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Anime WON'T reveal that, cuz if they would, it would be 3 seasons ago. The "charm" is EXTREAMLY weak version of mind control. The only thing it does is make the taget belive you are super close friends, therefore it's easily broken by acting out of character.

Daniel Borrego

I dont know why, but i really enjoyed this episode. maybe it was much more on the micro level. just basically ainz in his own little adventure.


Sooo The Lee and Dnasty brother ship sails

Ranginald Vagel

Wow these dwarves are the nicest guys so far they just wanna chill make stuff and maybe get drunk


Sebas ain´t crazy? You guys should watch the ple ple pleiades mini series of overlord and then talk about Sebas XD (The ple ple pleiades was like OVA´S but with chibi animation and with fun plot made between season 1 and 2)


It's funny that they didn't notice the one female dwarf in that room of runesmith after talking about not seeing any female dwarfs lol


those things look like bipedal hyenas to me

TAC Genesis

Ainz isn't Evil... but he is evil...


he's a true neutral to everyone outside of nazarick


So amazing to see this arc animated. Was a long time when I read about this arc =). Next episode will be nice.


The thing I love about Overlord is the fact that you'll never know what bit of any season they'll just bring back. In any other show that thing that happened in season one wouldn't have been mentioned. It was just a nice call back. We've come along way from that first season in 2015. Has then show been worth the way I'd say yeah.

Phonic Reassignment

mare, is the strongest caster and in my opinion outside shalltear, probably the strongest "floor guardian". his innocents and bashfulness or shy and timid personality is a trap his negative level is the same as his sister's -100 (book 1) not too far from lupusregina. Aura in my opinion has the strongest army tho anime shows 1 or 2 random beasts from her army that they ride on time and time again both of those beasts can merk ainz death knight troops alone.... so in season 3 when ainz said i send a small portion of my army and it was just a lot of death knights he literally meant a very small portion of his army because demiurges army is right behind Aura's in my opinion some would probably put demiurges army ahead of aura's because demiurges' commanders are no joke but hindsight 20/20 all these armies are under ainz


What happen to Nix ain’t funny, the man’s hundred thousand person army all mailed in they retirement letters after one day with bone daddy, And it was properly typed out in new sans Roman. The dwarves are at least smart enough to want some booze in return.


When they opened up the door to leave was I the only one hoping to see death knights cleaning up after with like push brooms and a wheelbarrow

Random Guy

I bet the dwarves will be pissing themselves 10 years later when runecrafting booms again and they have neither any runecrafters nor books left about it. It's like trading a hen for some eggs.


I think you’re talking about Mare here, not Aura. He’s the one that broke the chicks legs and killed the guy in the forest, and he’s not among the nicest of the npc’s.


Aura may have decided not to say anything about the death knight falling because it would contradict Ainz and the lesson he just dished out to Shalltear would seem meaningless.


I wish overlord was 24 episodes instead of 12 :(((((


Thanks yea Aura was in my head when I typed that lol I also said Floor Guardians, not NPC’s. I know I mentioned Sebas and Entoma but I only did because of they’re karma.. From the way he interacts with humans and other people in general, he is amongs the nicer Floor Guardians if we were to group them with “good” and “bad”

Casper Ghost

I thought Ains just told him Shalltear was his master for conveniences sake, the Quagoa was charmed to think Shalltear was top dog so saying she was subservient would've just made the interrogation take longer, and Ains could care less if they think he's under Shalltear he can always correct them with ease. The Quagoa look like grey Thylacines (tasmanian tigers)to me they were predatory marsupials with a rat like tail and sharp teeth, they also resemble Tasmanian Devils in my opinion. In some myths Dwarves are all male because they create their offspring from stone and in others they're hermaphroditic so they can reproduce with any other dwarf, though at 31:15 in your video you can see a Dwarf shawty behind the male dwarf that was talking. I'm surprised y'all didn't comment on the fact that Ains was asking to invite the Runsmiths to his kingdom implying a choice on their part but the dwarves misinterpreted that as him wanting to take all of the Smiths against their will. Titania is from Celtic folklore, she was the Queen of the Summer Court of the Fae and ruled over Fire, Life, and Light in Direct opposition to Mab, the Queen of Cold, Air, and Darkness. I like that we saw so much emotion from Ains in this episode especially at the end when he's remembering Nina you can really hear his voice change to sound almost remorseful.

Phonic Reassignment

there was a female dwarf shown in this EP good luck spotting her

Mr Evol

There actually are 7 dwarves on the council. The 8th dwarf is the general, and he said they were his boss so I don't think he's on it.

Daniel Turner

Lol just realised that ainz was practicing that silence speech in a mirror in a previous season


Fun fact (I need to doublecheck it later, but I'm 99% sure that is correct). The booze dwarfes got to come to the meeting with Ainz was litteraly The Ambrosia...the stuff Greek Gods drink


Mare is defiantly the best at AOE attacks though that’s generally not very good in 1v1s. Damage being spread out makes it weaker on individuals.

Phonic Reassignment

nah TRAP, he's literally as evil as his sister. he's amongst the most loyal to ainz in nazarick both him and his sister don't care much for humans and will kill them without "real" hesitation. the Twins Karma level is closer to Lupisregina than sebas and they're are set at the same level, so whatever his sister is saying about humans is how mare actually views them his personality just isnt as outspoken. CZ2128 Delta, Cocytus, Victim they are much closer to Sebas karma level, closest negative level is Pandora's Actor and its stretch to think he cares about humans but his karma level is -50, Sebas is at +300 Delta(Maid with the Guns) is also at +100, i dont think anybody in the negatives are anywhere near sebas in regards to actually caring about humans.


In all mythos, there are female dwarves but their appearance varies. In some cases there short and stocky just like the males in some there just short but look like human women. I've heard of 1 where they have long glorious beards just like the males.


There are 40 other supreme being other than Ains not everything was done by Touch Me more likely it was done by Takemikazuchi.


Titania was the fairy queen in A Midsummer Nights' Dream.


These Dwarves are very interesting and funny but I'm more curious about the dragons.🐉❄️