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This Episode was killing me...lol...Jun Ho!!!!! lol

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That moment is so painful, and it perfectly encapsulates Young-woo's worries about how difficult a relationship with her would be.

LightMyPath Star

I must say this was hard to watch, I broke down for Jun Ho all over again. Thank you so much for reacting to this show. As always your genuine feelings and emotions while watching this, were truly awesome and that is what makes your reactions SUPERB!!! Never change.


Nah man, this episode hurts!

raeven b. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:41:26 oh wow, before I get into this episode, Director you are dressed to the nines today!!! Ayyyyyy!!!! <333
2022-12-06 02:43:35 oh wow, before I get into this episode, Director you are dressed to the nines today!!! Ayyyyyy!!!! <333

oh wow, before I get into this episode, Director you are dressed to the nines today!!! Ayyyyyy!!!! <333


41:37 I’ve never seen you guys so serious 🥺 This ep was hard, and my heart broke for Jun Ho. You know he’s hurt, and that he truly cares; you understand his frustration. But at the same time you can’t really blame Young Woo, because she just doesn’t know any better, and she thinks she’s doing the best thing for him. It was painful for both sides 😞💔


Having no body to blame made it worst lol. So i just sank and exploded later. 😂. It’s a tough situation and nobody is “wrong”

UltrA_ Ojisan

Man i have a bad feeling about Kwon. I feel like all that's gonna comeback and bite him in the ass.


As a Korean audience, I’ve never thought that you guys came off as disrespectful or malicious with the culture. every time you watch a Korean drama, I can feel your sincerity to understand. Even when you don’t quite nail it on the head 100%, it’s always from a place of trying to learn, and that’s what I feel the most thankful to you guys.