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Brenner 😢😢😢😢

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strangers s4 ep 8 uncut

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perfect timing


Lee idk if you heard the news but Henry cavill won’t be gearlt anymore after S3 let us know how you feel cause personaly I don’t think the show will be the same because of how good he did the character


i heard it was cuz the showrunners werent plannin on following the books and Cavill was a big fan of the story so he quit? idk but it is sad news indeed. the man was a great Geralt


Lol the more we see how tough these demogorgons are the more impressive it is that Steve can two piece em the way he does.


The papa "death" scene gave ma a massive flashbacks to Silco from Arcane. These 2 are really simular in their twisted love for the "adopted" children.


You probably already know this but they were always gonna have to travel to the house. There was no gate at the house.


I love that I always get unique takes when I watch yalls reactions, yall are the only reactors that I've seen not just be fuck brenner the entire time.

Roronoa Zoro

Ah man Tuesday we get the finale. I can’t wait. Such a great episode and love ya reactions like always.

Roronoa Zoro

Also there are only gates at places where vecna killed people. So eddies trailer, the lake, and the middle of the road. No gate at the creel house cause that was long before henry became vecna


I think the writers of the show had most of this show done when they made season 1 cause when will went messing the thing that took him looked like vecna and used powers to unlock his house door


Nah, Brenner is right El was the one that freed Henry not him Brenner had Henry under control by preventing him from using his powers, so it is her fault that Henry is free, so she should blame herself for that one.


tbh i know brenner did fucked up shit but it was el who gave henry the power to do everything that has happened henry manipulated el to remove the limiter not brenner rip brenner


Now that I think about it, Eleven is indirectly responsible for alot of deaths. Eleven could have easily snapped One's neck instead she opened a gate which led to the deaths of Barb, Bob, Billy, Heather and her family, and a whole bunch of scientists. Oh my god. Is the military right? Eleven has to go. 🤯


Not to mention we've been hearing the clock with the goooong, since season 1!


Yeah. Generally in my case. No matter how scummy if they cast a good actor/actress I’ll enjoy the ride. Brenner is also complex. He really makes me feel like he cares…to the point where i do think he cares… but he’s twisted. I dunno. But fantastic Actor to play with my emotions like that


That’s the same kind of logic that Batman is indirectly responsible for ridiculous amounts of deaths because he refuses to put Joker in the ground. It’s definitely an interesting question but a 8-year old kid can’t be blamed for not killing another human being.


Yeah. She was manipulated by a man offering her “freedom”. She was indeed help in captivity unethically. Snatched from her mother. 100% the adults powers that be are accountable. This institution borderline shouldn’t exist in the first place. They knew One was dangerous and they underestimated him and allowed him around children. The powers that be…”Brenner” are to blame.


Back again, Brenner took in One unethically. Faked his death. He need proper psychological help from a young age. Never got that. These folks trying to contain and grow weapons. Cant even point at El even indirectly. She was a victim even opening the gate was her protecting herself against One


I do believe that brenner at the end of the day was her real dad or 1 is her real dad and brenner knows and that’s why he treats her special. If you notice his in the room when 11 mom give birth to her.


Well…we talking about an 8 yr old. Now season 1 El …yea she’s what 12 at the time. But fam….she literally grew up in a lab….Brenner was her dad lol. She never knew the outside world and even than. She killed people who were an active threat. She wasn’t going around bodying civilians. She was basically an Animal in the sense of just acting out of survival.

Kendall DeSouza (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:46:15 Agreed! I think 1 is all of the kids fathers, when hes tellling his backstory hes says that other children starting being born after brenner started the program. So then the age gap between 1&2 makes sense brenner had to wait for 1 to be old enough to be a donor.
2022-11-04 15:18:47 Agreed! I think 1 is all of the kids fathers, when hes tellling his backstory hes says that other children starting being born after brenner started the program. So then the age gap between 1&2 makes sense brenner had to wait for 1 to be old enough to be a donor.

Agreed! I think 1 is all of the kids fathers, when hes tellling his backstory hes says that other children starting being born after brenner started the program. So then the age gap between 1&2 makes sense brenner had to wait for 1 to be old enough to be a donor.


Agree. It’s like that scam that was revealed about the guy who donated himself to all the women


Lee said it well, I have nothing more to add


So you give homelander the same pass. There both basically born in a lab.


Yeah you guys are right. I'm on Eleven's side. She was a kid and can't be blamed or held "responsible" for all these DEATHS. I know that. But ever since House of The Dragon, I'm starting to sometimes view shows from the so-called antagonist POV. From the military POV, all these deaths, incidences, and rifts in space-time can be traced back to Eleven. Plus, I want to add she tried to kill that blonde bully girl twice even without powers, she is lucky she got away with a broken nose and a concussion.


Sonic is asking if Lee gives Homelander a pass? You know I’m a massive homelander fan? Lol. Doesn’t even need to be asked. But El is 8-14 yrs old. Homelander is a MAN. An adult. All of us can blame something in our youth for our actions but at some point we are held accountable. I can excuse an 8 yr old. A man who’s been out in the world for quiet some time. I can understand him. Yet penalize him to the full extent of the law. Because. He’s a man. He’s been a man for a while. Also Homelander has zero regard for innocent people. El does have regard for civilians.


Jay. She shouldn’t have tried to kill that bully. Period. Agreed……I’m still gonna ride with her for the bias part of me lol.

strange& sleepless

I hadn't seen this episode before and wow, i'm impressed, that was epic. Essentially, the whole El thing isn't too different from other seasons, but they somehow managed to make it feel so new and fresh and powerful. I gotta be honest, I didn't love the first few episodes of this season, smth about the main characters felt off, they felt like a caricature of what they used to be? Though that's probably an unpopular opinion. But this episode alone made this season.

strange& sleepless

Yes! this is why they're my fav reactors. They recognise the nuance and complexity there is to characters and stories and have an open minded way of thinking. I love it. They often help me appreciate shows in ways I couldn't before.

Derper Octinger

9:10 Eldritch just means "weird and sinister or ghostly". What Lee is probably referring too are eldritch creatures, which come from H.P. Lovecrafts horror book series. He just describes many creatures as being eldritch, but nowadays most people know them as the creatures from his books So eldritch tentacle at 9:10 just means weird and sinister tentacle


I agree, but the Demogorgon that was on the Russian Jail is not the same kind as the one they have fought before. The one in Russia is stronger, has fed on more humans and it's super angry. No disrespect to Steve, but the one in Season 1 was not as developed as this last one.


I don’t think what Will said applied to Jonathan and Nancy; those two have different problems. Jonathan clearly has taken the Father role of his family and he’s scared of leaving Will and Joyce behind, plus, he didn’t got into Emerson, where Nancy is supposed to go after highschool. I’m sure Jonathan was sad because he knows that Will was lying in the van, and his brother is struggling with his sexuality and his feelings for Mike. It was truly a beautiful moment but so heart-breaking at the same time.


wen episode 9!


Not gonna lie, but I don't agree at all that Mike is the heart of their group. It is EASILY Will has been. Will has been through literally hell through all the trauma he went through that would of been anybody go insane. YET, he always has this optimism. He is the one that makes everyone feel much better even when the situations look real bad. That is the true heart right there. Just look at how Will is listening and communicating, that's how you know and I hope the writers for S4 will acknowledge this and have Mike say that Will is the true heart of their group because Will deserves that. Mike to me, I feel like is so self absorb with El that he end up neglecting all his friends back in s3. I don't know how he is the heart of the group after doing that.


I personally accept your rationale. Just Mike speaks and motivates the friends. Will has the heart but not the “leadership”. Will is apparently important for Mike to be a good leader though. But other than that. I think your opinion is valid


I respect Mike being the leader, but for me I have always seen Dustin being more of that leadership role. I feel like Dustin truly showed his leadership in season 4 when he is with the group and season 3.

Marcus Haynes

Director was me throughout this whole reaction lol. Yea Brenner talking good but that man is a MENACE. Expert manipulator. He's so good he's fooling himself (which is why I think he was crying when El was telling him about himself). Interesting character but absolutely terrible father and person.