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Had to fix a window on Bleach. The anime was too small. It may get released in the morning Eastern time or today. I’m gonna lay down and let Jesus take the wheel.



Jesse Gallimore

No, you use Windex for windows.


Got into a car accident today laying down hurt asf binging food wars, praying for peak bleach soon


Remember to not drink too much of Bleach when partying


that sounds really casual for what it is, holy fuck.. swift recovery for you my dude


Thank man, life throws curveballs all you gotta do is take it to the chin and move on. Glad we’re all relatively safe

Roberto Rojas

I’m new here does anyone know why they only do 2 episodes per reaction

Roberto Rojas

Ohh ok but like 2 too little or is it just me. I think 3 would be better

Roberto Rojas

I thought It was because they don’t like bleach like that so they take it slow but idk the real reason


Been in one car accident in my life and I wasn't the one driving. Thankful I haven't been in one yet that had me at the wheel I am almost 23 now. The one that I was in we had a green light and drove out and coming out of nowhere from the left was a woman and she had a baby in the car. No one got hurt all that much. Me and my aunt were the ones who got some of the soreness and the big impact even though it was the woman who ran the red light. I can almost guarantee she wasn't even looking and was probably on her phone. No other way it could have happened unless she went completely braindead. T boned into the car and the car was totaled and we got jarred from the left side hard enough to where I lost thought of where I was for a split second. Glad it seems like it went alright with your accident cause it could turn deadly depending on the situation. It was when I was doing internship with oncology (cancer) and Hematology (blood) in healthcare. Needless to say I took that day off lol and it was literally like 1 minute away from where I was gonna get dropped off at.


These episodes were so peak they Broke Patreon


Roberto we post 6 episodes a week. 2 per upload. We could do 3 episodes and post twice a week. Is the issue that you actually wanted 9 episodes a week? Lol. Anyways we post a variety of shows. We aim for variety to satisfy a broad audience so 6 episodes of Bleach is reasonable for balance. I think watching 6 episodes of anything a week is reasonable considering its 6x the speed of the original release which was one episode a week lol


do you know how many other shows they're watching alongside Bleach? They have other things to do and other shows to watch for their channel

Roberto Rojas

And thanks lee I’m not saying there’s an issue I simply asked a question. As I haven’t seen any channel take it as slow as you guys


There's no need to throw insults, it only makes you look childish. Being new is fine, but don't use that as an excuse for not understanding why reaction channels (which juggle multiple shows) only put out a few episodes at a time. There were/are several other reactors watching Bleach that only put out 1-3 episodes a week. Getting 6 a week is a blessing.


Most of those channels don’t have a variety And produce the same hours we post weekly. I’m gonna say…none of them

Roberto Rojas

Didn’t mean to insult u there bud 🥱 if I said I’m new it’s pretty obvious that no I indeed do not know how many other shows they are watching💀. And nah Idk what u be watching but i asked because this is the first time I’ve seen that, to ME it’s far from a “blessing” I want more 👹 but either way that’s just my opinion and I enjoy their reactions

Roberto Rojas

And yeah i understand Rock lee. Im not hating either way. Just curious, I thought it was cause y’all didn’t really like bleach like that so u spread it out so u don’t watch as many episodes continuously. I see now where u are coming from and I respect how organized the channel is, thanks for the reply

Ashish Kumar

Roberto, dude. Which channels did more than 6 eps of bleach per week, aside from maybe Neel Desai? I would like to know for scientific purposes.

Roberto Rojas

hi, idk I don’t want to mention other channels names on this channels comment section wtf that’s rude 🤫 go find some urself and enjoy these guys

Ashish Kumar

You used uno reverse on me huh 😂 I was just pretty sure there isn't any good channel that did more than 6. Hahah. Six is plenty.