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God I really cant deal with sad stories. I need happiness and wholesomeness.

Anthony Nguyen

The word you're looking for is Oedipus Complex

A.J. Ramos

I’m already crying fuck, these last three episodes were hard to watch, same with the movie😭


Thank you. I wasn’t crazy. Lol. I know it sounded like it Oed·i·pus com·plex /ˈedəpəs ˌkämpleks/ nounPSYCHOANALYSIS (in Freudian theory) the complex of emotions aroused in a young child, typically around the age of four, by an unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and wish to exclude the parent of the same sex. (The term was originally applied to boys, the equivalent in girls being called the Electra complex .).


Always loved how obvious it is that Kaede is back to normal at the end, such a good job voice acting

Neo Don

Y’all are right, Kaede~chan just didn’t mind the idea of romantic love because Sakuta was her biggest supportive thing in her life and I think it’s her first person she ever started to love as an emotion. Explains why Sakuta also never disciplined her for all the times she would say flirty or sus things with him and choose to avoid or ignore it.


It's basically as if the Kaede we've gotten to know the entire show died, and now Sakuta has to deal with losing that person and Mai along with others who knew her like that have have to start all over with new Kaede.


I really hope Kaede's memories fuse because it'd break my heart if the Kaede we came to know and love throughout the show just ceases to exist. Anyways great reaction and discussion


Sakuta must definitely find a way to merge Kaede's memories. But Kaede's old and new personality are totally different, I wonder what will happen if the two personalities merge.