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Some folks really don’t know how to talk or describe people they talk about us like one of is not reading lol.

“This Person’s is too gullible and ignorant sometimes.”

“She smarter than lee and director “

These things are irritating to read. It’s one thing to see it on YouTube. But Patreon too?

Some things I don’t even bother explain to Director. So i gotta ignore or bottle it in.


These Types Of Comments Are Unnecessary | Video Rant



frick them haters you are awesome lee

Daaylen Watson

Unfortunately You are going to have haters with you're line of work, I just hope that the people like me who appreciate the work you do and love the content can leave a more lasting impression. Watching the content you guys post has become something i look forward to a lot.


Damn, I feel you

Echo The Dolphin

just ignore we can't please everyone i just ignore those with anything mean to say they can hate me all they want i'll just continue my thing


You are taking my comment too seriously again. I guess I will just stop commenting from here on out. It wasn't meant to be serious but just something I noticed having seen you 3 together over time. It wasn't a comment meant to be demeaning or super critical to begin with. I thought it would be seen as a basic judgement of you guys and your personalities. Saying adorkable is smarter than lee and director is not me saying you guys are dumb. I just see her as someone more intelligent with basic things. Also me saying adorkable is gullible or ignorant to some things isn't anything other than me stating what I noticed with how she reacts. Its just how adorkable is. Saying she is simple and stuff like that isn't a bad thing either. If you took my comment as something serious enough to irritate you I don't know what else to say. I just say things as I see them. Me describing you guys in that one single comment wasn't meant to be a bad thing or taken negatively. I am surprised this got brought up since my comment was basically just a judgement of how some things happen. It isn't you as people judged entirely its just me noting what I have seen in reactions. Oh well. Can't help the way I think even if its not meant to be something negative it seems to always come out like it is.


Hey,3 personalities means 3 reactions,more POVs ,line of thinking,some nice theories and some fucked up theories,overall ,more fun and chaos .i like it just the way it is


Well you wanted to grow your channel, that will bring idiots with it. This is in the end the internet and people spew on comments things that they would never have the balls to say to your face. PS. I am one of those idiots for staying this long subbed in patreon :D


Nah bro fuck them and roast them bitches fr. They need humbling.

Daniel Borrego

i think its just the inevitability of doing a multi person reaction. your concentration gets split sometimes through talking or looking at someone elses reaction and sometimes you miss little details. the internet is full of trolls too ;)


Thank you for saying this. I feel bad when I see comments like that, because I know people that care enough to be as interactive as you guys are will see those too and that shit hurts. I'm glad you explained why they hurt too. I think they make those comments thinking they're just throwing stuff out into the void, but instead they're planting seeds of self-doubt and pain that don't serve to help anybody, and if they're really not trying to hurt, they need to see that it does. Creators can get 99/100 nice comments and still fixate on the 1/100 that's out of pocket, and people need to think about that before choosing to be that 1/100.