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bro i read this before watching the reaction and I was just confused

Mychael Dark

I've never been able to understand people fascination with Mushoku Tensei. By the time it even came out as a web novel I already considered it generic isekai trash. People talk about it being the father of Isekai, but it didn't do anything new, unless you consider hyping up a sexual assaulting pedophile as a hero as something new. Which hentai, porn and doujins had already been doing for years first anyways. Inuyash, Familiar of Zero, Escaflowne and many, many more were already doing Isekai years before Moshoku Tensei was even thought up.


Man the familiar of zero was the very first light novel I read in my teen years. And I dont like reading books that arent mangas. Too bad author died and it was unfinished. All of my all time favorite stories are all left unfinished. I deadass just stopped giving a fuck about liking anything ever since miura kentaro died.


Usually in erotic mangas in order to cure aphrodisiac is to have intercourse or have bodily fluid of love one something along that line. Fujimiya wants to poison takafumi so he would go in heat and fuck her. -hentai expert-


What did we do to deserve this three episode release? Thanks 🙏


Lol. I like show. Did well on YT. There isn’t really a tactical reason to hold back on the show for you guys. The editing team gonna get this to YT ASAP and y’all are entitled to early enough releases to justify your monthly support lol. I Also waited for weeks to see what they winning shows are. So you’re entitled to getting back that lost time. 😅. That’s my thought process. It’s fair to you guys


Talking bout cars, would love you guys' reaction to the original Initial D series.

Daniel Turner

a shame ep 5 was delayed due to covid wont be back till next week

Random Guy

Oh no. You don't know The familiar of Zero (Zero no Tsukaima) the book takafumi was reading? It's one of the four big roles of Rie Kugimiya, the queen of tsunderes that made her really famous. It includes Shana from Shakugan no Shana, Nagi From Hayate no Gotoku, Taiga from ToraDora and finally Louise from Zero no Tsukaima.

Random Guy

The reason why he said he could be arrested was because it was her picture when she was a minor. While reading the manga, I assumed she did the deed herself.


The Familiar of Zero is another anime, pretty good one too in my opinion. First aired in 2006 with 4 seasons


I figured. I thiiiiink i made a comment saying “it’s like liking my wife’s high school picture “. If I didn’t say out loud. I thought it lol


This anime just tossing out references and brands lol...kinda reminds of what Gintama does.

John Spartan

If you read the scene carefully it's implied that she.. relieved herself, the manga makes it clearer that she did nothing dirty to Ojisan. Thanks for the multiple drops !

V. R.

I think they said that particular poison was an aphrodisiac. That's why she wanted a dose.


Have you tried seeing a doctor about a potential case of dyslexia? Just curious tbh


Mmmm. No actually. I did have ADD meds at some point for like 2 weeks and i was fine during that time. Just my insurance and the medication was a bit much to workout


The “poison” was an aphrodisiac. It’s implied that when she knocked him out, then she relieved herself. That’s also why fugi wanted the “poison” so she could get Takafumi aroused


But it seems you’re aware i mix up words when i read and than i have to deal with people jumping at me. I also invent scenes that never happened btw lol. My mind fills in blanks on things i miss and it does it so well…that im unaware i missed the info intil later


I also try not to saturate that as an excuse. Lee didn’t and now you understand the channels name a bit better. No special talents. Just good work ethic


so after they saw the memory at the end credit. the elf girl was "poisoned" but she was clearly in heat from it so Fuji said "its more like an aphrodisiac than a poison" and she asked the uncle for a dose to "poison" Takafumi so he would be aroused like the elf girl. to directors question in the beginning familiar of zero is another isekai. a witch girl summons a servant and its a japanese boy who can wield any weapon and he has to fight for her or something. theres a few seasons of the anime. its ok but pretty mid overall


Been a really long years when I watched those anime shows :D


I know 99% probability not going to happen, but a reaction to The Familiar of Zero, some consider an OG isekai would be great


"F this people we Rewind" haha, well rarely you rewind =). Sandman btw is pretty cool show for you guys to react to, if you ever find time for it. Btw next episode for "Uncle..." will air in August 17th, staff members got covid so episodes will be delayed.


Actually I was now seeing this episode 2nd time wondering did she do something with Uncle, but yeah my first guess was right that she just M herself =)


I fell for that trap. Heard Sandman was going to be really good lots of hype for it. Sandman is soooooooo slooooooooow.


For some background info on the Familiar of Zero, as people are recommending here. It's an isekai that came about BEFORE mushoku tensei and the isekai trend, meaning a lot, a LOT, of isekai tropes just simply don't apply to that series because it was written in a pre-mushoku world. It has much more in common with the battle harem trend prior to the isekai trend.


Uncle & Takafumi are hopeless my god.

Scott Brown

It's also a pretty generic power-fantasy harem "I'm the hero with a hot tsundere wife" show. It was definitely an early-comer to that genre, but it definitely shows imo.

Daniel Gonzalez

Im sure that other show your boy recommended is great but I'm pretty happy for this show ill be sure to check out recoil (is that right?) and also like the YouTube videos of these reactions I think that highly of uncle

John Ng

She's not only Queen of Tsundere, she's also Queen of Abuse. I'm sure Lee and Director will dislike her in Zero.

Anthony Nguyen

More than early-comer, it's a true trailblazer, a pathfinder, and both the anime as well as the light novels masterfully showed the world the vast potential of the isekai genre - far better than a lot of modern shows are doing IMO

Julius Rachad

Lol you guys never disappoint. Love the content


Lmaooo bro that beginning scene was literally a scene from episode one of my hero academia. That is why kaachan was used. Its legit Deku being bullied in episode one in the classroom


Yea this is one of those series that do that thing where they incorporate the big mainstream anime into their own series as a sort of gag or something. I see this happen every so often mostly with anime that focuses on comedy

Julius Rachad

bro uncle makes my head hurt lmaooo


Damn I am hurting so much I literally am to the point of cringing. I grew up in my school life with multiple girls giving me the most obvious hints and the most obvious signs they wanted to do something but my partial lack of ignorance in addition to my lack of confidence as well as a couple of other issues stopped me from doing anything with them besides normal socializing. This series is bringing those regrettable memories back up. I am not acting like a douche schnozzle if that is what it seems like and I don't even care if anyone believes my story cause its the weeb side of the internet everyone is expected to be lame and not attractive. I literally can count around at least 10 attractive girls that I missed out on growing up with the most obvious signs that they were attracted to me. I can look back and recollect the attitudes, body movements, and certain signs you can get from sexual attraction being that I am an adult and understand that much better than I did when I was growing up. I never truly realized how much of a loser I was until I fully matured after highschool. I am still only 22 so I am still young but I can tell that a lot of those girls ended up being somewhat annoyed and (its hard to explain) they seemed to not be openly hateful toward me but any time I tried to interact with them later down the line they would have a generally bad attitude against me and not want to give me much attention at all compared to the way they were acting for quite a while up until that point. Idk why I decided to type all of this lol. I guess it just helps to get it off my chest and I know its now it the past and nothing can be done but I always feel like I left a horrible impression on all of them even without meaning to. Lmao I feel like such a loser typing all of this broooo. I should have just clapped their cheeks and left. At least that way they had a reason to hate me but I got something out of it. I would have definitely had at least two different kids after all of that tho cause I didn't give a fuck about condoms.

Jerid Glasspoole

The majority of Japanese men are herbivores. They are so scared of the Vjj.. They Letterly avoiding it, it has got so bad Japan has plans to pay people from other countries to get busy with their woman. Just to boost their birth rates.

Jerid Glasspoole

but yes, Uncles not a virgin! he just was not awake for it!


Just remember Fujimiya's name as a combination of Fujiwara and Shinomiya, see if that's easier


30% hard bro 🤣

Peacefinder Simply

why you typed this? Because you had an interesting experience that you wanted to share. I think a lot of us had moments where it something we were watching lit up memories or experiences we didn't get then.

Casper Ghost

There are certain poisons that cause erectile tissue to engorge in both men and women because it alters and stimulates the blood flow causing wounds to bleed more.


The Familiar of Zero is another Isekai from a while ago never watched it myself though.