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Every scene the parents are in is gold. They're so wholesome. Also, never would have expected to see Emilia again. That was a nice callback and little redemption arc. Were still a few parts of the plot exposition that were hard to follow but overall this was a much better episode.


it finally seems like an actual plot is coming together so hopefully things go more smoothly the rest of the season. season one was just him curb stomping for 10 episodes AND then we finally got the plot for the last 3 and it worked because of the novelty of anos being so broken. idk why but i feel like they nerfed him this season and the VA just doesnt hit like the old guy. still thoroughly enjoying it just doesnt feel like the anos i know


Adorkable talking about guys barely going to the gym and getting ripped but she doesn't know how many people love to shoot up steroids to make the process a thousand times easier? She doesn't know the whole natty or not call outs that go down in the fitness community? Sure guys have an easier time with the hormones they have and their natural anatomy but plenty of people are willing to get on that tren or whatever other shit they can get there hands on. She should be happy that she is doing it all natural and if she makes any progress at all. Women do naturally have more fat around certain areas. She may just have to work much harder than those other "guys" at the gym do. Even if you asked them if they were natty plenty of people lie about steroid use. You aren't gonna get anything like that out of people. Its normally unless they are like that liver king guy that halfway intelligent people know that you are on some insane steroid regiment. What is sad is enough people believed that he was natural that he was able to make a career and plenty of money out of it. People are just so ignorant about fitness its insane.


Uhhhh no let her get to the end of her journey her way


What do you mean? I am not saying she needs to do steroids. I am saying tons of people do steroids and the people she thinks has a very easy and quick time getting fit may cheat and use steroids. I am not telling her how to work out... So I don't understand what you are saying


I wouldn’t argue with LC. His understanding of what AdorkableNerd thinks is off. He normally listens to her side conversations and has a take like this. She’s just noting on average men have a lower bmi than girls and with less work can achieve faster results and it’s generally true for the people she knows. I just stopped drinking rum and I’m already losing weight while she works out 5x a week rigorously. I will likely have my 6 packs back while doing less work than her cuz of my genes and that’s common in our social circles.


Everyone’s body is different 3 people can all do the same exercise same reps and get different results


I understand what she was saying. I was just saying she shouldn't worry about how long it takes her because a lot of people usually cheat their way through fitness and take drugs to enhance their physique and make it much easier. She noted she sees guys at the gym barely showing up and having a great physique. It is true that for males it is much easier but she should have pride in the fact that she sticks with being natural opposed to the many people who cheat and try to act like they gained their physique naturally.


Director full simping for mom and even planning to get the father out of the way. Full simp tank mode.