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Bitch 1

This episode pissed me off in so many ways. This is why these children have these issues because the grown folks around them can’t get off their periods. Neither Daniel or Johnny were right. Daniel doesn’t care if Miyagi-Do provokes Cobra Kai but then when Cobra Kai retaliates or strikes first suddenly Daniel gets all indignant and likes to pretend his dojo/kids are the victims especially his spoiled entitled daughter. And Johnny, more so than Daniel here, pissed me off the most. This dude has a living breathing child on the other side. He’s talking about Miyagi-Fang kicking ass with no thought for Robby? Not saying Robby would be beat/hurt because he’s been taking care of himself practically his entire life thanks to his trash parents but still. Johnny should’ve been discouraging any fight and knowing that Robby just came off telling him that his precious Miguel escalated the school fight, he should’ve came down harder on Miguel and reminded his dumbass that he’s fresh out of a wheelchair along with taking up huge consideration for Robby’s safety as well. But he’s once again shown Robby barely rates on his care list. And this dude keeps wondering why he has an angry, resentful son in Robby. Johnny expects Robby to be all smiles and I love you dad even though he’s done absolutely nothing to deserve it. People like Johnny and that’s fine but barely anyone in this fandom holds his feet to the fire about Robby. He’s 90% loved! Nothing will change the fact that he’s a deadbeat father, not even all his words to Miguel about regret. It doesn’t rectify it or fix it. Johnny puts more energy into those heart to hearts with Miguel than he does with his relationship with Robby. Johnny has to do that, give time, show Robby he actually gives a damn, make the effort, prove to him that his trust is well placed. And he barely lifts a finger from his Banquet to do it. The beer gets more of Johnny than Robby ever did. Most see Robby as the bad one(as does the show) and it’s proven by how Robby is treated in comparison to Miguel, who gets all the love, even from Robby’s own dad Johnny. Johnny spent more time rehabbing Miguel than we ever seen put toward Robby. Hell, Miguel even got Daniel in the end too, getting headbands, receiving car tutorials/driving lessons, etc. Nothing or no relationship was ever sacred for Robby. And yet you have some actually confused on why Robby has trust issues. This guy has been dealing with the letdown from early moments in his life by Shannon and Johnny. He falls in with a bad crowd of supposed friends to survive only to learn they’re not really his friends. He goes to the Larussos in revenge only to find Daniel and come to care about the family. Daniel kicks him out on his ass the minute he wasn’t perfect but Robby understands because he did lie. He goes back, the Larussos really treat him like family to the point of taking care of him, letting him live under their roof. Robby takes care of Sam after he advised her about drinking but instead of being grateful that something awful didn’t happen to drunk Sam, Daniel rips into Robby and once again throws him away like he’s nothing for the second time. I’m shocked Robby is a great as he is if I’m being honest. That kid has every reason to be angry and resentful of his parents. He deserves so much better. His life has been one big sucky chain of disappointments. He deserves genuine love and care. Not people that turn their backs the minute he missteps or isn’t perfect. That’s not how love works. Sorry for the long essay/rant. Lol. As a child of a 1 parent household growing up, I’m extra sympathetic and understanding of those children. A absentee parent is a hard pill to swallow. I wish I could feel bad for Hawk but a haircut is the least he deserves. I still say he was forgiven way too quickly. The only reason he left Cobra Kai is because he wasn’t the lead man. Let Kreese had been doting on him the same way he did Robby and Tory, Hawk would still be there.

Paulo Ricardo

Let’s not act like Robby is an innocent child just because Johnny was absent , Robby does a lot of fucked shit , and why you’re blaming Miguel for being cared and loved tf😂 ? This dude Robby was a delinquent, and he does too much sometimes, that all thing with hawk was unnecessary , but now you’re saying it’s the least he deserves because you know you’re precious Robby gave the idea to do that shit , plus his dad tried to make things up for him multiple times , yes Johnny made mistakes , but he tried , he didn’t accept it , Daniel tried too , he takes no accountability for the shit he does , and tries to act like the world is against him tf , that’s wrong too , he almost killed Miguel and the first time he saw him after the accident, he wanted to fight again . The next time he sees him , he throws little jabs " You know what happened last time we fought right " , he’s big enough to know what is right and wrong , you’re talking like he’s a fucking baby .

Donovan Kagy

I know this has nothing to do with cobra Kai but are you guys going to react to doctor strange

David Palacios

I was under the belief that Danny only wanted to teach the defensive side of Miyagi not the offence to his students

Bitch 1

No one called Robby innocent! It still doesn’t change his parents utterly failing him. Unlike a lot of viewers, I believe all of the kids do wrong but the show likes to pretend otherwise and pigeon hole certain ones in the bad category while characters like Miguel and Sam get that halo placed. Miguel started shit up with Robby in the first place as did Sam with Tory, grabbing her, entering her personal space, accusing her of stealing Amanda’s wallet.


Both Danny & Johnny are stuck in their ways & need some balance but Daniel's "I know best" attitude is super annoying & set this off. No the kids shouldn't have fought at the theater nor pulled the sprinkler prank but the root of that whole issue was the myagi do kids antagonizing a little kid named kenny who just wanted to learn how to defend himself. Ironically do to bullying by who? Danny's spoiled ass son lol. If Danny actually took the time to truly look at these situations instead of assuming he knows all & his kids can do no wrong a lot of shit could be worked out smoothly. Love yall reactions! lol

Paulo Ricardo

But that’s exactly what you’re doing , you’re making it seem like Robby’s innocent and his actions are justified just because Johnny was absent in his life , you literally said " I’m shocked Robby is as great as he is " and you’re saying that what happened to Hawk is the least he deserves , if that’s the least he deserves, what should’ve happened then ? Because all of that was Robby's idea but you didn’t point that at any moment , because Robby deserves all the love and care right , even thought, all the things he did were way worse . And about Sam and Tory , yes Sam wasn’t right for accuse Tory , but that would never happen if Tory wasn’t there stealing shit in the first place . That’s why you don’t do this type of shit , if I was in Sam's shoes I would’ve thought it was her too , but y’all always forget to point that out , y’all be acting like Sam just accused her for no reason at all , it was wrong , but her doing that shit was totally understandable, Tory was stealing shit minutes ago tf 😂

Bitch 1

If you think Cobra Kai cutting Hawk’s hair is worse than Hawk trashing a dojo, destroying Miyagi’s classic car, stealing the metal of honor, and breaking Demetri’s arm, that’s a freaking joke. And that’s not even all the bad stuff he did. I didn’t mention destroying Demetri’s school project, breaking into the Larusso house. Give me a break. Sam with Tory, it’s called minding your damn business. Sam didn’t know her. I wish some bitch would come up in my face playing Mother Angel when she barely knows me. That’s called entitlement.


Daniel definitely instigated the idea but in his defense it's all because of Terry. He's done it before so he believes his way can get through it again. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". The thing I can agree is that yes it was decisive that Danny instigated the division but because of the points I've stated before. Tried and tested methods. He could be wrong, and it might not work but you CAN understand where he is coming from. Another thing is that, once Danny instigated, Johnny didn't put points into "we should use both styles" like how Director was portraying. After Danny did his thing, I don't remember Johnny even saying we should use both sides. The only point in his defense is that he didn't instigate the division but he was more insistent on the fight. Danny for the most part before the fight, didn't want the fight to happen and Johnny was the one who was training, did the Twitter post, was enthusiastic about the fight because he just wants to get over his insecurities of the past. Danny when he realized that fighting is the only way for him to use his "tried and tested methods", "it ain't broke so don't fix it" ways then yeah he agreed and started preparing for the fight. Both have their reasons. Both aren't exactly right or wrong. Danny is definitely wrong for wanting to divide the team from a superficial standpoint without all the information. But if you have all the information then yeah it's understandable, but I wouldn't say its right. And before we go into the whole Danny not giving the information, I think he did and even if he didn't, Lee already covered it that it wouldn't register in Johnny. So yeah these are my OPINIONS


Damn it Daniel.


I hope it’s a 3 person reaction if they do watch it

Bitch 1

Viewers that love Hawk try to pretend this high schooler wasn’t purposely antagonizing a middle school kid. Even if Hawk was so called trying to help Kenny at the school, there are better ways to go about it without slamming him against the stalls. That was the first moment Hawk had to show he was trying to change from the asshole he’s been but he didn’t. And that movie theater bump wasn’t an accident. It was purposeful intimidation of Kenny. He was trying to instill fear in that kid, You can look at Hawk’s face and clearly see that was no random mistake. I’ll say what I always thought. Johnny making Eagle Fang is a joke. Nothings changed, He’s teaching the same kinda karate under a different name. Eagle Fang is nothing but Cobra Kai light.

Paulo Ricardo

Oh so you’re forgetting the fact that Robby was a fucking delinquent that stole a bunch of shit in every place he was , and was on drugs , or did you forget that he was found with Molly ? So the answer is yes , he’s way worse than Hawk . And about Sam and Tory it’s not minding your damn business when you’re stealing shit , If she was a Fucking decent girl , Sam would never accused her of something like that , Sam was wrong , but Tory had the shit coming , not being her the one who stole Amanda's wallet doesn’t make her that much better , She still stole shit lmao 😂😂

Cris H

Robby used to be a delinquent. One of the first things we saw him do was stealing a laptop from some nice guy who didn't do shit to him. Should we blame Johnny's bad parenting for that? It's easy to blame Johnny if you're going to ignore all of the scenes where Johnny was aware he was not a good father, specially the one where he explained to Miguel on the verge of tears he messed up since day 1 when he didn't show up when Robby was born. And when he tries to make things right: "you're a pathetic loser", "it must be nice to be a winner like your old pal Daniel LaRusso", "I'm better than you". I get he's angry but he's not as great as you think he is. He's a teenager, but he's mature enough and yet he makes huge mistakes and bad decisions while trying to be a good person. So is Johnny. People have done shitty things to Robby, but he has done shitty things to the rest too. Miguel apologized, showed mercy and Robby took advantage of that and put him in a coma, with a big chance of not being able to walk anymore (plus being an asshole and make Miguel remember that at the drive-in). When Daniel wanted him to turn in to the police he didn't want to, he wanted to escape (not taking responsibility of what he did is not something a "great guy" would do). He got caught, he blamed Daniel and told him he's the reason why he was in juvie (?). If he was smart enough, he would know that escaping like he planned would make things way worse and he'd sooner or later end up in juvie for a longer time. When Johnny explained to him he didn't show up because "something happened in the hospital" (Miguel's family, who blamed Johnny for what happened, trusted him one more time and asked him to pray with them) he was like "you chose Miguel over me again". Lol please... I like Robby, anyway. However, he's not "great" at all. He made huge mistakes, like the rest. If you're going to point out all the shitty things Johnny or Hawk have done but completely ignore all the things they did showing they're sorry and want to change and fix broken relationships, AND ignore all the hurtful shit Robby has done and said, that's not how it works. Regarding Tory, she has a new friend, she gets invited to a country club for the first time, and the very first thing she did is stealing from them? Please... If people accuse you of stealing is because you gave them reasons to think that. Simple.

Doctor Tots

This is all self-explanatory and explained in the writing/context of the show. No need for a wall of text on something like this


What might be self-explanatory to you, might not be self-explanatory to others hence why people interpret things differently and come to different conclusions. Second of all, even if we turn a blind eye to this fact, I don't think me wanting to express my opinion needs a "need", requirement or criteria. Anyways, I know how these types of exchanges usually end so I'm just going to leave it at that and move on

Cris H

@Molokolulush lol yeah just ignore him, he's clearly desperate for attention. Most of us are interested in other people's opinions. If he's having a hard time reading more than two lines that's his problem, not yours.

UltrA_ Ojisan

And we're back to season 1. Funny Danny wants to to take over then Johnny said no lets fight, Danny said no then Johnny said lets not fight and Danny switched ans said let . They are both wrong, Danny is stubborn while Johnny doesn't thinks things through. I love them both and i believe they will work it out before the tournament. Also hawk losing his hair is bottom of all the things that has happened to everyone else.


Ahhh, Robby fans making Robby more unlikable than he already is never gets old.


Robby has like 4 fans, but somehow they’re all absolutely unbearable.


I say this time it was all on Daniel, Johnny tried multiple times to reach a compromise. Mr. Not Miyagi, of course, didn’t let it happen. I know Johnny has done a lot of things backwards, but in this case, I’d say he had his head on pretty damn straight. Cutting off Hawk’s hair to turn him back to Eli is just classic setup for Cobra Kai’s plan to backfire in their face. Hawk is easily the most skilled teen, but his bravado and confidence always got in his way. If he reverts to Eli and has to rebuild himself on true confidence and inner-balance, what’s going to stop him? I think Eli’s only inner turmoil is due to his lack of confidence, but the other characters have more expansive issues that they can’t necessarily solve themselves. So once Hawk gets over that issue that he can fix for himself, AND he combines it with his skills (which are the best of the teens to me, maybe just behind Sam, but she lacks the physicality)… is he shaping up to be the ultimate fighter? I guess we’ll see. His only threats in the tournament are Sam, Tory, and Robby. The only one of those characters who’s mind isn’t holding them back from being the best is Sam. Sam vs Hawk for the All Valley Finals? 👀👀


Daniel and Johnny are both in wrong as usual but I will admit I thought Daniel was very annoying when I watched this season but I get his where he's coming from. As far Johnny he's the one who wanted to fight and Daniel didn't, and yes Johnny did try to break it off but it was too late he waited until the "tournament" started to try and change his mind and bro had his whole gi with him so it seems like he was ready to fight anyway. I get Sam she wants to train in both styles and that's completely fine but her disrespecting her parents isn't she really said she makes her own schedule and that she does what she wants because of Johnny meanwhile what Daniel has taught Miguel has helped him and made him more understanding(although Miguel is the most understanding character already). Can't forget that Robby is a clown he they weren't there to fight hawk when he literally just got jumped then proceed to save his hair off, how in anyway was that them getting back at myagi-fang they only attacked hawk. does Robby think that because he was in juvie for a month he's a gangster now? Sorry for the paragraph.


Just like his line with Miguel last episode, Robby seems to put himself on a pedestal that he does not deserve to be on lol. “Remember what happened last time we fought?” Yeah… you lost.


KRS1 Chris with the phone Camera for the Johnny vs Daniel fight