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We'll record more Abyss this Sunday or the following wednesday, Director left early today....soooo thats all i got and we shifted the time over to Jojo and Uncle...

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Yo director was super right on how unstoppable the group would be with faputa around but ya gotta put some more respect of Rikos name. Everyone else has the physical ability to survive the abyss but it's been very clear Riko is the only one with the mental fortitude to keep them together and pushing further

Daniel Borrego

this season was kinda wierd and a bit slow, but the ending is pure fire. its good stuff. I cant blame faputa, shes literally been planning revenge for probably like a hundred years. to think she'll just change her mind like that is a bit much. of course reg doesnt really know that. And i've always thought it was wierd that reg was his name already when rico just kinda pulled that name out of her butt. it makes sense if her mom named the dog reg and then named him reg at the bottom of the abyss. but i dont think that can be because i think he met her mom somewhere in the 4th layer, maybe the 5th. I dont know. subconcious transmissions from the abyss. it exerts some kind of psychic force on people, and rico is probably more sensitive then most just because of her dying and being reborn there. all conjecture on my part.


Reg out here ditching Faputa at the Altar, for shame


My theory is that Riko's mom named her dog after meeting him once, and then years later Riko encountered him when he lost his memories, and named him Reg.

Osiris Cage

They said it in the middle of this episode, but Sosu is basically something she says to be more elegant and princess like. Oh and they won't tell you in the anime, but the one eyed girl that was using the gun had a thing with vueko (red haired girl).


Faputa's VA this season was freaking amazing. Pretty sure I read somewhere she lost her voice during recording and had to really push herself to be able to finish strong with these last few emotional episodes

Osiris Cage

Yup. There's even a scene in episode 8 or 9 where she's standing behind Vueko and awkwardly looking at her. Like she's wondering if Vueko remembers her 😂


Hope you two are finally starting to understand why made in abyss is goated


Yeah they should have at least alluded to that a little more in the anime.


He also forgot to add prushka to the group. Prushka make reg become a god


Nah, she was doing her Last Dive already, so she CAN'T go back. It's likely that she named the dog Reg, and like daughter like mother, both thought of the dog the moment they first met Reg, so they both named him Reg because of said dog resemblance. You have to remember that Reg is from the Golden City, and is immune to the Curses (presumably all citizens are)


Yeah but tbf Vueko was basically the town hoe, she was basically fucking around w/ other people too, but only the part w/ her was shown as a manga panel (hence why Irumyuui said "smell of lots of people mating", because Vueko was hoeing around in general, and this nostalgic smell reminded Irumyuui of her own mother due to similar reasons (the native tribe birth rate is skewed heavily on the male side, like 1-2 females every few dozens males I think, so only like 1-2 females per each gen or so, so you can see what a huge loss Irumyuui was to the natives, which might explain why the yare gone now 1950 years later on the surface (Orth was founded 1950 years ago, as one of the recap movies states), since they basically became crippled as a population group after losing their other breeding female, leaving them w/ either 1 or so, or worst case NONE AT ALL, depending on female offspring RNG for said gen))

Kaasim Alam Baloch

Ah they were strapped for time, I wanted the yuri sex scene too but the storytelling of Ganja from Vueko's perspective is so bitter/dark/serious, that adding a random point about Vueko fucking this girl would be out of tone. If this was another genre we would have all the drama of who fucked who but they left these things out because they are so non-consequential compared to the rest of the shit they are doing

Osiris Cage

The main reason I brought up the relationship between her and Vueko is to make sense of a future scene in the show.

Hans Wurst

To me it looks like in the past Reg was carrying the Blaze Reap on his back. That would further indicate he met Lyza and made that grave for her. But since we only see the shaft of that thing on his back I'm not 100% sure.

Daniel Borrego

reg is a robot. hes not from the golden city. hes from deeper in the abyss. i think all those robots probably are. maybe the abyss was originally a machine that got out of control. it could be its power source is a singularity which is why the deeper you go, the more time dialation there is. it also could be why the hole is so deep. it eats more and more into the planet the deeper it goes. the abyss itself being a supercomputer that can create the machines and influence humans.

Daniel Borrego

that might be, but time is messed up down there too. he might be the person who gave it to her like 12 years ago surface time.


Damn this ending was a teaching moments for boys, don't trust girls :D