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I too never wanted to form any sort of sexual relationship with my well endowed Spanish teacher

Crowne Pri

booooooo, you suck....if they wanna find out they can read. but more importantly you suck

Anthony Nguyen

LMAO at the editing during the post discussion 🤣.

Anthony Nguyen

Neither men knew what they were doing, but Senpai noticing and complimenting the flawless execution of Nagatoro's roundhouse kick is a roughly synonymous event for Nagatoro compared to when Marin got called "beautiful" by Gojo.

John Ng

She blushed because she didn't expect him to compliment something about her so far back. She probably already forgotten about it. But with him bringing it back and complimenting her on it sincerely, it caught her by surprise.

John Ng

This episode you can see senpai started to have his opinion and learned to say no once in awhile. Although he still has a problem with it, he is growing and changing slowly. But next episode is where his "chadpai" side starts to peek out.


NGL kinda excited to see what about episode 5 turned you around on the show. Wednesday can't come fast enough lol


So i´m just saying but isn´t it Nagatoro and not Nagataro? or do i hear it incorrectly 🤣

UltrA_ Ojisan

OH no that end discussion lmao.

Daniel Turner

in the manga it was a kiss on the cheek

Daniel Borrego

It seems like he's losing, but whats really happening is hes slowly becoming a normal functioning person because of her. she's slowly building him up(whether what was her intentional originally or not). even interacting with her friends is slowly having a positive effect on him. Remember, he literally was by himself 100% of the time before with no friends. now hes interacting with somewhat popular girls and in an increasingly normal way. If you try comparing him with gojo, gojo was just kinda a wierdo who liked to paint dolls, but he wasnt really unsocial, he just never socialized. Sempai is actually unsocial.


Facts. We mention him being literally alone between 5-6 Not forgotten. People are being MEAN to him lol. It does have a positive effect. You learn resiliency, gather a stronger mind etc…..but you only need that…because people are mean lol. This show has a growing charm to it though. So I’m getting over the mean part. I guess he is winning. Lol. But the Jamaican in me is like “don’t let no gyal chat to ya like dat bwoy”


when does stranger things start