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I almost died at the 32 minute mark. I laughed so hard I started to cough and wheeze until I actually feared I would faint, the change from aunt to uncle was so disturbing it looped right around to being hilarious. Thanks for the great reactions and discussions in general.


this show is just comedy gold plus its great for reaction since it hits close to home with youtubers

Engage Pwner

You also have to take into account how Uncle was viewed and living his entire life while there, it'd be hard to imagine someone actually just likes him while he's there with the PLETHORA of hate an insults he constantly gets on a daily basis.


Oh Lee was talking about COTE at the beginning. I get it that yall missed like 2 sentences from cote and misread the scene, which I honestly don't think it's that big of a deal because I know for a fact people are gonna comment on it. But it's really annoying to see people trying to explain it over and over again.

Ara Araragi

When Uncle transformed, he was saying "oba" (aunt), not "ora"

Vincent Lee

in the “aunt” scene uncle was saying oba which means aunt

Anthony Nguyen

Actually, if Adorkable starts using 'boku', even tho that's definitely "wrong", actually she'll just earn extra cuteness points because some Japanese girls (at least in anime, or like seiyuu) do that as a charm point.

John Ng

I just watched 6 min + in to the video and I got to put this here. Lee, think about it from another perspective, the person criticising your lack of reactions is looking forward to seeing your reactions. Hence he/she felt sad that you didn’t react to the scene he/she wanted to see. To that person, your reactions are the only one that matters. So don’t feel bad about the criticism. That person loves your reactions so much to feel disappointed for that one scene.

John Ng

I knew this episode would resonate with you guys. I remembered thinking that you’ll be laughing away at the YouTube references when I 1st watched it. And I wasn’t disappointed 😂

Anthony Nguyen

LOL guys, read the other comments, Lee doesn't need five people making the exact same comment telling him he misheard something, especially in this video where he's already mad triggered in the comments by someone bashing on him hahahaha More importantly, Lee, good job on pulling more and more of your Japanese language learning into the reaction, that's fucking real culture. You get to enjoy the show even more -for yourself-, and don't let NOBODY take that away from you! You got no idea what you've been missing until you learn it yourself.


Sage Flugel

lol when I ment there only top two comments, I only saw every comments now cause of the page is refresh.


Lol. Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah. This one wasn’t as bad of classroom of the elite s2 ep 6 lol. At least I don’t feel dumb for missing ore for oba. But from watching us for 30 minutes the first thing people did in mass numbers was spam about the recording got annoying lol. 2 reasons. I keep reading the same, cant find something new…so i put the ohone down and i stop engaging on the video. 2. It shows me for a lot of people it’s more important to to tell people about what they are wrong about. There is/was so much other content, jokes, other plot points, etc. it reveals the massive urge many have to just jump on the correction part. Mind you, I did need to understand. Buuuut. It was tough putting aside my emotion on it


Yup. I read that on ep 1 comments


Yeah like 2 sentences got me. I al also was unware i missed 2 sentences so I never thought to look back at the scene lol


YBRL LISTEN to Director what he says before the episode. You are too easily manipulated by idiots comments. You need to detach yourself in a sense from comments that people do as normally many are more mean in the internet than "maybe" they would be if they were face to face with you talking. And then there are the ego kids typing comments too...

John Ng

@Lee, yeah. Even when I'm reading the comments on patreon, I felt so overwhelmed too by the massive numbers of comments about what and how you and Director missed the information why the certain character's recording will be bad for the other character. That is a show with a lot of information to take in. It's difficult to react and catch all that information. I can appreciate the one comment saying you should rewind to watch that scene again if you don't catch why. At least that guy says something different, rather than correcting you.


BTW this was maybe the funniest reaction video, because of all the shit you talked about and the episode hits you in the gut with the same stuff :D


Truth. Thing is. Lol. I/we miss more than folks realize. If I went back every time i was confused. The reactions wouldn’t end. Lol. I just pick the 1/10 things i was confused about as the talking point lol. When i watch tv by myself i rewind and pause a lot


Lol. I felt so validated as a person. Like I’m not frustrated for no reason. Yet took a nice little lesson

Ara Araragi

If I'd known a bunch of people were going to make the same comment, I would've kept my mouth shut. I'll try to balance it out by saying that I'm glad you guys are reacting to and enjoying this show. A YouTuber isekai feels like it was practically made for you two 😁


"also, would you consider subscribing?"


No need to get judgey. I dont watch the start or finish and i pay so i choose what to watch. I also dont read the coments most times

UltrA_ Ojisan

On the pre reaction part I just want to say that Ive seen videos from other reactors where they would edit the yt video to let the viewers know "hey we missed this certain info but we got it after". And people still comment that they missed and etc. Sometimes you guys get unlucky and say things while sauce is being dropped, its bad timing and i get it. Anyways if you guys miss anything i blame Director, dude has a Masters so all blame should go to him lol. Anyways gj and keep at it.


LMAOOOO. I’ve done that too. Better off taking it out or muting lol 😂😂😂


It’s all good. There shouldn’t be hostility here now. Gas is making a joke because he watches the finish and start . You have a right to chose what parts you watch, some inside jokes will be missed though. I made commentary that relates to your comment in one of the intros of Uncle. It’s cool man


Lee, as a psychologist here´s an advice that may help you, in my professional experience people criticize mainly for two reasons: 1.-They want to be recognized by a famous persona and thus feel accomplished with their existence 2.- They envy what are you doing or what are you getting, so they try to make feel everyone around them bad so they feel normal or superior. I think I speak for most of us is that we enjoy the natural reactions and the honesty that you guys give us, it doesn´t matter if you are right, wrong, crazy, horny, we love your content and must importantly we love you because you guys are legit. Don´t let a minority change your mentality, be yourself and just give a cold shoulder to the people that don´t respect your persona, it may not be easy at first but is the best path not only for reactions, for you life and everyones life.


You do you, choose the better path for your mental health BUT before you take the choice make sure it´s for the better at a short and a long term for your mind and soul... good for you that you talk about this I´m proud. You know a video idea, do a rant or a serious talk about this and expose this problem that you suffer and probably most of the reactors/reaction community, the propuse of the video may not be to change minds but to aknowledge a problem and to create a precedent for future reactors, changes, endeavours and a less toxic communities (depends of the platform but you get my point)


Powerful bro. Powerful. Funny. Most if this I know but I just get get worn down and my cold shoulder gets hot lol. Interesting. Thanks for the reminder and the video suggestion sharing my experience is a good one

Sage Flugel

So I dunno about the Class room of the eltie s 2 ep 6 spamming stuff but here when I comment about "oba san" I genuinely saw 2 other comments about other things. I think that one of Patreon's weird stuff that not appearing comments in the comments section unless reloading the page.

Daniel Gonzalez

No Takafumi totally saw that alley oop coming a mile away and played great defense he packed the shit outta that one

Daniel Gonzalez

I basically don't watch much new shows as they're airing but the fact you guys were most likely going to react to it and me knowing the basic premise of an uncle being isekaid while in a coma and then coming back seemed original enough for me to be invested only problem is Netflix is saying next episode is on 8/31


No one is invulnerable to criticism, everyone eventually has a worn down, meltdown, burnout, etc. and it´s a normal thing because at the end of the day we are just humans. Next time you feel the same, take some hours off the internet, maybe even a day off reacting and just chill with your family, hangout with friends or just be with yourself for a while, do some sport or new hobby, etc... convert those hot shoulder moments into a cool experience with the ones you love or with yourself. Hope it helps someway. The patreons and me have your back bro no worries.


The best way to put it in my not-so-humbler opinion is Uncle is oblivious to his own relationships.