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Lol from the sound of it, you would definitely be one of Geto’s henchmen if you were in this reality🤦🏾‍♂️…you had me for a while, but as soon as you said he did “absolutely nothing wrong”, thats when you lost me…the dude is simply a psychopath with a hitler/god complex, despite his reasoning behind his actions, any person that thinks mass genocide is acceptable is a psychopath…Gojo could’ve easily taken the Geto path and wipe out the corrupt higher ups using violence, but instead he chose the education route to bring up the talented next generation in order to replace the corrupted higher ups and bring hope to the world…Geto has a pessimistic and twisted mindset of the world and chooses unreasonable violence to get what he wants, while Gojo has a hopeful/optimistic mindset of the world and the next generation…So in my opinion Suguru Geto is “absolutely” wrong, while Gojo is “absolutely” right….these two parallel perfectly with Magneto and Professon X.


i rewatched the end of this and i think he said "Gomen Nasai" which means "I'm sorry." which explains the reaction



Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I was not expecting this. You pulled a bamboozaloney on us, I thought you weren't gonna do it.


oh aight im hype


Bleach then this 😧 y’all made my night better


Yuta was mentioned in season 1 a lot I think y’all just missed it, the reason we didn’t see him was because I think he was suspended or something this movie was basically his backstory.


I think the 2nd years mentioned somewhere in s1 that there's another 2nd year who's currently overseas which is Yuta


Yes that’s him and he’s actually shown when gojo talks about itadori when he thought he was dead


Yup I think when Gojo talked up Todo he also gave props to Yuta. Saying those two plus Yuji where is hope for the future replacements of the higher ups.


You guys just made my night at work more enjoyable 😊👍🏽

Ranginald Vagel

Post credits scene shows his whereabouts during season 1, dude's in Africa with Miguel.


The whole opening song was english guys lol


Amazing discussion great reaction!!!! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Don't worry, sometimes things do get confusing in Jujutsu Kaisen anyone who says it's not is lying. They did actually mention Yuta a few times in season 1.


yuta is mentioned to be studying abroad in JJK,and when todo fight megumin 1st time ,he was mentioned again there, todo asked yuta to take part in exchange event,and yuta and gojo is desendent of the vile soccrer who impregnate and abort a woman 9 times ,mentioned around episode 22-24 ,nth to do with 3 major clans


It's probably less that they missed it and more that, like they mentioned, they're mostly casual and it's been quite awhile since they watched S1. It's totally understandable that people wouldn't remember something that was, up until the announcement and eventual release of the movie, a pretty minor detail that was mostly just foreshadowing for the future.


Really fun reaction, and yeah, nothing to worry about regarding knowledge. Without rewatching the series with the benefit of hindsight, you're bound to not remember a lot of the small stuff, because they don't mean much in the moment. And just like you guys said at the end, there aren't many references to S1 of the anime outside of some insider stuff, so even if this is your first experience, you'll still understand everything. All jokes aside, I think Geto was pretty firm in his convictions like Lee and Adorkable were saying. The flashback with Gojo showed that Geto used to be an advocate of the Sorcerers protecting the weak and Gojo was the one that didn't care much about the weak, but I think that incident where he saved the girls that were being treated awfully by ordinary people had a major effect on him. All of a sudden, these mass weaklings that they're supposed to be protecting are ganging up on the few strong and doing awful things to them. Granted, his plan did involve having to kill Yuta to take Rika away, but like Adorkable mentioned, to him it's probably like the death of one person justifies the end result of being able to have the power to purge all of these "monkeys" and getting his wish. And in the end, the way he managed the war allowed all of his followers to escape with their lives, so he's pretty ride-or-die for his crew, which is respectable.


Geto’s one of the best written characters in this series when s2 comes out next year they’ll go into more detail on his character and why he’s like this in the movie.


They mentioned Yuta several times in season 1 and he was shown briefly in the second opening


Its not like they missed it is more like they forgot about it because how long it has been since season 1 ended and knowing these 3 and how forgetful they are when it comes to stuff especially when it comes to names and minor stuff I’m not surprised they wouldn’t remember Yuta being mentioned in season 1


The movie is cool and all but it was just alright to me and I honestly don't have much general attachment to any of the jujutsu characters even up until this point. Something about the series is that it has that cool factor but its just difficult to invest and dive into the series and be genuinely engaged with it. That's just me tho.


the second part of this information is false. Gojo and Yuta are not descendants of the vile sorcerer mention in episodes 22-24. That man was from the Kamo Clan, Kamo Noritoshi. The only character who is a descendant of that guy is the current Kamo Clan heir, Kamo Noritoshi (aka guy with the arrows). The Gojo Clan is a completely separate clan who is related to Sugawara Michizane, one of Japan's Three Great Apparitions, and a big shot of the jujutsu world. Yuta is a direct descendant of Sugawara Michizane, which makes him a distant relative of Gojo (though not part of the Gojo Clan) and have no blood ties to any of the Kamo Clan.

Ranginald Vagel

The most important mentions of him were Gojo putting him down as one of the sorcerers with potential to surpass him and when it was said that in the previous year’s school v school event Yuta solo’d everyone from Kyoto and won the event on his own


When I saw the kiss on theater I whisper to my friend bro he gave her the Baki power up with a kiss 👀damm

God Enel

Amen fuck em lol


Great reactions guys, just wish less things went over y’all head and remember things. But still amazing reacting and amazing movie.


It's not confusing tho. Guess you need to read more LNs to improve your memorization capabilities


You should tell adorkable to watch made in abyss


She knows about the show. It’s usually the last show we watched when she arrives Sunday


Yeah. I’m sure we noticed it. But that info was long ago and isn’t something I’d remember on a 1st watch


I like how Director’s entire feelings about Geto is based off something he didn’t say lmao. Bro was basically shooting a bunch of weak curses at a very powerful one and he’s saying “I have the quantity, you have the quality, let’s see how you’ll handle it”. It was more of a challenge than anything else. He was poking at him.


Also idk if Gojo killed him or not but I believe that Geto is a curse, not a sorcerer in the show. So he could’ve died and became a curse.

mitch anderson

Holy shit i didn't even think about this possibility. This would actually be crazyyyyy

Osiris Cage

Yuta hitting the blackflash and then Nanami hitting the 4 consecutive blackflashes that he told Itadori about gives me goosebumps everytime


dont want to flood u with complaints but there are a few jjk eps missing and if u have made a post on this topic pls let me know if not could i get these eps?


So plz message what you’re looking for. I don’t get notifications for every comment. This may be the last notification from you which is outta my control


Director you should live stream your rewatch 👀


when the salaryman or nanami hit the 4 black flashes right after Yuta hit Geto with black flash. that was the story that nanami was talking about in s1 right before Yuji hit his Black Flashes


No, Geto said that weaklings winning over the strong by sheer numbers disgusted him, so D-Nasty saw this as a contradiction since Geto was literally fighting Yuta by throwing numerous weak curses. So D-Nasty is not wrong. But I think this film fails to explain Suguru Geto's point of view, since it was written before the show. I think season 2 will make a lot of people change their opinions on this character.


You guys will change your opinions on Geto when season 2 will air. In the world of JJK, civilians live their selfish lives and create curses without knowing it. They pollute the world with their negative energy because they don't even know energy exists, so they're not aware of the impact their emotions have on the world (I'm not spoiling anything since it's always been explained through the show). And you have sorcerers basically living hard knock lives in the shadows, dying on the battlefield to clean up the mess these ignoramuses created. None of this makes any sense. If such a world made any sense, sorcerers would be the leaders of society and teach commoners how to stop creating curses, but instead those civilians are living their useless existences with their comfort and technology while keeping unleashing their toxic energy into the world. So civilians in JJK indeed ARE ignorant monkeys. The only flaw in Geto's reasoning is that he shouldn't aim to kill non-sorcerers, but to somehow rule over them, or at least create a new hierarchy. It makes sense to me that in a healthy society, the wise should lead the ignorant. Geto's desire to genocide non-sorcerers only comes from his resentment from his miserable life as a sorcerer. It kinda pisses me off how this film portrays him as a stereotypical villain with an evil smile, but it's because it was written before the manga, so his personality wasn't fully fledged yet. In my opinion Suguru Geto did absolutely nothing wrong.

Kpop Tart

Dang, you sound like a cursed spirit


I knew people would think that. One of the reasons i was hesitant ti record the movie reaction