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Stranger things S1 ep 8 uncut

Watch "Stranger things S1 ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.


Trayvon Brown

@1:06:53 Maybe the wildest shit i've ever heard Lee say 🤣


ao ashi reaction??


im gonna be a “bot” the next couple weeks asking for ao ashi reactions, sorry in advance lol


Just wondering if yall seen breaking bad yet. Could be an option for the next live action after stranger things

Ben Rafferty

No spoilers, it's just crazy to see where these characters were here compared till now. Your In for a crazy journey.

Roronoa Zoro

Just suggest it on the link in the description. No need to spam reactions asking for something. He’s less likely to do it that way

Roronoa Zoro

Fun fact steve was originally meant to die and it was supposed to be will and Jonathan’s dad who helped him and nancy at the house. But if I’m not mistaken they really liked the performance of steve and didn’t feel right giving a father who basically abandoned his kids a redemption


You guys will soon learn the one universal truth when it comes to strangers things. That Steve is the goat and 1/2 of the best duo in all of the show.

Camilla L

Double episode drop?! THANK you!! 🤝 Absolutely love your analysis/perspectives on the episodes, you guys really have a good eye for detail which definitely is the most enjoyable type of reactors to watch along with ☺️


Damn Lee, this whole season you wanted to hate Steve so bad.

Camilla L

Tbh yes, Steve did redeem himself quuuite a bit by the end of the season but like let’s not forget that he actively participated in humiliating and slut shaming Nancy, only cleaning it up once she was upset w/ him. & him instigating the fight with Jonathan by calling Joyce a screw up mother and then calling Jonathan and Will homophobic slurs even going as far as accusing him of murdering his own little brother while Jonathan tried to walk away from the fight 🤷🏻


Nasty is a smart dude. Him questioning if Will was being incubated when Hop and Joyce found him was perfect considering how the episode ended. I know he had some theory cooking in his head. It was sizzling.


Bruh I think yall got that steve bias cause yall are bad guys, yall break him down like you mighty intimate with the method.


He's a teenager who was upset and said some dumb shit, hardly unique in that sense. Jonathan still was out here stalking people and somehow he got a pass, that is not normal by any means.

Trayvon Brown

Adorkable tripping with that demogorgon fluff lol 😂 thats a monster, you can't domesticate it.

Paulo Ricardo

How can you acknowledge that he redeemed himself and right after say " But let’s not forget he did this , and that " if he redeemed himself, he obviously moved on from that lol

UltrA_ Ojisan

Man i didn't like Steve in beginning of season 1 but dude got humbled and was able to lay the smack down on that Monster. Lee spitting facts at the end though was the highlight for me.


Personally. I didn’t forget but that’s the idea of redemption. Recognizing that Subject understands they are wrong and has taken steps forward. He also wasn’t ACTIVE in shaming from what i recall. He was passive. Which was still an issue. But he allowed his friends to shame Nancy who he perceived as cheating and lying to him. He’s still totally wrong. But now. He’s severed his relationship and came back to clean up. He’s a shitty person with genuine feelings for Nancy and that’s currently driving him to a better person. He’s also just a teenager. And he said those slurs common in the 80’s. You wouldn’t wanna hear DMX, those slurs didn’t become totally unacceptable until like 2005 at least in my circles. When dealing with a handsome teenage boy with money and a lack of postive role models. You get these stevens. I seem em all the time. I’ve seen Nancy parents, both Will’s parents…where is Steves parents? I’m sure we’ll see more of course


I wasn’t always a “good person”. I don’t think i hide that. I very much acknowledge i used to be a bully/get bullied and i was a jerk in my college years. I have my share of history. Of course


7:09 I hope lee and adorkable keep that energy threw out the entire show now cause oh boy…


Fair enough, I was just goofing with yall but respect if you can acknowledge your past faults and try to be better.


Bruh how these soldiers with mp5s doing nothing to the demogorgon but steve 2 piecing it with a bat.


@Reese Jonathan knew what he was doing was wrong even while he was doing it meanwhile Steve didn’t realize what he did was wrong until after he saw Nancy hurt by it and after he got his ass kicked by Jonathan (not to mention he was wrong about what Nancy and Jonathan did) plus without Jonathan’s pictures they wouldn’t have gotten the monster on camera and nobody didn’t give him a pass (don’t know where you pulled that from) everyone knows what he did was wrong but at least what he did ended up helping everybody out in the long run while Steve slutshaming Nancy and insulting Jonathan’s whole family didn’t help no one.


Better call saul, the expanse, ozark, all fun western Live actions you guys could check out after this


This series is much better when watching with you all

Teyon Alexander

Just wanted to thank the three of you for watching something without subtitles. I mostly listen to you while I work and that’s easier to do when the show is in a language I speak fluently (I haven’t used Japanese in 20 years).

UltrA_ Ojisan

100% agree with what you said since Im a father to a teen girl. We all know these kind of guys.


Fast forward to 7:45 to see Director Nasty in the midst of an existential crisis. lmfao. That look on his face was priceless.

Kevin Abraham

I'm glad because he's my fav character, after he redeemed himself in season 1

Ky Williams

the mvp steve the hair harrington



LightMyPath Star

Oh my god it’s like peeling an onion with Lee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have no words except I’m still Team Jonathan. No, let me rephrase that I have plenty of words. Before I get shredded in here let me explained…Lee is right Steven is a work in progress but he is still Work, dating him will require patience compromising and a lot of holding his hand through life. Some people are willing to do that and others are not. Jonathan views the world in a more honest way n sees people for who they are, he is insightful without been pretentious he is self aware without been a quitter and abandoning his goals (photography) all he does is live life the best way he can with what was dealt to him in life(remember his douchy dad) and when you look at that as a whole he is winning at life while the Steven’s of the world are still figuring it out. And that’s why I am n will always be Team Jonathan. There I said it!