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*edit* i don’t expect Patrons to watch videos on YouTube lol. Y’all are here. Folks keep mentioning that they dont watch videos on youtube. Got it. HA The reality is is future part come from youtube though

Just want to point out that we don’t drop shows that we think are great even with bad views.    I talk so much about views that people think it’s all i care about. Both these shows have good stories and good characters so we watch in peace. But if the show is meh or mid WITH bad views. I’ll wanna drop. We do blind reactions lol. So most shows we pick up because people want us to watch it with us. I don’t hate watch so I’ll find something to focus on and enjo myself plus we have each other’s company.

That being said. We will peacefully keep watching these shows. Because they are top tier in our books. THAT being said. Lol. I won’t intentionally allow myself to attached to a show i know people dont watch but the emotional investment on these shows have already happened so I stick with it. Lol. Like Marriage 😭😭.




Like Marriage lol, personally I think Vinland is a great show but I haven't had time to keep up with Vinland. A little too busy to keep up with a new show like Danmachi but I know you co-signed it so it's on the watchlist when I have time

Galado Isma

Yo ! vinland saga tho ! Personally, i don't watch your reactions on YouTube, so I'm not sure.


Always tune in on patreon for both shows. Usually hit like on YouTube to help y'all out.

Derper Octinger

Do you have some stats on the videos watched on patreon? Because i think basing views only on youtube and not taking views on patreon into account seems wrong to me.(unless you mean dropping the shows on youtube only) I imagine a lot of fans will prefer watching the uncut version for their preferred show, so they will join patreon and therefore stop watching on youtube


I can guarantee MOST people will watch the YouTube versions of shows. This applies to any channel. So it is a solid metric to get a general idea from. That being said patreon and youtube are separate mediums. Youtube is for outreach and growing his audience and patreon is a means to receive more direct support. So a bad youtube video means the channel gets less outreach.


I have been waiting for 2 reactions so i can enjoy. On a side note am i the only one tired of them being in the dungeon? I know it is most likely going to be a banger but dammm i miss me some Hermes interactions

Guamson Cruz

To be honest man I'm just waiting for you to watch the whole season so I can binge watch it same with eminence of shadow


DanMachi for me is one of those series i like to binge instead of weekly watching. Then i run thru the reactions. Not sure of im the only kne to dk so but that could be why viewership on reactions for it are lower at the moment

dani oz

Apparently people do think its wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon


I think you are pointing for Vinland. You will just have to stick this farm arc through as it's important part for Thorfinn's growth to actual being adult like his giga chad father was. I can only say it's almost over and Vinland will start to roll that boulder downhill once again. I know some people are snowflakes, but for myself I would appreciate honesty of do you like a show or not, you guys gone so big with views that all this faking out has come to the reactions when compared from your early reactions. Just sometimes how I see it, might be wrong too =)


Yeah. On my end I don’t fake things. I was “over selling” in early reactions learning how to he on camera. But i can give you an example lol. I can spend my energy whining about Taiju bro being paralyzed or start cracking jokes at Takimchi planetary defense. Lol. I’ll go foe the jokes and feed off the commentary for joy. So it’s the company around me having a fun watch experience. We record some days for 7 hours. I’m generally the type of person to make any situation I’m in fun (which is a part of why I inappropriately laugh). But yeah. Appreciate the feedback


Also. I like Vinland Saga. One of my preferred shows. I dont even mind the farm arc we are in. The dialogue is thought provoking.


how the fuck are people not watching danmachi out of all the seasons this one is the MOST heat by many orders of magnitude lol


Hopefully. I know ill be runnin it back when the season is over in a month


Early reaction what I have seen was like you guys doing Overlord, Prison School or Vinland I think those might be one of the first I seen when I joined =). Yeah my only point was that I would like for you guys at end of show have like give a rating to the show from all 3 (2) of you when show ends. You have every right to call show that it wasn't for you =)


This current season got me watching every week, but last part got me waiting to binge watch it.


Good because danmachi and vinland are both amazing

Daniel Borrego

this season is a bit different they the previous 3 as it all happens in a single day. plus, bell and ryu's story is a bit more compelling then the rest of the group but they give equal time to them. because of how they have to tell it, it almost gets repetative in a way.


Ready to Physical 100 on Netflix


Forcing yourself to not get attached to a show because of its views seems wrong to me


I think you misunderstand. You can’t be attached to a show you never seen. Therefore it’s not forcing. If i see a show has bad views and i SKIP it. There is no attachment. I’ve never seen it. I can opt to watch by myself sometime later and end up liking it but never “reacted” to it.


I really think that Danmachi is way underrated. It's a great story, has some awesome action, cute girls and lots of comedy. It really should be much more popular.

Daniel Gonzalez

I watched on YouTube just because I had bills n shit but ill gladly rewatch the full reaction once i get my shit in order again