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Thomas Stark

Lee straight up cackling while best girl dies. Smh.

mitch anderson

I mean i dont think you can blame them lol. Idk what's going to happen next but I'm going to assume main character logic that she's still alive, so I didnt really feel any seriousness cause in my head she's fine


Yeah Mitch. You get it. I already knew someone would have an issue over me being a bit too happy. It is what is though. Thanks Mitch


Thanks for understanding Hana. Yea. I felt bad laughing more so cuz I already knew folks would be appalled by it. If it was just me i could fully enjoy whatever emotion i was feeling without quilt of what people gonna think. In front of the camera you get judged for how you feel or dont feel. So it’s like you gotta make a conscious effort to suppress a naturally occurring feeling otherwise you’re a “bad reactor” I really hate that sometimes. Particularly because I had a good time i was happy and I instantly knew I’d be chastised for it and i knew it would be deserved basically lol. Soooo here i am

Hana keiser

I guess everyone has blind spots for their favorite shows but honestly anyone who's made it to patreon should realize that's how yall react to stuff like that. I hope people temper their expectations cause this is gonna be an amazing story, and I'd hate for it to be a show you guys don't look forward to. Ps. It's not deserved. When every one in the crew is at their best is when you're all enjoying yourselves and going with the flow, atleast thats when I enjoying it the most.


Yeah. Honestly i think like you do at the truest level as thats what i argued for years about. I guess i say deserved because I already know from passed experience that i get some negative pushback when I laugh at certain scenes. So the disappointment and what I deserve is for myself. I “know” better but got lost in the moment and it hit me…ohhhhhh shit. This is a a sad scene and your happy still 😭😭😭. Damn. But yeah. Needless to say. I did have a good day yesterday. Whole day was good. Too good 😂😂😂


I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to laugh when MC fucking dies xD I have no idea "is she dead/is she not"...it can really go either way, BUT from design every trap is supposed to kill intruders, and having Power Word: Kill spelltrap is something that fits champion of the God of Death...so she might be gone for good...and lets be real for a sec, everyone lost at least few characters during campaign...thats why backup charactersheet is good thing to have "just in case"


I dont think its a big deal because its still an authentic reaction. At the end of the day thats what people are here for


The replier was stating their opinion on how they felt the viewer should react to that scene. Their opinion is how they feel and its their view there is no right or wrong to it. The person wasn't say that they did anything wrong they just felt they shouldn't have laughed.


Alghairon what is the purpose pf this comment here. We are not talking about anyone or any repliers or anything. Grelk offered me reassurance and i feel better. I assume Grelk was responding to my own caption. What are you aiming to achieve with your comment in this thread.

Thomas Stark

I hope people understand I was making a joke here. The reason Lee, Adorkable and Directors reactions are so great is because they're always having so much fun with whatever they are reacting to.


The SMH through me off but all good. SMH Signaled disappointment and the user above said they were upset. So assumed you were also disappointed in the same manner. But yea this year I’ll significantly focus on “postive” responses. Folks are welcomed to he critical and when i see someone offering some support I’ll spend more time there. Either way all good lol. I was already feeling bad expected the disappointment Benefits Of Using An S-Corporation For Trading. You’re good

David Palacios

Aww did the video go down. Thats a shame just when i manage to catch up. Been loving the series so far even though a lot of the DnD references go over my head, its still an enjoyable story


I hope it's not because of the stuff above. People react the way they react. Just because someone feels one way about what they are seeing doesn't mean there should be an expectation that it will be matched by others. Also given the balance of humor and drama in this can you really blame anyone?


it's back up, I shifted the reaction focus to Adorkable and Director on a key scene as I'm inappropriate. No worries

Kendall DeSouza

Hey Lee dont even sweat it man! I think this is just one of those new/old fan things because, when you play dnd live one of the coolest parts is that there is no plot armor and these character really can die at any time and so deaths are a serious thing and I think a lot of us arent used to not having deal that level of stress when it comes to these characters lol


Yea lol. I am not used to main characters dying lol. Especially when it’s not even “the boss “ fight. I don’t play Dnd’s. The whole concept is foreign. My friends do. But not for me. Lol. Soooo yeaah lol


Interesting note about Vex and Zahra’s competitive streak at the fire with the magical items: Vex and Vax grew up poor as children being raised by their human mother.vWhen their dead beat Elf father brought them over to the elven city (note that he only brought the children, not the mother), the twins were judged harshly and seen as low talent. It’s not shown very much in the animated show, but in the Campaign, Vex was obsessed with earning wealth, and haggling down prices, so she could one day be rich enough that people won’t look down on them like that ever again. You can see a glimpse of that when Zahra makes snide commenting about Vex having a “keen eye for value”


Classic "wrong reaction" comment war. I watched this moment live, and I have to apologize on behalf of fellow CR fans. They want you to react as if you have years worth of emotional investment being recalled by this scene. Your reaction is appropriate, Lee, because it's YOUR reaction.


Yeaaaaaaa bro you got my inner thoughts on that one. I just apologize and kept it moving rather than get cornered by folks tellin me how to feel. But yea. I thank you deeply. About to pick up today and it’s been weighing on my mind


I understand. You handle it well, it's not worth the energy. Just remember there are a lot of lurkers busy enjoying your unique perspective rather than watching the video like a mirror and getting mad when they don't see a reflection. Hwaiting!

Casper Ghost

Fun fact: a 1 inch beard reduces damage to the face from impacts by over 50% on average in clinical studies so it'd actually give him some value as the tank.


I think viewers would appreciate if you showed your true emotions in the reactions. I know in real life us guys get shit if we get emotional at sad scenes, but everyone that watches these wants to see if you share the same emotions we did when we first watched these. I know I've gotten teary eyed, even few tears coming down my cheek when watching stuff like Black Clover, be it sad back stories, epic moments, character deaths. (Black Clover spoilers ahead) When we find out about Zora's dad originally, later when Julius tells Zora about working with his dad and then finally when Julius is dying and thinks of Zara. Those scenes get my eyes watering up every time I see them.


Summary, nome of your viewers will judge you for showing emotion during reactions. Can't imagine anyone would invest so much time watching these if they're just going to troll and be jerks.


Also sometimes people will laugh at sad scenes because it catches them off guard. There are certain sad scenes I do laugh at in movies, specifically in Titanic (waa forced to watch it once) when the ship is going down and the people are falling down as ship is at 90 degree angle, and I see people falling, hit a pole or something and go spinning down to their death. It's not a funny scene, but the way it was executed makes me laugh. Hopefully Adorkable and Director won't judge you negatively if you show that a scene gets to you. Though I assume from all of your discussions after shows that they wouldn't.

Sean (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:34:27 Is that what tat was, power word kill? I'm a big D&D fan and play every week, but I've never listened to Critical Roll (tried first campaign on youtube when in Dwarven city and was really bored by it). And I know they started with Pathfinder, then moved into 5e, and obviously a lot of homebrew.
2023-04-10 23:26:13 Is that what tat was, power word kill? I'm a big D&D fan and play every week, but I've never listened to Critical Roll (tried first campaign on youtube when in Dwarven city and was really bored by it). And I know they started with Pathfinder, then moved into 5e, and obviously a lot of homebrew.

Is that what tat was, power word kill? I'm a big D&D fan and play every week, but I've never listened to Critical Roll (tried first campaign on youtube when in Dwarven city and was really bored by it). And I know they started with Pathfinder, then moved into 5e, and obviously a lot of homebrew.

Sean (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:34:28 Also, while true it was a sad scene, think they were of the mentality that Vex is a main character so she's not going to die, at least not from a trap at start of season 2. Now in D&D I know that anything can kill you at anytime, but this is also rewritten somewhat to make it more entertaining and smooth. So most will find it unlikely to lose an MC in such an unceremonious fashion like that.
2023-04-10 23:30:13 Also, while true it was a sad scene, think they were of the mentality that Vex is a main character so she's not going to die, at least not from a trap at start of season 2. Now in D&D I know that anything can kill you at anytime, but this is also rewritten somewhat to make it more entertaining and smooth. So most will find it unlikely to lose an MC in such an unceremonious fashion like that.

Also, while true it was a sad scene, think they were of the mentality that Vex is a main character so she's not going to die, at least not from a trap at start of season 2. Now in D&D I know that anything can kill you at anytime, but this is also rewritten somewhat to make it more entertaining and smooth. So most will find it unlikely to lose an MC in such an unceremonious fashion like that.