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This some call of the night shit

Crowne Pri

I'm surprised at how many people missed this point. I hate the "i love this show but the 1st episodes were hard to watch" crew. This show is so well written, esp those 1st 7 Eps


Yo church girls are freaks all that pent up shit lmao

Daniel Borrego

ya hes basically the fox and the grapes thing. the fox cant get the grapes so eventually convinces itself that the grapes probably suck anyways. I think its symbolised by no one having eyes in this but nagatoro and the mc. And to directors point, yes she's going to give him experience, and i think this is the ONLY way he would be able to get it. He basically needs someone like her to shock him out of this protective shell he's built around himself so its actually healthy. im just glad she stopped actually straight up bullying him like in the first epsiode or i would have dropped this show.

TRexm578 _

I'm going in to this completely blind, just like y'all.

Brian Carotenuto

Just my opinion but I think in the 1st episode when they all picked up his manga and she looked at it and then looked at the next page I personally think she fell for him right there and just like anyone when they're younger and you like someone you tease them

Anthony Nguyen

I see you guys are really taking it in as if you were in the position of the main character, (Director always says "that's me" all the time in a lot of shows) but it seems like you're grappling with his reactions based on how you would react. So consider asking yourself, How would Deku react in this situation? To better empathize with him

Erick Ruiz

Now that I’m watching it again, I’m comparing Senpai and Nagatoro to a recruit and a drill sergeant, respectively. If a drill sergeant yells at you, that’s just normal and is supposedly to instill discipline, to push you to do better. However, if a drill sergeant is talking to you calmly, ESPECIALLY during training exercises, it is something every recruit should fear! But what do I know? I’m not in military.


i personally think you Guys would enjoy Horimiya more than this. i feel the same about this show... RAGE INDUCING

Ara Araragi

This show is basically if Deku never got a quirk, and Nagatoro is a little like Uraraka and Bakugo lumped into one person.


I'm glad y'all gave this show another go. For me it quickly became a favorite since it's kinda different from other romances.


I dunno. I get people love Horimiya, but it gets pretty terrible in the backhalf.

Ara Araragi

The OP and the ED tell you everything you need to know about Nagatoro's personality and feelings, and they're both sung by her VA. The ED also has the VAs for Nagatoro's friends.

John Ng

Gambare gambare senpai! Gambare gambare senpai! Hang in there Lee & Director! You’ll starting to see the charm of this anime from next episode onwards.

Ara Araragi

YaBoyRockLee: not sure if they want to keep watching after two episodes Nagatoro: announces season two is coming in January That is some amazing timing 🤣

Adam Vialpando

I heard that if a drill sergeant likes a promising recruit they push them the hardest.