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Sooooo Started The Glory….. am I supposed to not like the Antagonist??? 👀👀👀




who doesn't like the antagonist? 👀👀👀

natsumi miyuki

I mean I can see why you would like her lol btw I don't know if u knew this or not but the actresse in the first picture with the short hair was Vincenzo's ex-wife. They did a drama together in 2016 "Descendants of the Sun" and they got married after the drama finished! I guess they fell in love during the filming of the drama but, they got divorced in 2019 I think


What isn't the story about the antagonist, she is the main character that side character is maybe hunting...


wait, who do you consider the antagonist? cuz this comment section has opposite opinions


I did not like her at all. So cruel and spiteful, pure evil. I hope you got my trigger warning to you and Director re: the bullying. That shits on another level and kinda hard to watch tbh. But the show was good. F’d up that we have to wait til fkn March for the final 8! 🙈


Looking forward to the reaction! Heard great things about this show 👏


Classic Lee 😂 anytime the right actress plays the villain: “Ok, so the antagonist is the protagonist, got it…” lol


Yeah lol. Too be clear. I’m not wrapped up in whos the protagonist and antagonist lol. The Bully is who i would say after only 2 episodes. The girl in the second picture. Lol. If there is a reason to think otherwise. We will see


My first thought seeing this horrible scum that is pretty and confident: "Lee will simp"


Bullying is name calling, pushing, punching. These highschoolers committed sadistic torture. It was hard to watch.


When will the reaction video be available for The Glory for the Hokage tier?