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It’s hard to ineteract when folks drop spoilers or talk about things that haven’t been shown.



Adam Vialpando

I think people assume since you are a few episodes ahead they think that makes it open season for spoilers. Yet they be droppin spoilers of shit in like episode 1000. Not to mention the newer viewers in the comments. And especially manga spoilers.


I’ll advise you to stay away from comments in One Piece reactions


I hate when people purposely spoil. Ruins the experience for you and the watcher as well. It’s best to have someone moderate the comments because certain One Piece fans LOVE to spoil future episodes. 🫤


People need to stop bringing up manga stuff. Especially in debates this is an anime only area.

A.J. Ramos

I held back from spoiling a bit ago, because I know that they’re close, but there’s still a lot that happens before then. So for people to just spoil, I don’t get, ruining the experience even as they’re almost caught up.


I stay away on YouTube. But patreon… i take it your membership includes that i take the time to read and acknowledge folks. It means a lot to people and i have relationships. I have people I recognize after years. It’s a community i care about


I am ahead. I dont wanna give my position away but one of the spoilers was faaaar lol. Like extremely far. You can’t assume I’m that far ahead (even though i am). It’s really about principles lol.

Adam Vialpando

How far are you exactly? Because I doubt you are at thea1020s yet and I swear people wanna spoil shit for that

Bob The SkuII

Man fuck people that spoil this shit. Yall almost caught, let them enjoy the binge while they can people! Damn idiots.


God damn people love to ruin things lmao


I really don’t get why ppl spoil stuff like that on purpose. Like I get if u get episodes mixed up or something but ppl intentionally are like “here’s some information that I know for a fact they discuss in the future but I want u to know right now”. It just makes no sense to me. Hope it wasn’t anything too crazy. Was it the Patreon or YT?


I would legit not even interact with one piece episode discussions. I been on this journey for 10+ years and not going to have it ruined. The only thing worse than spoilers are One Piece spoilers


people can't handle the fact that someone gets something wrong on their first watch through. They just NEED to say what everything actually means because of straight ego

Daniel Gonzalez

Y know what's the worst for me when people spoil other shows on something unrelated like I'm watching a Mob Psycho 100 reaction and someone will bring up Death Note or AOT etc its like yeah I probably should've watched old shows like that but why would I expect spoilers for those in that situation


Yea. We may have done that in the past. But i heard this before and stopped. Good good point.

Kwame James

I don't know why people get defensive about a post like this just try be careful about what you post in the comments


Bad apples ruin the batch