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early release since we cranking boys ASAP. 

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Fuck yeah homelander! bring your damn dominance over that starlight bitch! girl has been acting cocky asf these last episodes.


I don't really like Mallory. Her entire shtick is blackmail and manipulations. But take those away she's kind of useless. Take last season for instance, twice we saw people who didn't give a shit if she leaked her blackmail on them and what happened? She had to back off because she had nothing else. Also, while it is a horrible thing that happened, but she had no problem using people's loved ones to manipulate people, but the instant people close to her died she left the game and turned to a life of regret


Tbh, I only feel bad for starlight a little bit and I don't blame Hughie. She knows what homelander is like and decided to be cocaptain even after Hughie said not to. She chose to use her one trump card for some new recruits?? If she wanted to leave she should literally have ran away after the threat didn't work. She just has to also know homelander might just chase her down anyway


Appreciate the early drops!


Man I'm not gonna lie, the look the wife gave when homelander was bringing out Timothy made me think she had a part in it cause of what happened earlier when they were fucking.


Any chance we get the boys diabolical after the seasons over?

Casper Ghost

Fun fact if Timothy had kids then he was already dying; once they mate they begin to fall apart and die shortly thereafter.

Daniel Gonzalez

The thumbnail scene had me dying

Julius Rachad

Homelander fans stand up lol

Julius Rachad

I’m on the hill with you Lee


Calling it right now, Deep's wife is a crazy bitch and is using Deep for something we don't know about. Basing this purely off the vibe. Mark my words

Kwame James

Exactly how would homelander know how close they are she probably was jealous and got rid of Timothy


Having Adorkable as a friend would be crazy predicting everything LOL She called multiple shots in this episode.

Adam Vialpando

In many ways that's the point of this season. Many characters like Mallory, A-Train, and Homelander had no problem oppressing and hurting others before. But once they started feeling the pain then it was too far.