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Lol. I don’t remember what was said in Ms Nagatoro. But I’m pretty sure I know what NTR is lol. I’m in way more niches on personal time than people are aware lol.




This is the reason you’re my favourite reactor 😂🤣


Man, the number of ntr things I've seen where the cuck could easily kill the guy fucking their girl, is laughable, every time krillin or vegeta is cucked, every time naruto is cucked, mist times spiderman is cucked, outside of ntr logic, there would be some very VERY dead men

Peacefinder Simply

I feel like this was aimed at me too lol. My bad.


Kingpin with me and black cat, but in the comics Peter literally broke kingpin like a twig and threatened to fill his lungs with web fluid when he had aunt may shot, so that ntr situation would not go well for kingpin


Can't spell Naruto without N T R lol.

Cedric Worthy

I feel slow but what does NTR mean?

Adam Vialpando

Obviously NTR means 'Not The Rocklee' so those girls are missing out (unfortunately I do know what NTR actually means).

Black Zoro



It means you get CUCKED. It is one of the most hated genre of hentai watchers/readers. The main guy has his girl purposely cheat on him in front of another dude either while knowing or without knowing. Basically sum it up to cheating with only sex


Nahhhhh bro I done seen some shit like this when looking up some rule 34. As an occasional hentai watcher me and my other hentai watcher homies can't vibe with NTR. Its basically as bad as ugly bastards to us. Ugly bastards is when the ugly fat old dude fucks the young girl.

Adam Vialpando

I mean Naruto could wreck every Raikage at this point. Besides Kumo tried to kidnap Hinata, likely at Ay's order. Plus the Uzumaki are known for their....vitality. And their ungodly stamina. There is a reason 2 of the Hokage were smashing Uzumaki and why Hinata is the only one of the Konoha 12 to have 2 kids so far.


You go anywhere involving rule 34 or hentai and you gonna get fetish shaming. Besides I said we can't "vibe" with it. Not straight up shitting and calling it god awful. Everything I said was just facts. Those two things are the most hated things in hentai material on average


Why does that guy look like Hulk Hogan, is that his character. Sorry for the guy on the floor life is tough in 2020+ years, women demand even more than they did in 1990s. Life was easy when I was young...


He just talks without a filter lol. Can’t take it personally. I got used to it. Lol


I’m ashamed of myself for being numb to ntr tbh😩

Random Guy

This is for people who doesn't know yet since I see some people claiming they don't know what it means, but there are actually different types of NTR. Three at least that I know. There is Netorare, Netori then Netorase. The most common Netorare, where the it is viewed from the POV of the guy whose girl is being stolen. Basically MC gets cucked. This story usually starts about the girl, either someone finds her weakness, her guy doesn't perform enough, or she has to do this to protect her husband/boyfriend from being fired/put to prison/promotion etc depending on the setting of the story. My personal preference is Netori, where the POV is from the person(MC) who does the stealing. Basically MC is doing the stealing. These are usually revenge plots but could also be one of those where the MC is just a horny asshole who is in possession of some kind of aphrodisiac, hypnosis device or blackmail material. The last is the less common one called Netorase. It's where the MC conspires to have his girl have sex with someone else with or without consent. Probably because he can't do it himself or he's just a pervert. Sometimes this version slowly turns into Netorare where at first the MC gets turned on but as time progresses the girl starts to like the other guy and the mc realizes he's lost her and how much he actually loves her and at this point it's too late. That's it. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.