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I couldn't watch 24:27....just couldn't.

Please please stop explaining to me why I'm supposed to like a character, or have faith in them for the development, it completely can RUIN the experience, fortunately, I saw episodes 5 and 6 back to back. I HATED THESE SHAWTIES, on my own I got to see more sides. It ruins the authenticity of my experience if I know I'm supposed to like someone. Like this dang Kei chick in COTE lol. Everyone keeps talking about her, I probably won't ever like her as a result.....venting...my bad.  If there is something special about the characters, I want to discover it on my own.  That being said...This episode was great lol..They finally got me, I'm with the Nagatoro HEAT! lol.  I did ask about episode 1, because I couldn't imagine me liking this chick based on ep 1 and I was scared to sit through the series in Miserey.   Anyways.  Happy upload, I enjoy making content and interacting, I just don't being over-explained things before we reach that point.  My intention...is to actually be surprised and like the content naturally....

Anyways, we are not following a schedule until July 20th! I'm out of town
this is Friday July 15th's post early

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YBR: I Don't Like These Mean Girls Episode 1-5 YBR: Episode 6 You know what, these girls aren't that bad. 👧🏽


Lmao all it took was feet

Vincent Lee

huge respect for you guys it’s a shame there’s a lotta bakas in the comments

Peacefinder Simply

it ruins it for the reactor and much of the viewers. Ruined it for me, not watching these reactions because of it ); the joy of getting to know what is happening was lost.


I feel you. I can't stand when people in the comments consistently spoil surprises or feelings about a show and pretend like they haven't. A new character shows up and you don't really like him yet? All the comments: "Just wait you'll love him!! Best boy! He does so many amazing things you'll see!" It completely ruins any suspense and/or any expectations or feelings you have. Now I'm venting like you lol


Remember when you watched shows like AoT, BB or GoT for the first time? The joy of not knowing what will happen in the next episode.. THAT is the experience reactors should have when reacting to stuff they haven't seen. It's the one and only golden rule that people should follow.. I don't understand why people need to say "no no.. this is how you should feel about this character.. because in season 2 they do this" The information YOU knew about the plot or characters up until that specific episode.. is also the exact amount of information the people reacting to the show should know. Correcting something they heard wrong, or giving your take on how you feel about certain decisions, is okay.. but please stop bringing up stuff that's not relevant yet.


I can understand both ways, but it really does suck that some people can't wait to praise their favourite characters, even if it's a spoiler.


Its interesting cause some of the stuff that you said broke you down in this episode and the last episode was sort of present earleir in the show. For exmple the boyfriend thing. This isnt the first time senpai rejected the idea of being her boyfriend and it pissing nagatoro off. It actually happened in like episode 3. the hints of their being something between them has been around for a while now, I just dont know if you caught it. I was sort of surprised it took yo til episode 5 to get with the show cause alot of the wholesome stuff started a while back. Also Paisen is just a ball busting way of senpai. Its Sen Pai in reverse. Pai Sen.

Vincent Lee

also btw they call him Paisen bc it's senpai "backwards" it's supposed to be disrespectful. like they acknowledge he's older but not worthy of being called senpai

John Jacob

I like how they didn't put eyes on the girls in the commercial. I can imagine someone being like: "Sir, other animes do that but they have a purpose/pay off. We're just not going to put any eyes on them?"

V. R.

This isn't a spoiler, "Paisen" is just "Senpai" backwards, it's not his name, that's just the way she teases him.


I think you mention something similar from One Piece too, people with future knowledge of characters get upset when you don't like 'em at that point of the story. As for Kei from cote, there's nothing to like about her at this point (s2 ep2) , but she seems to be an interesting character and people might starting liking her after we know more about her.


Sorry I might have been too straightforward on my comment from the last video. Wont happen again


Lee went on a character arc of his own these last few episodes in regards to nagatoros friends lmao


Devis is a part timer season 2 is out on crunchyroll

Ara Araragi

The goddess at the start of the isekai dream is just another one of Nagatoro's friends. She was with her during the "double date" with the two guys that Nagatoro wasn't fucking with. She just hasn't had as much screen time as Gamo-chan and Yoshi.

John Ng

The 1st time I watched this episode I felt that it's showing us that Nagatoro sincerely wanted to have fun with senpai. That's why she invited him to the beach. And even after going to the beach, she's still chatting on the phone with him, asking how he felt about joining them for the trip. If you don't like the guy, you'll not be on the line chatting with him immediately after seeing each other.

John Ng

I thought Lee or Director will recognise her when the op was playing since they were watching it and she appeared a few times in the op after the heaven scene.

Anthony Nguyen

FYI, the goddess girl who woke up Senpai in the pre-opening segment previously appeared in: - Episode 1 in the very first scene in the library - Episode 2 in the restaurant where the random guys were hitting on Nagatoro

Ky Williams

nah im not even a foot person but i woulda became one that day


I feel like Lee is slowly making me a feet nigga. And I don’t like it. Stop fam

TAC Genesis

yeah, if you guys are covering a new series I just watch you guys instead of on Crunchyroll :) the more the merrier ya know

Anthony Nguyen

Hi Lee! This video is missing the "ms nagatoro" tag! Thank you in advance for fixing it!