In the LN he actually does fall face first into the water before she gets to him if I remember correctly


juggernaut is a dungeon defense mechanism whenever the area is damaged it sends it out, and it will always be stronger than the strongest level player in that area. so I believe it is a different one.


i genuinely only remembered it was the dungeons way of defending itself

Daniel Borrego

"L.C. So you the same type of dude that at the same time thinks shows like garbage slayer or mid on titan if they happen to come out are the stand out and spectacular types of series in the season? I would rather watch multiple series coming out this season than that other overhyped shit" i mean ya you didnt call it trash, just garbage :D


its so crazy to me that Ryus VA is the same VA that plays Miyuki from irregular, Anju from 86 , and Yor. such incredible range and she also sung the song in the episode.

matthew bremmer

She's an insanely popular VA. If you go look at her myanimelist profile you will likely find a ton of shows you've seen that she's voice acted in.

Casper Ghost

26:46 did Lee just say "O-possum"? lol Notice that she called him Bell and not Mr. Cranel finally.

Kazuma Sato

that commenter was me and i just wanna say im real happy you guys are invested and taking these scenes seriously. i enjoyed these recent reactions a lot :)


to be fair when we first seen the jug monster, i didnt care about the random adventurers ether. i just cared about ryu and bell at the first encounter. so im 100% with you guys with it