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Wow this monster is extremely smart, I expected it to be smart but I'm surprised how smart it is.

B Mowglli

Alright this is the part of the show where the pacing starts to seem off or drawn-out IMO. It's not bad-bad yet tho Idk how to describe it, but especially when watching while airing, it felt like hardly anything happened each episode. We go from one scene with super intense battle to really quiet scene the next, it just gives me whiplash and requires building the tension again or establishing what's happening - which means more verbal exposition by characters. The first half of this ep was just reacting to Marie, nothing interesting plot wise except she knows xenos and her blood heals. Lots of reacting to boobs and stuff. It can be funny at the moment but looking back, meh. I know it's only been less than half a year in-universe, but the 'always awkward around girls MC' trope is beginning to feel overplayed, like he should've grown at least a tiny bit by now. The VA work on his awkward yells are really good tho lol. Like many of the conflicts also seem forced/hamfisted. 'oh more monsters coming out of walls' - whenever we need some sort of threat - and 'we'll call it a monster party so it seems fantasy like'. Clearly the dungeon is wilding out with unique stuff happening, but I still wish there was more connection from that story to what's happening.


Marie is best girl so far


I saw that face Lee. Mikoto got you.

Anthony Nguyen

After just Mikoto, they were appreciating Daphne's (red haired girl) legs too haha

Anthony Nguyen

Adorkable gotta remember that while Marie is a Xenos, that also implies that other normal mermaid monsters exists, and those are the ones using their singing to fuck people up. So you were right to talk about it in the pre-discussion, but just didn't connect all the dots to realize that you shouldn't expect anything bad to happen from Marie.


:D Danmachi. Thank you Lee sensei


Mikoto been rising up in my list since this season started bro. She been having too many good moments


If I were bell I would tell mermaid chick that I would put up a pool back at my crib and she can come live with me. I can't afford one of those pools that go in the ground and require a bunch of construction but I can do one of those inflatables.


I commented so much so I am just making this as simple and short as possible lol. Forget that other comment. First off we have seen a pass parade before. That is what they called it in season one when bell and the other two were caught in that group of monsters that were passing by because of mikoto's old group. That was when they ended up getting really messed up and hestia formed the group to go search for bell. Pass parade is when monsters are in groups of their own and the coming marching through from one designated direction. Monster party is when monsters come from all sorts of directions instead of one formed direct group like a pass parade. Hope that helps make things easy to understand


"Grow up Bell" smh my mans is LITERALLY 14 (which makes it hilarious since literally every female after his ass is older than he is, even Lili who is 15), and a late-bloomer at that, give him some slack

Derper Octinger

The anime already mentioned and explained it, but you guys were a bit confused when they mentioned 2 terms in this episode, so i wanted to refresh it for you -Pass Parade: When a group of adventures runs from a group of monsters and then pass another party of adventurers. Then the monster following the first party will attack the second party.(Mikotos group did this to Bells group in S2) -Monster Party: A monster party is a mass spawning of the same species of monsters. It usually happens when the party is exhausted and the dungeon wants to corner them. (For example this happend after Mikotos group did a pass parade on bells group in S2. Bells party had to run from the monsters and once they were exhausted the dungeon tried to corner them by mass spawning monsters)

Anthony Nguyen

Gotta remember that Bell isn't a city boy, he grew up alone with his grandpa in the fucking boonies with no chance to practice social skills with girls. At least Asta had Sister Lily growing up haha

Casper Ghost

25:30 The move was Absolute Flower her alias is Absolute Shadow.


I am of the opinion right now that Bell has fetish to the xenos ladies. Only women he reacts this much is when it's more alien girl type and Bell goes all hard.

John Ng

That's not the case. They were "naked" when Bell saw the Xenos girls. Whereas for the rest of the girls he saw, they've been wearing clothes, thus he reacts lesser to it. You'll see the same extreme reactions to a certain girl later in this season and you'll not say he has a fetish towards Xenos anymore.

John Ng

I can't wait to see Adorkable's reaction when they reached THAT scene. I already know how Lee and Director will react to that scene. It's going to be hilarious. Unless the anime skipped it, but that's one of the staple scene in this arc, so I doubt they'll skip it.


Also Bell's Soul is affecting him too (which is literally the entire reason Freya's horny ass is after him so obsessively)