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Phonic Reassignment

forget these new world humans we are ainz humans, this is why im still on ainz side hes a human that got trapped in a world as a character he made in a video game with the tomb he help build, and npcs him and his friends created, i relate to ainz as a "true human" aka "player". if it where me i'd absolutely wreck havoc especially if i was alone with caution. oh and if i was undead trust all these "humans" wouldnt be viewed as humans ever unless i see another player, if i came here as a human/ or humanoid things would be similar but not as vile because you know im gonna create and populate new life with all kinds of beings lol.

Bryce Jackson

Such respect for Brain by cocytus, A warriors resolve chose not to trample the ground he stood upon and died to defend. He also chose not to freeze the land he defended. But preserved his body thats why he walked around


The first time Overlord season 1-3 was so much ̶t̶h̶e̶o̶r̶y̶c̶r̶a̶f̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ being dumb, and fucking blind it would be too much in any other series...but yes compare random ass reaction from 2 years ago to a random ass reaction from now...yea...that shit is watered down heavy bro. You are still better than 99% of other channels, but the gap is waaaaaaaaay smaller than it used to be.


True nail clipper had me dying


He walked around Brain so as to not freeze the area he died protecting out of respect to the fallen warrior.


Thanks for the reaction. Always appreciating the content y’all put out


Fuck my Patreon app is jacked up somehow. Notifications aren’t working right and it won’t load new posts 🤦‍♂️. (Just venting I know it isn’t fixable on your end)


Yoo I can kind of get how some people used to get mad about the theory crafting, mainly for the parts where you guys just talked over information so you just came up with wrong theories, but even then I still enjoyed em. Especially cause yall could find the humor in how wrong you were.


Man I'm surprised there wasn't more of a reaction or speculation on what ainz said about the gods and heroes from this world being players like him.


Honestly personally I just enjoy all of your personality’s and seeing you react just keep doing you man always great content


The event with the tea was also to show you how strong she was. That they had to weaken her to a point that charm person would work on her. After they left the went an got her armor. Then they left the capital if she had been in her armor it would have been a lot harder. I hate that there is only one more ep. From what I can many can piece together its going to be a few yrs before the next season. Because the author hasn't written the next few books.


Maybe that’s why folks feel it’s watered down. I thought that was understood. Didn’t feel new


That's interesting, up until this point I thought they'd only dropped hints but this was the first time they confirmed that it's not just a theory. But yeah that could be part of the reason people feel it's watered down. I think a couple years ago just confirming what you already knew would have been a 15 minute discussion with like 2 tangents.


@30:30 I think Cocytus walked around Brain as a sign of respect. He respected his last stand as warrior. He sensed Brain was strong for a human and could have been a benefit to Ainz. So he preserved his body. Then out of respect he went out his way to walk around Brain and not tread on the area he died protecting. I could be wrong though lol.


Yea cocytus used the god slaying sword which is his creator's weapon and apparently the sharpest sword he has as a sign of respect to brain and also walked entirely around the buildings to not walk past brain immediately after defeating him and another sign of respect to brain.


Great reaction from you guys. y’all have me crying with your reaction to lakyus, the three of you are friends and all… I hope to never see adorkable holding director in a full nelson while ybr start wrecking shop. Maybe brain should have kept that sword


I believe Gazef is slightly weaker then a death knight but he’s human and can strategize so he could likely beat one or two.

Ranginald Vagel

Get yourself friends that will break your bones with their bare hands and stab you to save your life. Also wtf that ep felt like it was 5 minutes long


Level 30 and up is when your considered “hero” territory in Overlord.


Maybe next time Ainz asks if Coucutus wants a reward he’ll ask for Brain to be revived.

Random Guy

In the end, we could all see how much limited Brain's potential was compared to Clementine or Gazeff. Clementine was literally able to stack buff upon buff meanwhile Brain was already at his limit with two ability boosts. Yet he was able to make it to that level because of his brushes with death (Shalltear) and his hardwork.

Random Guy

But honestly there isnt much to theory craft because we are just tying lose ends now, we already had so much info going into season 4. Unless they introduce something new, plus the story is ending. After this, there's only the Slane Theocracy and Dragon's council left to fight anyway before the story ends. We only have a season or two left at most to completely adapt the light novel. Main story aside I kinda wish they adapt the spinoff afterwards, that EvilEye Spinoff with the new Nazarick story that came with buying all 3 box sets of overlord 3. The title is called, Overlord Bonus Volume: The vampire princess of the lost country.


Not walking past Brain was another sign of respect from Cocutys that is why he went around from another street. It would have been disrespectful to body Brain and then just walk past him. I am really surprised how they skipped to this Re-Estize arc first befory holy kingdom arc (should be the movie).


RIP to another young legend, gone too soon


Also loved y’all freaking out when they suddenly jumped there friend. I to was super confused when I first read that way back when. It’s just so sudden with no immediate explanation 🤣


Also I will defend y’all ridiculous theories that get disproved in the next episode, he’ll sometimes talk were getting disproved while making the theory. And I loved every second of it😂🤷🏾‍♂️. That was a great time

Casper Ghost

Cocyutus was showing respect to Brain by sparing the civilians Brain was protecting by just going around the block.


@Random Guy the story is ending this arc is supposed to be volume 16 this season 4 adaptated volume 14 and 16 the movie gonna adapt volume 15 And volume 17 just released back in June of this year and volume 18 is supposed to be last so most probably 1 season is all left before the end though it said volume 17 is double the size of other volume so the most we will get would be season 5 and another movie(not the announced one)


RIP Brain. From coward to hero. I like Overlord because they introduce interesting characters you may like, hate, or feel indifferent to, build them up, make you care about them, then kill them off, all for the Great Tomb of Nazarick.


Good reaction, I don’t mind the theory. No I don’t feel like you guys have water down. I think the red Gundam pilot is around lv 50 which make him around evil eye and the lower battle maid. This episode felt the shortest out of the whole overlord show. I was expecting more. Just wondering how much are they going to dump into the next episode. Also the movie takes place before the last 5 episode of this season. Not sure exactly why, I’m thinking because all overlord season are 3 volumes long. Season 5 most likely going to be the last season. Hoping the elves are able to give nazarick an actual challenge

Bites D Dust

I enjoyed it back then, but I also enjoy it now so it doesn't really matter to me, also there's not really much to theory about because they usually solve stuff pretty quick.


That King better watch his back lmao..that look on the Princess's face.

Xemaris Uchiha

I love yalls theories and shit, thats why i subbed to yall instead of other peopeople XD even when your wrong i get al augh out of it.


RIP Brain Unglaus .