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The sheer amount of vitriol that this show got and still gets is wholly unwarranted and I'm personally glad you guys came into it with open minds and really saw the show for it's content and not just it's commentary. Also can I just say I love the way Pug really put some respect on Megan Thee Stallion when he said her name out haha

Teyon Alexander

Actually there are some people who will transform from the blood. In the Edward Norton Hulk movie, the scientist that was helping Bruce had some of Hulk’s blood fall into a wound on his head. Turning him into The Leader, a Hulk Villain. So her blood is valuable. The bad guys were the Wrecking Crew, originally villains from the Thor Comics and yeah, kind of a joke these days.

John Ng

Correct me if I’m wrong. In Ed Norton version, he gets turn into Abomination with multiple doses of the unpure captain American super soldier serum. They tried the 1st doses which is enough to make him stronger but still inferior to Hulk, thus he requested for more and in the end turns into Abomination due to the amount of unpure serum injected into him. So he is not experimenting with Hulk’s blood.


4:35 I'm dying to know what show Adorkable was talking about


Your close but at the very end Abomination got a Hulk blood infusion mixing with the super soldier serum he already had and turning him into the big narly thing he is now.

Ranginald Vagel

Dude why'd she let them run I woulda carried their asses to the nearest police station

Nicholas Castillo

I think it’s been lost that the writing is not good I love the actress I think she’s amazing she-hulk but the writing is very on the nose there’s nothing deep about it everything that you find in the episode is just what you would find online it’s not like there’s real narratives going on between people it’s very lazy writing example show like haikyuu is quite simply about volleyball but with amazing writing you’re taking on an adventure to really feel and empathize with these people versus the show just telling you how you’re supposed to see these people instead of just showing us each character they literally exaggerates a character to a stereotype and then say what it is very on the nose. Example when she talks about the guy being everything he is at that point they’re not even creating any depth to the character that’s just who he is not how he got there not why he’s that way just this is who he is and that’s it That’s extremely lazy writing. Versus having a character like Kei Tsukishima go through trials and tribulations seeing where he’s coming from and where he’s going they show you they don’t just verbally say it. This show just verbally says who a person is and that’s enough character build up. Same thing happened in Hawkeye with Kate bishop they don’t show you the training arc of becoming great at martial arts they just have her walk in saying she went to tournaments and here’s another medal that’s lazy writing. They’re trying to skip the heroes journey to just say these people are just as good as someone else and they don’t go through the same trials. Me personally this is probably gonna be the last episode I watch I was gonna give it three episodes to see if anything better with the writing I chose three episodes because that’s how long it took WandaVision to get better. And the directors or the writers I really hope somebody can critique them and they don’t just think of it as hate because any critiques are just getting lost with hate at this time so if you label everyone haters then you’re just saying you’re above criticism And you’re ignoring genuine disappointment if that continues. Love y’all But it’s pretty on the nose when she said the show is gonna get carried by cameos


Yeah. I respect those thoughts despite our jokes. The people on the internet complaining are who get under my skin based on their presentation if said complaints. There are Haters and there are people who just dont like it because of their taste for quality which is understandable. We literally target the hating trolls or fragile minds with our comments. You’re not one of these People

John Ng

I agrees it comes down to good and bad writing. But the reason you used Haikyuu for is not exactly a good example for it. You see, Haikyuu doesn’t do the character development in 1 or 2 episodes, it uses at least 3 or 4 episodes to explain a character and smooths out their back stories. For this limit episodes show, it’s difficult to do what Haikyuu did. I think the best anime to use as an example that Lee will see it from your point of view should be Talentless Nana. It has limited episodes and builds on the characters in 1 or 2 episodes only, but makes us understand, sympathise or hate the characters. And they’re using the manga as source material for the show, so it also boils down to how the director presents the same story from manga to the audience. Because dumping all faults on writing alone isn’t exactly right too. I’m not saying you’re right or wrong. Just saying what I felt about it.

Random Guy

No critic is going to criticize them coz they are afraid of getting called misogynistic and get cancelled.


Kinda sad cause fans can’t even criticize a show without being attacked by the company or by the other fans.. literally have Disney and other companies blaming us and saying we’re the ones in the wrong.. it’s almost like they purposefully create a show to anger people just to try to turn it around on the people they angered, it’s frustrating man.. had to go through Star Wars, LOTR, and now this? Disney just a bunch of hacks imo 🙄

Random Guy

The only good part of this episode was Wong's instant nope when he exited.


Respectfully King. Fans can criticize the show. The same rights that allow them to criticize allows these fans to ALSO be criticized for for. I normally don’t criticize the crtical fans. They exist in every show. But they comment under our videos “this show is trash”. “You have bad taste if you like this”. Read my episode 1 comments or the community posts. They going out their way with non constructive negativity. These are the types of people I’m responding to. My reaction friend had a comment going around ATTACKING fans of the show on a personal level. Now on a side note. I get people wanna criticize. I just avoid listening. It doesn’t full my cup of energy. I dont dwell on criticism. If i don’t like something. I just dont watch it and i find something i like. Thats my personal mindset. I’m generally a happy person as a result. So i stick with it. It’s a spiritual thing. That doesn’t reflect the original comment of John. That was constructive criticism and I listen to that


Yo this show is way better than I thought it would be, honestly I'm glad so many pissed off people were shitting on it its really made me appreciate the show more.