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Park Yeon Jin is too beautiful for me to hate.......so I dunno what to tell you...than again...list of my favorite Live Action people is not a nice one.

Alicent Hightower

The Bully in All of us are dead...lol

Ms Choi...lol

The Main Actress in Extracurricular....lmao

The Deep

Yennifer (actually a good woman lol)
The Queen The King Kingdom

Dr. Brenner

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The Glory Episode 1 uncut

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Unfortunately this IS normalized in Korea. Like literally everyone is corrupt and it affects the school system too. And the bullying in this was based off a REAL case. Bullying in Korea is literally just attempted murder. There are middle school students beating kids to death. It’s so bad

Royal Yaya

Bullying in Korea is so bad its part of why there's so many suicides amongst students.


The thing that I don't get is why will someone spend so much time and energy bullying someone who hasn't done anything to you? Like, I know that main bully said that she does it because she gets away with it and nothing will change, but really? Don't they have anything to do? Why do they need to bully someone to hang out? It's so dumb but I guess that's their entertainment, which is so f*cked up. I hope they burn and I support whatever she'll do. I hope she gets merciless.


"The children are innocent but so was she" THAT'S RIGHT! I AGREE!

Cam T Crowley

I know this is fiction, but you "can't be mad at her because she's cute"? WTF... Would you think the same thing if this happened to your kid? "Yeah, I know my kid is traumatized for life, bleeding and scarred, but the bully is so cute I just can't be mad." 🤨


So like you said..it’s fiction so if i was happening to my child….it’s no longer fiction right? See what happens there? Because it’s fiction….it’s not happening to anyone’s child…its a story and I’m captivated by “Park Yeon Jin”. Shes a great actress. If this was happening to anyone in real life…I’d be upset even of its not my child. I also tend to like the Villains In stories anyways. Thats why i I include the list. It’s not something surprising coming from me

Cam T Crowley

I get thinking someone is a good villain, and I usually agree with you on that. But even if this is fiction, it's still reflecting things that actually happen. So the way you put it was weird to me because you weren't saying "she's a great villain, but she's despicable" or something; you said she was cute so you didn't really immerse yourself enough to get mad. It's almost like being cute makes it more excusable...which is a real phenomenon. Just look at certain serial killers and how many people find them fascinating when they're sort of attractive... It's a good thing to be aware of, I think. Anyway, I've been following your reactions for some time and I appreciate them even when we don't agree; I just thought this was a very weird comment. 😅


Yea ha. You’re correct about it being weird and my explanation doesn’t help. But it’s more normal than folks realize. Like playing GTA or a game where you are the bad guy or something. You do a lot of atrocities that you can immerse yourself into as fiction. So in this series I’m simping pretty hard. I’m immersed as Lim Ji-yeon‘s partner. Lol. She does bad things but i love her. She does all these bad things but not to me. Shell come and tell me how she handled the women at work as we cuddle or somethin. I don’t care for her younger actress and the burning is excessive. Something i gotta deal with 🤦🏾‍♂️. What i like in fantasy is not what i like in real life. Like all my feet talk. Feet often smell lol. So i don’t actually do the things I say. But I’ll see em on screen well maintained and go crazy.


Super late lol but director was spittin facts at the end! The kids are innocent but so was she, PERIOD! So these bullies need to get that work one by one and imma be over here eatin my popcorn lmao


Why are some videos removed I wanted to watch them

Remi D

"Oh they rich. Anywhere called Eden is fancy".. me thinking about Strangers From Hell

WeAre TechZA

Lol “she can’t have my outrage, she can’t have it all” is crazy 😂😂 This is about to be a crazy rollercoaster and I’m right there with yall and Moon.


I wish i cold put memes and gifs in the comments lol! I know yall are about to be HILARIOUS!


Another Kdrama Lee gonna make me binge😆

LightMyPath Star

Yay adorkablenerd is here. Welcome!!! I’m so looking forward to directors triggering and lee’s simping. Oh $hit I just read the intro 🤣🤣🤣 I’m dead


Your so wild with the fav characters but I’m here for it lmaoooo. When it comes to those characters I tend to have a great appreciation or interest in them but I wouldn’t say they are my favorite of their respective series. So I know what you mean lmao. It’s just without any of those characters. Their respective show wouldn’t be the same without them


Yo facts. I’m trying to catch up lmao. In the middle of Vincenzo. Still got kingdom sweet home I think it was called and extracurricular


Im not really a kdrama guy since kdramas when i was watching (2010-2015 ) were same old same old Now Lee hooking me up with nice ones


Been waiting for this!!!


Adorkable Kdrama ima cry


Yea all these people steal the shoe and impose their presence in such a way it feels empty if they are not there or certainly just a very different vibe without them vs when they are active

kemia Robinson

awww i’m so glad adorkable is watching!


Ok, ok, ok…. Adorkable in the building, a show about bullying so we’re in for wild takes from Dnasty, and Lee in simp mode = YaBoyRockLee Gold 😂

strange& sleepless

Itaewon class is a really good show but I think you guys should do smth else after first, considering that you just watched Weak hero class and now the glory. It'd be 3 shows with similar themes right after one another. But I guess we don't need to discuss that rn. Tbh I'm a little annoyed with this show atm. There's quite a lot of korean netizens who probably feel guilty after seeing this show, for being bystanders to such incidents back in their school days or maybe even right now. And so now, to relieve that guilt, they've decided to harass kpop singers, though one in particular who in 2021 got accused online of having verbal fights with classmates in middle school when he was 13. That whole incident had actually been done and dealt with right after the accusations came out, and both parties had even met up and made up 2 years ago. Yet ppl online are now comparing him to the bullies in this show who are committing actual school violence and real crimes compared to his verbal fights and trying to make him leave his band. It makes me so angry because you'd think or hope that such a show would bring forth some positives changes, but nope, essentially innocent people are suffering from it while the actual bullies probably still aren't facing consequences for their actions. But I'll try to forget about that for now and enjoy the show with y'all anyway. And since you were wondering, yes, it actually was that bad in real life back in the 2000s, Idk about now. The whole issue basically all boils down to rich people having way too much power over absolutely everything and therefore getting away with whatever they might do. The insane power imbalance between the rich and the poor is probably one of if not the biggest issue in korean society. sorry for this long ass comment lol. I had to get it off my chest

strange& sleepless

There's another good korean show that talks more about the classism and the power imbalance and all that on netflix. It's called little women, I'd def recommend it.


Lee asking the right questions @21:57 , and almost 40 minutes before the wild take from Dnasty @39:43 lol


Great list Lee. Alicent Hightower is the GOAT. Dr. Brenner #1 Dad. Yennifer the most beautiful sorceress is the world. Lol. Looking forward to Glorious revenge.


20m in and i'm having a hard time imagining someone simply taking that level of "buillying" without fighting back. I can't fathom how the girl could just endure it and not retaliate... Getting trampled on that much by other people and "accepting" it will always remain a mystery to me.


Best thing about this drama is Song Hye-Kyo; everything she’s in is gold. That Winter, The Wind Blows is still one of my all time favorites.


for one they gotta do what's hitting and at the moment glory just came out so they did it, but Itaewon class is a 10/10 my fav k-drama ever so i would love to see it. by the way, if you are a bystander and you do nothing you should feel guilty

strange& sleepless

I understand that, i’m not against them doing this show, i’m just sharing my current feelings about it. I also definitely want them to do itaewon class at some point, I think it’s a great drama. Just maybe at a later point and not right after this show. I don’t want them to feel like the Kdramas are getting repetitive, and therefore not be able to appreciate them as much, that’s all. Yes bystanders should feel guilty in most circumstances, and I never said otherwise. Idk wether you misunderstood smth I said or I’m misunderstanding the point you’re trying to make here?


Yeah this will be wild simping commenting from the boys =)


yea on the guilt topic, i misunderstood my bad


I recommended this as wanted to see triggered YBRL :D, got my wish. Now to progress to our revenge.


Who says she didn't fight back. Why do you think there was that police station scene, that was because she fought back. But the show established that she was alone against everybody and her bullies weren't going to go away from her.

Ashish Kumar

Director in a mushoku tensei episode said some people just don't fight back out of fear but at least he wouldn't take that shit from bullies at all and would throw hands and retaliate. 👏 That's how it "should" be... but just some people are too afraid of confrontation, looking at the opposition numbers.


Grew up watching/simping for Song Hye-Kyo, glad y'all are watching this! Welcome Adorkable to the KDrama side!


I meant "fight back" literally, not by asking for help from a third party (cops, teachers, w/e). That's what i don't understand. I can let the weak resistance before she got burned pass, even thought said "resistance" was weak AF for someone about to get burned. And to continue your point, if she's alone all the more reason for her to not care about the consequences, act in the moment and take immediate revenge. Let's be real, she's not fighting a drug cartel but rich high school girls lol.

raeven b.

Yeon Jin is beautiful, but she has one evil face, man—-soooo happy y’all are doing this one. It’s excellent!!


i love villains for the most part and some of them r arrogant pricks you would hate to meet irl. Gilgamesh and Aizen for examples. They talk shit and look down on everyone around them. But nah i cant do these low class bullies. Like if u gonna bully somebody, at least do it alone. But these punk bullies in HS acting like they tough when they never alone and always hanging around in a gang. idk how the story is gonna go but so far this girl yeon jin aint it for me. she is pretty but ima need that Ayanokouji beat down on her sometme


Adorkable don’t usually watch kdramas with y’all so this is lit, and this show fire

jason ross

Lee you ever think about starting a podcast? I was feeling the pre discussion about boruto yesterday and the talk about ye today. I could easily see myself adding y’all to the list of podcasts I got for when I’m at work


Hey man yes at a time when it won’t hurt our ability to keep up on this side of things.

LightMyPath Star

First since nobody said it let me tell you a lil known fact the main actress Song Hye Kyo used to be married to Song Joong-Ki (Vincenzo) just a fun fact for you ;-) BTW Director @39:44 that was beautiful and I'm with it! I mean just sayin' she got it coming. Director saying " I said it" LOL and @52:00 That was everything, It made my day and Adorkable at the end "I hate her I don't care what backstory they give her" I love her honesty that was so on point! Awesome reaction thank you!


Lee: I love her Adorkable: I hate her Director: Get the kid too the hate scale