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Barou was definitely the right choice they just gotta change him against his will. It would’ve been pointless to take Naruhoya because he has nothing to add and he’s not talented enough to make it

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

It was funny how you guys started calling it Barou's team as soon as he joined. This is one of my favorite matches, can't wait for the coming episodes.

Coping McCoperson

Good ear, Barou is the same VA as Yami. Also, more Bocchi or riot! The people are out for blood


I would take Reo honestly. Isagi is not that smart to use Barou efficiently and his weapon and Nagis depend on someone passing to them which Barou is not gonna do.


But then Isagi needs the character development I guess.

Coping McCoperson

I am aware. I can read. Hence why I said the people demand more. As in more than one upload.


yeah but you're forgetting that Isagi doesn't believe they can win this without making use of barou and if they do that then Reo isn't needed for that exact purpose, also Nagi doesnt need amazing passes, isagi is good enough for that because Nagis control is insane so he can get any ball that falls off the pass. I still think he's the best decision after Chigiri in terms of skill but there's one more problem, Bachira. Isagi plans on taking Bachira back next phase and Reo is literally just an inferior bachira, his passes are a bit worse and he doesnt have even close to Bachiras dribbling


They've explained why they didn't take naruhaya, it basically comes down like this: Naruhaya is a guaranteed loss against better players, Barou is a gamble that at his worse is a bigger detriment than Naruhaya but if they can reign him in would be godly