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Nightfall is so funny, imagine the person of your dreams needing a partner and you were busy and didn’t get the call lmao

John Ng

I lol at the bromance Lee and Director showed during this reaction. Lee and Director talking halfway, chorus dropping, both: start dancing to the beat. Lee: Climb to the top because Loid is there. Director: Because she wants Loid’s D. Looks at each other: We’re talking about the same thing, aren’t we? The major point where Yor is better than Nightfall, is not difficult to see. Yor dedicated herself to the family, protects Anya at all costs (even though she’s at fault in the 1st place for not putting Anya “on a leash”), and her airheadedness helps in making us loves her more. And one more thing Nightfall… RETURN YOUR “WUV” TO MARIN!!! You don’t steal Marin’s “WUV”!!! It’s for Gojo only!!! 🤓

R'ja Norr

The way Nightfall thought "I love you" reminded me of how Marin-chan thinks about Gojo-kun. LOL.


The only thing yor has better than nightfall is looks and brute strength, everything else nightfall is better in everything.

Ashish Kumar

I am very conflicted between Yor and Fiona. To me, I don't see Twilight in love with either woman at this point. He is a nice person who appreciates Yor's "normal" and gives her credit for trying her best. No "love" spotted yet. Fiona is actually so much in love. I WANT her to be with Loyd cuz it will be sad if she doesn't make it. On the mission standpoint, she is supposedly jack of all trades like Loyd so she will be so useful to him. She can take a lot of load off the man cuz he has been over working himself. Joining the actual hospital to play his psychiatrist role, handling other missions on the side, coming home and cook day and night while dealing with Yor's deathly food. Worrying about getting Anya stellas alone. He could use help from a real partner who is in on the mission.

Ashish Kumar

Fiona isn't a "yes girl" director. She decided the honeymoon spot by herself! "We could go somewhere South for honeymoon." So the girl really has preferences to voice forward.

John Ng

Director was right about her being a “yes girl.” She decided where to go on their Honeymoon, however, her main goal is to pleased Loid. As shown on her imagination, she has only one goal to satisfy him. Thus if he said he wants to go somewhere else for Honeymoon, she’ll immediately goes along with the decision. She’ll not said she wanted to go where she wants.

Luke Reid

fiona entry kinda depressing tbh, with the whole reminder about most spies not ever living real lives and all that. she really has lost out on the life she wanted

Daniel Borrego

nightfall flashed the money and director changed sides :D :D :D and ya the 'real' loid is definitely becoming a family with yor and anya. nightfall saw that. thats why she left. I mean , i think because loids been thrown off his game so much with those two, he actually caught feelings. his normal training was bypassed. you see it even in episode 2?? when he fell asleep and anya crawled up with him. he let his guard down for like the first time in his life. also loid seems to have always slept with his 'girlfriends/wives' in the past, and he hasnt put a move on yor yet. i think that shows he, even subconciously, knows that he actually likes her and it would somewhat comprimise him to do so. I enjoyed this episode, i just wish they'd get a romance episode between loid and yor. the dense mc routine gets a bit annoying if its done for too long.

John Ng

I agreed with you. It's definitely implied during the 1st episode that he was sleeping with the "Target's" daughter, as he knows all about the moles position on her body when he was threatening the "Target". But he hasn't touched Yor because 1) he respects her and doesn't want to do her dirty, 2) Yor is also pure and innocent, and in that respect, he wanted to keep her pure and innocent, 3) as what you've said, he wanted to prevent himself from getting emotionally involved with her if he were to bed Yor.


well i think the reason is actually much simpler. when he was with his target (the girl in ep 1) he was acting as her boyfriend and thats what she believed. ofc he needed to sleep with her every now and then to make it real. however, in Yor's case, they started this marriage off the basis they were fake family to begin with. Remember, Yor needed a husband to mask her assassin part time job. A single woman stands out easier than a married one. So they knew this was fake to begin with. It wouldnt make sense for Loid to bed Yor when they are both knowingly doing this as a facade


Nightfall is the best girl in the show. After Handler because reminds of Balalaika from Black Lagoon so kinda cheating to pick her.

Random Guy

Just wanna ask if you guys have any plan to continue isekai ojisan since its back? Also twilight is the time between night going to day, night fall is the time between going from day to night.


Can't believe you guys just blindly believed all those nasty rumors they were saying about poor innocent Nightfall smh. She's being bullied at work by those mean rumors and you guys fell for it lol.

Osiris Cage (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 03:33:21 Lmao the look of disgust & disappointment @ 14:29
2022-11-27 19:07:28 Lmao the look of disgust & disappointment @ 14:29

Lmao the look of disgust & disappointment @ 14:29


Friendly reminder to check the schedule my friend. I could answer but this response also encourages others who read to do that as well