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I laugh anytime Lee's worried for Homelander. Genuinely Hilarious.

Julius Rachad

Ohhh you’re right thanks. I had the time they talked in the tower when she got snatched mixed up with the “white room” talk.

Roronoa Zoro

What soldier boy said to noir wasn’t meant to be racist. The whole “If you step outta line again. Imma put you in the ground.” Soldier boy was just more obsessed about being number 1 than Homelander is. Soldier boy couldn’t have anyone trying to be as big as him


A Train is definitely more likeable as time goes on. I like that he's kinda having a good guy figuring his shit out arc. The problem with it tho is if A Train didn't have these heart problems and he was still the fastest guy no problem and could still inject V... Would he still be having this good guy arc? I don't know. I think he'd still be a cunt if he could choose that lifestyle That being said he IS having his lil redemption arc which is cool, while Deep is having a fake redemption arc that is being controlled by his weird wife and Vought


Btw that Soldier Boy music video at the start of the episode was posted on Twitter a day or so ago but it was the full version. They made a full length music video of that lol, its pretty great


The actor who plays William butcher is from New Zealand but he’s playing a British character

Jacob R

Pretty sure when he said "Move on up" it was in reference to the opening of The Jeffersons, which was from the 70s/80s. Which is why he said it in a condescending tone to put him down.


Nah a train can easily die off as long as we keep the deep. Screw that. A train a bitch. The deep is entertaining af. Adorkable still got a soft spot for him even after all the shit he has done. You guys need to check and make sure adorkable is alright lol


The guy playing soldier boy who also played dean winchester in supernatural had multiple issues doing certain scenes for this series thinking about his morals lol. The guy who plays butcher said when the actor who played dean winchester thinks scenes are going too far that is how he knows it will turn out good


no no no no the deeps "wife" is not a waifu and I don't feel any slight emotions for her one bit. She literally has done her absolute best to take advantage of the deep for her own gain. Feeling sorry for a girl like her? They got set up by the church to begin with. He wasn't even interested in her. He chose someone else. She literally plays on the deeps stupidity and ignorance to get her own gain cause she can't do it any other way. That is how pathetic she is. Defending her by saying something like she got deep back into the seven or gives him what he needs is not enough to backup the fact she is straight up taking advantage of my guy and the only reason they are in a relationship is because of that cult ass "church" forcing them together. Calling her a waifu is a disgrace to the real waifus out here Lee!


I get it he has some slight redemption to him but you can't seriously defend him over the deep after all things he has done after having multiple times to change his ways up to this point.


I dunno if we called him racis. I don’t remember thinking so. I expect him to behave as People did in the 60,70’s though


BTW overlord drop today so i was thinking if Adorable will watch it as well right in sub version.

Random Guy

They will probably react as a trio its one of the most popular shows they reacted to.


They were doing the dub with her so they could prep her and themselves for season 4 lol


Who put out an update with the dates of shows we start two weeks ago on a Monday. Yup

LightMyPath Star

Remember Ackles(soldierboy) is a father (in rl) and came from a show with a deep fanbase, but i think is mostly because he is a Dad and he might be scare that when his children grow up they might check out this show, I can understand his hesitation to some of these scenes. However at the end of the day he is so good at playing the ahole God Im getting Supernatural flashbacks sometimes with his dickways LOL

LightMyPath Star

37:00 for my cute Adorkable, Shell shocked its what they used to called PTSD before there was a better psychiatric term for it. Shell for shelling or bombing a place with artillery shells. Soldiers came home with hearing problems, tinnitus, amnesia, sensitivity to noise, tremors, acute paralysis of muscle and plenty more mental disorders that they now have the under the Umbrella term Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

God Enel

Yea in seventh grade had a teacher who if someone slammed a book on a desk he would drop. Crazy what they go through.