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We are preparing to post the Following Series. Subject To Change per feedback here.  I've used the Patreon-only discord channel to assist with this, if you're not utilizing that benefit, you're missing out.  

The idea was 2 or 3 12-episode animes, so we can easily start the seasonals without being deep with too many shows, we will also add an extra BLEACH Post 2x, when appropriate

Very easy to have a discussion that way

As we transition, don't forget our inventory of reactions you may not know about 


🔥  TWITTER  https://www.twitter.com/yaBoyRockLee_

DISCORD - https://discord.gg/bmYzgDz

Summertime Rendering
Ms Nagataro
Trapped in a Dating Sim: the World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs

Classroom of the elite Season 2 July 4th

Danmachi Season 4 July 22nd

Overlord Season 4 July 5th

Devil Is A Part-Timer July 14th

Stranger Things After The Boys/Cobra Kai

Peaker Blinders after That^

I see Grand Blue, Psycho Pass, and Violet Evergarden As possible considerations at the time of this post




Would like to one anime but i don't know you will like it or not Its A certain magical index it's one of the most selling novel in Japan have 3 season with 75 ep and season 4 is not confirmed but with regards to current novel sale it might get confirmed in near future And yeah this was mentioned by adorkable she most probably watch it

Ky Williams

stranger things and the peaky fooking blinders gonna be 🔥 reactions


I agree with Grand Blue; one of the funniest mangas I've ever read, and I think the anime adaptation is pretty good

Peter the Great

Y’all will love grand blue matches your humor pretty well


waiting for Violet Evergarden still, the animation is stunning and the way the story is crafted is incredible, unlike anything else you've seen i would bet you guys would love it if you continued through it.


Violet Evergarden, Oregairu, Your Name (movie). Made in abyss (Patreon only) Also is there a reason why I can't view the Patreon chat on Discord

Stivens Salazar

oh man grand blue would be such a great show to see yall react to

LightMyPath Star

No new kdramas I’m sorely disappointed n sad

LightMyPath Star

I was hoping money heist since it just came out I’m dying to see it but I’m waiting to see if u guys pick it up I already know it’s great so I have been told without spoilers


Might have to get the plus ultra super membership so I can yeet Strike the Blood to the top of the list. Both you and director will absolutely love that show so much

Zachary Provenzano

ayo i might have missed the poll or something but Stranger things?! NIIICE cant wait