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itaewon class


Itaewon Class Ep 7 uncut

Watch "Itaewon Class Ep 7 uncut" on Streamable.



Okay so I wasnt going crazy haha, thanks for the quick fix!


“You don’t need to be on anyone side but your own” - oof what a line. Words to live by. Let’s go #Team Soo-ah

raeven b.

Wait a minute, did my eyes fool me?? I could’ve sworn we were gifted with a double post! I got an email and everything! 👀👀👀 must’ve been a mistake, but you know, you can totally drop us ep 8 too if ya want 😉 lol I got so excited! 😭 I’ll take what I can get. The night’s about to get GOOD!


Was accidentally episode 6 posted again instead of 7. But yes, already ready for episode 8 reaction. Really happy they are enjoying the show so much.

raeven b.

Ahhh, I see—thank you 🤗 and me too. My main reason I love reaction videos are for those moments of mutual enjoyment over the same show/movie/song. It’s addicting, and just so fun.

LightMyPath Star

Addictive for sure!!! Love them gushing over the sentimental scene. Lol I swear it’s like a drug watching their reaction


Man, now they got me falling for Yi-Seo too!

Squishy Rabbit

#TeamYiSoo from the start lol

Jay rellim

soo-ah "oh i can fill the ice" my sister in christ, he already filled it up 80% by the time you said that 😅 she fine tho i’ll let it slide haha


It's the reason why I don't like Yi-Seo. She is still an emotional child. She can only see as far as she wants. She wants to help her boss...so everyone else be damned. SMH


I also think its really funny yall are trying yall's hardest to pin stuff on Soo-ah! lol Yall keep forgetting Janga doesn't like to be told no.


She's definitely acting her age and I can't be mad at that lol. Saeroyi knows how to pick people with good foundations.


CEO Jang bought the building, but by him doing that, it literally means that he considers DanBam a threat, so he’s acting like his son did with the TV Show, lol. I know it’s to get back at Saeroyi for buying the shares, but it still looks like he actually considers him a threat.


Around 67:52, I agree. Soo-ah’s love is more familial, while Yi-Seo’s is more romantic. I also agree that Saeroyi does mind it either, he just doesn’t know that his feelings are romantic. Besides, Soo-ah never asked about his life (after they met on Halloween) and cried for his pain. Saeroyi even got a tiny bit of emotion in his “a little” answer to Yi-Seo’s question. He’s never done that with Soo-ah either. With Toni’s earlier comment, Geun-soo’s suspicion from opening day about Saeyori feeling something towards Yi-Seo were confirmed (you could see it on Geun-Soo’s face) because if the feelings were one-sided, Toni would have just said that Yi-Seo liked Saeroyi, not that there was something going on.


I never liked that Soo-ah calls Saoeryoi a “fool,” when she’s leaving on the bus, but I think that (at least one of the reasons) its because she noticed that Saeroyi is changing and his feelings toward Yi-Seo are changing, like Toni noticed. Yi-Seo was always a threat to her, even though Soo-ah didn’t want to admit it. Saeroyi let Yi-Seo join their New Years “date” instead of just saying that he could talk to her about business another day. Now, from her perspective, he was on a walking “date” with Yi-Seo, even though he didn’t admit it, and instead of stopping everything to focus on her or letting her join, Saeroyi kept walking with Yi-Seo. Soo-ah was shocked because she thought that Saeroyi would never change, but he had. He’s a “fool” because he likes someone who likes him and just doesn’t realize it, while he’s trying to do something to be with her that, in her eyes, isn’t realistic.