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Just Started liking Harwin.............SMFH....now going back to his first look at Rhanera when she killed that Boar hits differently....I thought he was being a jerk.... but maybe not....i know they cut a lot of the back story out....but it seems he saw her as a G and was peepin lol.

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house of dragons ep 6 uncut

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Lets not forget, Viserys had no choice when it came to the baby or wife. The wife is dead regardless. She aint living without being able to push the baby out. The baby had a chance of survival if they cut the wife open. Granted, dying by cutting definitely hurts alot more. Laena went out like a gangsta


Correct. We stated that when it originally happened with Viserys as you did. But for Daemon who murdered his wife last episode. Its was just an important moment to continue seeing his character and how he handles this wife


It aint a coincidence that his name is Larys (Littlefinger + Varys). This man is a snake and spider in one. His voice is rly soothing tho lol that last monologue was nice


There's a bit more room for denial in the book because Aemma had brown hair despite being part Targaryen and Rhaenys had pitch black hair because she's part Baratheon. The choice to make everyone with Targ blood have white hair helps figuring out who's Targaryen but its sort of backfired with this point.


I actually do like Robin and Steve as a couple, but I also love their Friendship.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

That's not true what ya'll said about Alicent not being down with violence, she is complacent with Murder, first she let Criston Cole live even though he killed a man with his bare hands at a wedding for no reason, and now she lets lary's live even though he just killed his own father and brother, as much as Alicent talks about honor and decency, she has surrounded herself with murderers and doesn't think to punish them for their deeds, she is a hypocrite, and worse a coward because she talks a big game but is unwilling to get her own hands dirty. She is just like everyone else in this show that has low morals, but she just thinks she's better just because it isn't really her doing these things, just the people that work for her that's doing them, but she's still responsible if she doesn't punish them as well for it.

LightMyPath Star

43:40 Adorkable spitting facts !!! What a goat!!!

Phonic Reassignment

i mean all of them are half, if those kids belong to renn and leon they should probaly be able to control the dragons better than her brother whose only half, renn whose only half, or any of her siblings who are only half, i mean the white hair suppose to be a dominate gene of that family line apparently the black hair is more dominate in whoever line them kids came, i dont think that'll work for him she seems bi, but it'll be like your mom walks in the room for him, or like if you where with your girl and some guy walks in, in other words he doesnt seem bi or fluid, he just into guys. i mean he mixed and the wife is white the kids can come out any shade but it is the hair, regardless the kids are as much targarian as the queens because the queen isnt targarian nor related. Damien's kids will probably have the strongest dragons and are a mix of he two dragon houses

Trayvon Brown

There's a quote from Jaimie in one of the history and lore videos about Ned and Roberts argument over the deaths of the Targaryen children during the sack of Kings Landing. "Robert was ashamed but relieved to see the dead kids because he knew if Rhaegars heirs lived his throne would never be secure. But glorious heroes didn't kill children, they just didn't punish their murderers." I think that describes Alicent perfectly. If she cared about honor and decency Criston and Larys would be in black cells. Take Stannis for example: Davos saved his life during the siege of storms end but Stannis still took the fingers on his hand for his crimes of smuggling because as Stannis says "A good act does not wash out the bad." Alicent is willing to allow anything if it helps her even if shes lying to herself about it.


Agreed 100%, you can't be anti-violence and talk about "honor and decency" and then support and surround yourself with murderers when you have the power and authority not to. She just allowed a man to confess to killing the hand of the king, her own husband's closest ally, and does nothing because in the end, she knows she will prosper for it.

Trayvon Brown

35:10 is kinda funny because Jon Snow is a Targaryen with dark hair lol 🤣


I like that you guys are giving Rhaenyra well deserved criticism. Team Alicent 😀😀😀😄. I look forward to hating on Criston.


Alicent is mad in this episode (or for the last 10 years) for legitimate reasons. Like Director said Rhaenyra wants to have her cake and eat it to and it's disrespectful. I hate to defend Criston (bitch ass) but I think he killed Joffrey for a reason, because he knew the princess's secret. If Alicent turned in Larys for killing his father and brother, he could have spun the truth and laid blame on Alicent, getting her killed in the process, even though she never asked him to kill them. Like Larys said, "Truth has many flavors, Your Grace." Alicent maybe a coward in some ways but Rhaenyra is a liar, reckless, and disrespectful to the realm and House Velaryon.


Alicent objects to the marriage of the kids out of pure jealously. She had to fuck old ass Viserys and do her duty all these years, but Rhaenyra got to fuck Cole out of passion then have kids with someone she loves. You even see it 2 episodes ago (The juxtaposition between the Alicent and Rhaenyra sex scenes). She just wants to destroy Rhaenyra and the excuse about her kid's safety is just that (an excuse). Its like how Otto keeps saying the realm wants war, but if he and Alicent were to reaffirm Rhaeyra as heir after Aegon's birth any insurrection is neutered. Better yet if he didn't have Alicent interfere ,Viserys marries lord Corlys's daughter and Rhaenyra still stays heir by marrying a Son of Corlys. Literally every single conflict in the show is a by product of Otto or Alicent and player hater Alicent is deadass going to start a war at this rate.


After 6 episode I can clearly say in my opinion you guys have the best HOTD reactions. I always enjoy the discussion and everything. Also this episode finally made me take of the black and side with the greens. Rhaenyra just prove that if she becomes queen she would just do whatever she wanted with give a F what people say, Real cerci vibes. Also I don’t side with bastards that’s why I sided with stannis over anyone else.

Kay Goodman

@Jay I agree with this point. The people who lose are those who refuse to play the game. She didn't call for it, but acting on morality alone will get you killed faster than anything. If The Hand to the King named the shadow stalking his house, he would have put his whole kin in jeopardy. He was trying to extricate himself from the storm, to no avail.

Donovan Kagy

I hope alicent gets put in a ditch soon she’s kinda annoying and she acts as if shes super important with she is not she already had kids what more does the king truly need from her and she just keeps being rude towards the king she just need to be dead or back in her place

Joseph LeRoy

Honestly Rhaenyra is just doing what her entire family has done throughout history. Targaryens change the game and make their own rules. Alicent is just bitter and mad that she had to do things a certain way and Rhaenyra does what she wants. I personally don't think she would kill Alicents kids either. The way Alicent acts makes me want to push her out a window lol. When this civil war gets started it will be Alicents fault and I hope Syrax eats her.


Daemon's kids look the way they should cause his wife isn't gay

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Rhaenyra isn’t being disrespectful to house Velaryon if this is the agreement that her and Laenor had, if his parents are upset they need to take that up with their son. Also if Rhaenyra is a liar, reckless and disrespectful so is Alicent, she’s a liar because she didn’t tell Rhaenyra about her nightly chats with her father up until Rhaenyra was literally blindsided by the news of their marriage, and don’t say she was forced too by her father because she could have still gave Rhaenyra a heads up. She’s reckless because she’s putting her trust in men that have proven to be flip floppy and dangerous not to mention she talks about these delicate matters all out in the open and hella loudly, she’s disrespectful because Viserys has said multiple times he will not change the line of succession and yet here she is trying her hardest to change it herself, going against her Husband/The Kings wishes. Alicent broke the trust between her and Rhaenyra first and then wanted to act all surprised when Rhaenyra lies to you??!! Of course she did, she doesn’t trust you anymore and that’s on Alicent. Also it would be different if Laenor had no clue those kids weren’t his, but he does know and claims them anyways, no one’s being disrespected in that relationship. Also of course Rhaenyra wants her cake and eat it too. ALL Targaryens are like that not just her and it’s been that way since Aegon conquered Westeros this is nothing new, every Targaryen king before her was able to do anything they wanted, she shouldn’t have to be different. Even Alicents children specifically Aegon are like that as well. Like where is this honor and decency when your son is masturbating outside the window?! Miss me with that hypocrisy.

Dblock (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:50:56 I actually agree with y’all cause Rhaenyra imo lied to her best friend when the she could have helped you & the whole time defending her from her own dad & even the king just for sir criston to tell her Rhaenyra smashed 🤧and her wanting to make her bastard kids as political marriage when she did fulfill hers is crazy💯she literally don’t think of the consequences ( people using double standards is crazy cause her dad did/faced a lot for her to be heir & Deamon literally lost it after one day back so her being responsible should be a given)
2022-09-29 16:20:37 I actually agree with y’all cause Rhaenyra imo lied to her best friend when the she could have helped you & the whole time defending her from her own dad & even the king just for sir criston to tell her Rhaenyra smashed 🤧and her wanting to make her bastard kids as political marriage when she did fulfill hers is crazy💯she literally don’t think of the consequences ( people using double standards is crazy cause her dad did/faced a lot for her to be heir & Deamon literally lost it after one day back so her being responsible should be a given)

I actually agree with y’all cause Rhaenyra imo lied to her best friend when the she could have helped you & the whole time defending her from her own dad & even the king just for sir criston to tell her Rhaenyra smashed 🤧and her wanting to make her bastard kids as political marriage when she did fulfill hers is crazy💯she literally don’t think of the consequences ( people using double standards is crazy cause her dad did/faced a lot for her to be heir & Deamon literally lost it after one day back so her being responsible should be a given)


Rhaenyra and Laenor's agreement was to do their duty. How is Rhaenyra having Strong's kids and not Laenor's kids doing her duty? Rhaenyra is being disrespectful trying to pass off Strong's kids as Velaryons. They have the Velaryon name when they AREN'T Velaryons! And since they have the Velaryon name they could potentially become the head of House Velaryon in the future and inherit Driftmark. Alicent has every right to be mad about Rhaenyra's children being basterds because it can be viewed as treason. Rhaenyra's bad decision to have Strong kids is one more reason she shouldn't be the heir. Rhaenyra was a brat, spoiled, and immature as a child and Alicent was way more mature. Alicent didn't lie to Rhaenyra she was ordered by her father to go to the king and the king didn't want her to tell Rhaenyra. Not telling Rhaenyra was a bad friend moment I'll give you that but Alicent didn't have the privileges that Rhaenyra had and I can believe that it would have been very hard for her to say no to her father and to the marriage. And Rhaenyra's lie led to Alicent's father being removed as hand leaving her all alone.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

It’s not disrespectful if Laenor is claiming those kids, he knows those aren’t his kids and claims them anyways if HE says those are his children then there’s nothing to argue about and Alicent needs to shut the fuck up, if HE wants those kids to inherit his legacy then Alicent needs to shut the fuck up. Plain and simple, their agreement was to get married as their duty and then do whatever they wanted, clearly Laenor couldn’t give her kids and Rhaenyra needed to start having kids immediately so she did what she had to do. Alicent was talking to the King for 6 MONTHS before he told her not to tell Rhaenyra so in those 6 months she could have told Rhaenrya, but she didn’t, she broke the trust first no arguments about it, of course Rhaenrya no longer trusts Alicent and would lie to her, because she broke the trust. Also it wasn’t just Rhaenryas lie that got Otto fired, it was the fact that he was having her followed, Otto got himself fired honestly for pushing too hard for Aegon to be heir and spying on Rhaenrya. Also Rhaenrya isn’t a brat, she just refuses to be miserable while doing her duties and there’s nothing wrong with that. Alicent decided to “play by the rules” and now she hates her life, Rhaenrya won’t let her life turn out that way, good for her. Also if the King himself does not care who the father is then it doesn’t matter. Alicent is more in the wrong than Rhaenrya is plain and simple.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Yes lol my bad for continuing to comment, it just irks me that people try to put all the blame on Rhaenrya when in all actuality Alicent is just as bad, worse in my opinion because she is a hypocrite.


Its fine. A yr ago I would been arguing too lol. Now i tend to just read and joke around. BUT if i think someone is wrong 100% black and white. I’ll debate more. I also guage how passionate the comment is. Yours came in hot. I was like if I debate I’ll get burned 😂😂😂


Wasn't there a deleted scene of daemon hugging his daughters after the loss?


How ironic that Rhaenyra's kids were so easily found out or suspected because of their looks yet in GoT cersei's kids were the opposite instead of black hair they were blonde. Might be that Harwin was suspected more because they werent as careful...idk