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We started posting a show called BEEF...It's not a Kdrama ha ha..so if you normally avoid Kdramas for whatever you person reason...note that it's a normal western show...the cast...just includes Asian People...and they vary in Nationality.  I thought it was wild how so many people aren't giving it a chance JUST because of how the characters appear...and even if it is a Kdrama...so what? lol  Don't blindly ignore a whole genre look at each show objectively.  

I used to not think i'd like Romcoms or something like Bochi The Rock and I did...so we all have some growing to do INCLUDING myself... just my opinion...You'll see this same caption again. lol.

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that's reasonable ha. in this case, K drama to me means...a live-action show made in Korea. so to say, I don't like any show made by Korea regardless of it's theme...sounds wild to me ha. It's also different if you watched a few and made up your mind...got it...but there's a bunch that pre judge... Attorney Woo is nothing like The Glory for example..both Kdramas but you can't judge The Glory based on your experience with Attorney woo because the shows are vastly different from each other


by now i know that I like kdarams (any drama really) where the main cast or a good chunk of the cast is adults...cuz the teenage choices drive me crazy lol. and kids think way differently than adults.... ha


Hey Lee just wondering is there going to be another mob psycho because on the schedule it says mob on Thursday and Friday. I don’t know if I missed something or if it just slipped out of your mind.


Mob has truly become poplar without even becoming aware of it. He is truly becoming a man.

Antoine Jones

I agree you cant generalize a WHOLE genre (or even channel) because of how other stuff youve seen in.... like I know ppl who wont watch any show on the CW because its a channel for "girl and girly drama shows" Yet all those DC TV series they had would prove otherwise. Also I dont generally care for Western's yet The Quick and the Dead and EVERY iteration of The Magnificent Seven are outstanding. I wouldve completely missed those movies if I let the fact that I dont care for Westerns keep me away from them. Same for video games... I dont care for sports... you couldnt pay me to play NBA 2k or Madden, but Ill play the hell out of NBA Jam or NFL Blitz any day of the week

The Grim

Bruh I have Asperger‘s, I just don’t like Dramas in general, not a race thing lmao, I just started to assume that this channel was on a kdrama craze and if a show is classified as drama I usually can’t vibe with it cause usually they are drawn out and make every issue a huge deal that I can’t really relate to, my syndrome makes me too real, I started not watching those shows simply because they had real people, regardless of race because I find them boring, my bad for assuming it’s a drama I guess, but there have been a lot recently.

Antoine Jones

mob didnt say take out the spirits or the clients, he said take out the spirits or leave them alone and risk the clients being hurt because of it. Also hes had no problem taking out spirits before cause those have been obviously evil whereas these werent


Lee sneaking these Kdrama ads into Mob Psycho episodes XD


The thing with kdramas though is that a fair number aren't really a drama. Uncanny Counter is coming up, I do recommend that you give it a try when they start posting, as it's a lot of fun, and more of a supernatural comedy action series. I'm not really a fan of a lot of kdramas for similar reasons to what you gave, although I don't have Asperger's. You might not like it, but I think that Uncanny counter is worth a shot, one of the few kdramas I like.

Daniel Gonzalez

I'm pretty sure he did unless you mean the actual Japanese being spoken but by the written translation my understanding was it's be one or the other I'm about to watch the reaction but that was also my understanding ill be back to be sure tho...so just watched that part and yeah if it was just about not exorcising them he wouldnt have phrased it about truly protecting them the clients will have to get hurt because if he said he wouldn't do it they'd probably try to find someone else that's why they'd at least need to be hurt or taken out to protect the family if Reigen hadn't interfered