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Lol. Honestly. Although I’m rather objective. I’m not gonna lie folks. If i really like a character. I make excuses for them 😭😭😭. I also really really like edgy bad characters. Instant love for Reeva on Star Wars.



HOW THIS REACTOR STANDS BY HOMELANDER!!! THE Greatest Superhero since Superman

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Honestly anytime you try to justify something horrible that a bad guy does I just find it hilarious and I love it 😂😂. Maybe it’s cuz I also take great interest in those characters but it’s just great content either way imo


I love your content but i will admit there’s been a few off opinions in the boys review, specifically regarding Hughies relationship with starlight (mainly in season 1), getting mad at Frenchie for some reason when he was just trying to stop Kimiko from going down the route of being a scum bag, and then of course the homelander Now while I disagree with you on all of these points (at least up to where I’ve seen and what your opinion on them is as of episode 7 of season 2) none of these are really that important as to Colour my opinion of your character. I think when it come to fictional media there’s a certain disconnect from reality needed to enjoy them, for instance in real life if you knew what he’d done, you’d hate homelander but because he’s a fictional character we love him. And I think a lot of people blur that line when watching your reactions and for some reason act like you’re supporting real acts of terror and abuse, which is obviously not true Anyway TLDR is, like what you like, if people choose to read too much into your opinions that’s on them, fiction is fiction at the end of the day Edit: I also think for some reason people react more to scumbags in live action then animated, like people adore Askeladd, Bondrewd, freeza, Endeavor, Doflamingo etc who’ve all done terrible things but hate homelander and I just think that’s weird


lol i think i got the same deal with characters too. love the villains. i dont particularly go to justify all of them. at least in homelander's case the only thing I can say is that the guy's a monster of circumstances. born from humanity's greed and ambition, he never even had the chance to become something more than just a powerful being. Superman at least had guidance from his foster parents, just like Ryan, before his powers really kicked in. He had a childhood but Homelander never even had that. Thats why hes like a child in a cape. Its tragic really. Ofc irl such a person shouldnt even exist in the first place. That much power in one person's hands is far too dangerous


I agree with the whole post. I still have the same opinions on Hueghy. I recant on Frenchie. I just had to see him grow and work it out with Kumiko. I never really talked about it again.


Lol. If I didn’t do discussions. I probably wouldn’t “justify” his behavior out loud. I’d just like him quietly and move on. Since we so commentary, i just voice things we normally would have kept to ourselves


Even i admit. Sometimes i feel ethically or morally conscious and i can lose that depending on the character or writing. Like I’m more socially responsible watching Cobra Kai. The boys is something i enjoy as pure wild shit. I’m not trying to learn a lesson or see people “grow and become better people “. I wanna see just how evil some of these characters can be. How far can we push it? Whole different vibe.

Teyon Alexander

Fact of the matter is Becca wasn’t the one - up to that point anyway - who claimed Homelander R worded her. Butcher assumed that was what happened because he didn’t think she’d cheat on him. So it’s an accusation by a third party and not entirely substantiated by the video provided. You had a doubt and it was a justified one based on provided evidence. Additional evidence was needed to make an informed opinion, since butcher wasn’t present for the act.


YBRL you are just blind to two things I have already learned, flawed characters that do evil stuff and for women.


Lmao, personally Homelander carries this show for me, the acting and the way Homelander is so wild and pushes the envelope is so enjoyable

Daniel Gonzalez

While I can't quite vouch for Reva I will say some of my favorite piece of shit characters I still loved because of performance are Commodus (Gladiator) and El Capitan (Pans Labyrinth) so I can get the Homelander love he's pretty great now that I think about it


I love homelander if I’m being honest the boys for me reflects on how nobody is actually a good person because is willing to put themselves in front of others for personal gain it’s just a case of who’s worse but homelander as a whole is just absolute thing the show needs. The way his being just draws fear out of everyone who is near is the best I’ve seen in any movie or show in general

Donovan Kagy

Are you guys going to react to the doctor strange moving


yeh i just caught up and i swear homelander is one of the best characters ive seen in any show. through any anime/manga/tv never seen a character be feared this much. The boys does this idea so fucking good

Corey Hughes

I think murder is a good enough reason to have your kids taken. Visitation under safe circumstances I would still allow.