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TheMonarch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 22:41:00 The GOATS: Homelander and Butcher( these two carries the series) The good ones: Hughie, a track, the deep, soldier boy, MM,noir, The ok: french, the female, becca, ryan, eddie. The worst: Maeve and Starlight(the karens of the series) and the rest of the cast. Can't wait for season 4! so far my favorites has been season 3>1>2
2023-03-14 21:31:34 The GOATS: Homelander and Butcher( these two carries the series) The good ones: Hughie, a track, the deep, soldier boy, MM,noir, The ok: french, the female, becca, ryan, eddie. The worst: Maeve and Starlight(the karens of the series) and the rest of the cast. Can't wait for season 4! so far my favorites has been season 3>1>2

The GOATS: Homelander and Butcher( these two carries the series) The good ones: Hughie, a track, the deep, soldier boy, MM,noir, The ok: french, the female, becca, ryan, eddie. The worst: Maeve and Starlight(the karens of the series) and the rest of the cast. Can't wait for season 4! so far my favorites has been season 3>1>2

oussama Lemouchi

The ending was really half-baked. They should have jumped Hoomlander when they had the chance. At least that would have been a good send-off to Butcher.

Ranginald Vagel

Octopussy go crazy Although the Herogasm octopus was Ambrosias, he mentioned her name, so that one was female. I find it really funny how Nate kicked A-Train out for being a murderer but he seemingly had no idea that he had almost more bodies then you could count on one hand.

Pat Darrow

Dude, I don't know if you know this, but the mouth of a octopus looks and works like a eagle beak.


Soldier boy is from a different generation, I knew the moment Homelander went for the soft approach with him they would be done lol. But still "If I raised you, you wouldn't be such a pussy" line was savage lol. I am happy Homelander is still around though, he carries this show to new heights!

Cedric Worthy

Y’all had me crying real tears in the beginning really going into the oral anatomy of them animals 😭😭I still wanna know how adorkable knows that much 😂


maeve was piecing the fuck outta homelander. In the beginning he was holding back but when he started trying she was weaving them shits.


Yeah octopuses have beaks bro 😭


I’m sorry but I’m not buying Maeve boxing with Homelander like this. He got jumped by 3 supes and walked out with a bruise. And one of them was Soldier Boy


Maeve has always been second strongest in the 7 so how so... and unlike w soldier boy the first time who just exploded, and was weaker - Maeve was training for this exact moment, do I have to add the obvious fact homelander ddn't take her seriously tll he saw that she COULD make him bleed - its like her effort goes over your head or you have supermans powers in your head when you scale homelander, the man is not omniman


Super excited yall three are doing stranger things next. Should be a fun time.


Yea it’s crazy but that’s the type of world we live in today. Where a comedian can make a joke on stage and you go up and hit him, and we all still cheer. I mean a laser eye from home land could be like a slap in the wrist but because he stronger and a supe it kills. If someone hit your son or made fun of your wife, a hit from you wouldn’t do much because we don’t have power.

LightMyPath Star

Nothing but Daddy issues in this episode geez


Soldier Boy didn’t just explode they traded hits for a while. Probably the same amount of time it took Maeve to give bro a nosebleed. Her effort didn’t go over my head at all, I just don’t have her being stronger than Soldier Boy so it didn’t make sense to me. Has nothing to do with Omni man nor Superman either so idk why u brought them in. And a punch in the face is a punch in the face whether ur taking it serious or not so bruise vs nosebleed doesn’t make sense to me.


No, Soldier Boy exploded when he destroyed Herogasam. Homelander was losing to Butcher, a weakend Soldier Boy and Hughie who doesn't know how to fight.


We getting the cobra Kai finale today?


Soldier Boy did seem significantly weaker after he exploded at Herogasm.


Controversial opinion I think Butcher blinked too soon 🤔. If he was only thinking of Ryan. I think both him and Homelander would have survived the blast because they are in the class of heros that are top tier in durability like Meave. The would have lost their powers but wasn't that the goal. The counter point to that is that we don't know how much control Soldier Boy have over the blast radius of the beam, so everyone in that room would become a casuality.


🤣🤣🤣nah that intro thoo


It's a real thing going on right now. Right-wing fans don't understand why Homelander is portrayed as a villain.


Soldier Boy did show some level of control when he hit Kimiko with a controlled beam. I think Ryan was a wildcard that threw the plan into the thrash. Kind of a weak plot device in retrospect. The only times that Soldier Boy went nuclear was when his PTSD was triggered.

King Uma is life

Anyone still out here defending Todd? LOL


HomeLander proclaimed before that he was stronger and better than us. Live on national tv. So he just lands and says "do want you to meet someone very special to me? My son, Ryan." Ten seconds after Ryan lands he gets hit with a can of something. Come on now man, what did dude throwing the can think was gonna happen? Even if he did hit HomeLander, and he was killed that still his fault.

Casper Ghost

Octopuses may not have saliva but they do produce an acidic venom so there would be some lubricant. lol

Coping McCoperson

All i can think about after watching this episode is the poor family sitting at home eating dinner when that bottle of nerve agent just flies through their window and dusts them. Maeve trash for that lmao

Casper Ghost

Parental instincts are a force of nature; I have no sympathy for anyone that fucks with that.

Nelson Kelso Martinez

Keep up the great work DNasty! Love equals love, other stuff equals other stuff…like Butcher says, “DONT BE A CUNT”

Tijay Carroll

Deep wife wasnt exactly the nicest to him either. Remember Timothy when he was saying he didnt want to eat his friend she texted him 'eat the fucking octopus' and she was very controling of him. can't just look at one side both sides had their bad partner moments


Why does the deep deserve it? I feel like yall forgot his wife was the one writing the script for him to do all the fucked up shit he did since he came back, either her, or homelandwr threatening him. Also what she said in that interview is a direct refrence to what amber heard said about Johnny depp, she's also a horrible person, she's just using the opportunity to look good


By the end she gave him a small nose bleed and a busted eardrum at most, meanwhile she was missing an eye, bleeding from her mouth, and likely had multiple broken bones considering a moving buss could break her arm. It looked good but just like Annie's big blast, in reality it was a wash


Honestly I see people saying maeve shouldn’t be able to fight him as if her doing her very best, accepting the fact she can’t win and will die, means nothing. Like, you’re mad she was able to make a self proclaimed god bleed despite the fact she literally stood 0 chance

Ky Williams

idk maybe because he’s a rapist? he deserves every bad thing that comes to him

Ky Williams

maeve smile when she made homelander bleed was so cute😭ima miss her i hope she makes some appearances next season


He's already gotten a bunch of shit happen to him, imo he's payed that shot off, also even with that he's the least fucked up member of the 7 except starlight and mauve, until this episode he had never even killed anyone, and he only did it because homelander told him to and he clearly felt guilty about it. And even if you think there's no paying off bad actions, that still doesn't make his wife succeeding and making him look bad, who's arguably more fucked up than he is, a good thing. And again they are making a direct refrence to amber heard with her quote, who is also a piece of shit person


I’m not mad about anything I just said it didn’t make sense to me. Still doesn’t. Sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️


he paid off raping somebody cause he got backlash for it ?! lmao TF kind of sick ass disgusting ass logic is that


Do you just forget all of season 1 and 2? Having just rewatched it he gets, and here's a list, betrayed by the rest of the 7 even though they all do even more fucked up shit, had a dolphin and lobster who were his friends die (they count as people as he can talk to them just like humans), had a whale die right infront of him, was tricked into a fucking cult, stuck with a amber heard wife who pushed him to do more fucked up shit, and had to eat Timothy. Also I guess you chose to forget it to justify hating him, but in season 2 he literally has that shit with his gills where he regrets his actions.


The deep Sexually assaulted Starlight and other women. He deserves a ruined career. His wife was controlling. But that’s because the deep is DUMB. Lol. Eat the octopus or homelander can potentially kill you. That being said. The deep is cheated on his wife with Octopus lol 🤦🏾‍♂️ Anyways. It was more about The Deep being so self absorbed he wasn’t giving credit where it’s due. His wife was good for his career. He was capping. I personally don’t hate The Deep. He’s hilarious. But he’s ungrateful and dumb lol. I’m dumb. But I’m grateful


@unstablebeast fitting name, you need to relax. Deep did some disgusting shit and people are allowed to not like him. Its as simple as that

Osiris Cage

Ryan about to be on that Brightburn shit

Ranginald Vagel

It's basically like what realistically happens if someone physically weaker than you but still pretty strong goes all out, they can still inflict serious damage.


She wasn’t “nice” but I generally stand with her in their argument. Both shitty people. But she managed his PR well and thats the part I’m concerned with cuz we know the marriage was about business anyways


Maeve was training for homelander for weeks. She was fighting to kill. I think Homelander was fighting to disable her. Remember he wanted to harvest her eggs. He was very focused on getting away from Maeve if possible.


I got caught her twice knowing more about animal reproduction than i do. I just say stupid stuff lol. But I’m shocked that she actually knows the topic lol. But she is an animal lover. Takes care of stray cats. She cried when i ran over a squirrel once


The show did a good job of hiding Meaves strength, but we did see that for a whole year she was training for this moment. She even stopped drinking. I think always had the strength and durability to take on Homelander. Homelander would be the obvious winner. While Meave seem to be a good fighter Homelander has more super-powered abilities. Homelander can fight but he always lazily uses his eyebeams I majority of situations.


Homelander can fight but his go to move is to laser through everything. Surprisingly Meave is quite durable to take it to the chest then deflect it with her gauntlets. When Homelander lasered Stormfront her skin looked like it was burning.


That was the look of satisfaction. She trained her ass off for that moment. I would love to see her come back, but I'm glad she got a happy ending.


You ok adorkable? I feel like I always call something u say out and I don't mean anything by it but.... Ryan looks like soldier boy???? This kid has no resemblance whatsoever to soldier boy aka jensen ackles. This kid looks like a pale little beta gamer boy. Can someone clarify this for me? That just threw me for a loop lmao


I felt pretty disappointed in this finale. Noir was a waste in my opinion. Maeve should have died if they made her pull off that big sacrifice. Just feels like a huge asspull. The only decent stuff in this episode was the setups for next season. If anything herogasm episode 6 would have been a better finale type of episode. Just not happy with this one.


Ikr. But Meave dying canonically wouldn't make sense. SB's blast doesn't kill more durable Supes. Termite did not die at Herogasm from the blast. He lost his power and was stuck in his mini form and Homelander squished. My problem with ending is that I thought Butcher was a man of honor and would follow through with the plan.


but maeve still fell without her fowers from a huge height and lived that was bull for me

Kwame James

Yall have to remember huey was a fan boy of super heroes which is why he is so happy about the powers